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    Saturday, June 12, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Will Sit-ups and Planks build a Six Pack

    Beginner Fitness: Will Sit-ups and Planks build a Six Pack

    Will Sit-ups and Planks build a Six Pack

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    Currently I'm doing: 3 sets of Sit-ups plus holding the crunch at the end for as long as possible on the second day of my PPL program.

    and Normal plank, side planks, reverse plank on day 3 of the program.

    As it's PPL, I do these twice a week so that's 12 ab exercises total. If I continue doing this, (I'm not working towards a specific time, as long as it happens eventually that's good with me) will I get a six pack. In addition, a lot of the other exercises activate the core.

    I know side planks target obliques, sit ups work the upper core but don't know much else. Are these exercises targeting the whole core or is there something missing?

    I know the classic saying is that abs are build in the kitchen but for me personally that's not the problem. I'm getting 100g of protein a day and I'm very skinny (57kg at 5'8/5'9) so if the abs were there, they would show

    submitted by /u/ReusGotzeGuerreiro
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    Can't Do Pull Ups? (Try This!)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Pull ups are hard. No one is refuting that. But don't let the difficulty discourage you. We'll show you how to train up to pull ups or chin ups.

    Video Progression Plan and Training

    Two sections here - On Bar and Off Bar exercises.

    Off Bar exercises can be done in conjunction with whichever On Bar exercise you're up to.

    Consider your Off Bar work general maintenance and development, and your On Bar stuff as your level up progression.

    Alright let's get into it then:

    Off Bar:

    Reverse Curls: Work the brachialis, the prime mover of the elbow (and a little bit of the biceps as well)

    Rows: Hammer the lats (majorly involved in pull ups) with a focus on lower lat/back.

    Lat Pull Down: Same concept here. We're developing the lats with a focus on upper lat/back.

    Inverted Row: Work a majority of the same muscular chain you'll be utilizing during a pull up, but without a majority of the weight

    On Bar:

    Progress up to these and pick one to focus on at a time.

    Negative Assist: Jump or step up (no pulling yet) and lower down over 1-3 seconds with the assistance of a partner or pull up assist band. CONTROL the lower! No Dropping!

    True Negatives: Jump or step up (no pulling yet) and lower down over 1-3 seconds this time without any help. CONTROL the lower! No Dropping! You may need to drop your rep count considerably once you transition from Negative Assists.

    Assisted Up + True Negative: Have your partner or band assist you up. Then rely on your own body weight to lower down completely with control. If you're using a band here, bend your knee on the way down to disengage the assist.

    Separate On Bar:

    Dead Hang: Shoot for as long as you can at the end of your session to build up your grip strength. No amount of pulling strength will help you get up if you can't hold on!

    Vaulter Pulls: One hand forward, one hand backwards. Take advantage of the easier chin up to train half the body for a pull up. Do these in pairs of 3 (or less) with one grip pattern. Switch early to prevent one side from over training and under training the other.

    Stay consistent with your training. Shoot for at least twice a week, ideally three times, even if you can't get on bar. This takes time. Be patient. Be consistent. Be intentional.

    submitted by /u/FitInWithUs
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    Woefully out of shape

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm 25 M, 150lbs .

    Used to be a distance runner, but now I'm pretty lethargic.

    As the title says, I'm really out of shape. I'm not fat, but if I don't watch what I eat I will start getting pudgy. My exercises pretty much just consist of 3 sets of 10 dead bugs every 2 days or so. My sleep is getting better. I eat a largely healthy diet. Lots of fruit, vegetables, lean unprocessed foods.

    My joints are also very weak. The knees hurt a lot, if I try to run or play tennis they will really hurt. My elbows will as well if I try pull ups. Not sure where to begin with all of the joint pain.

    I want to be healthy though. I want;

    -Stamina. Physical activity leaves me winded and with a racing heartbeat.

    • strength. I'm insanely weak. My arms are like pencils. I have very little core strength.

    • look nicer. Vanity. I'm embarrassed by my body. No muscle definition at all, and no strength to go with it. If I'm not careful I get pushy around the stomach. This will come from exercise, but I'm being open and honest.

    At present I dont have access to a gym

    Advice? Thoughts? Workout plans?


    submitted by /u/calguy37
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    Getting back in the exercise bike after a year; how do I avoid shin splints this time?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    I have previously used an exercise bike in the past but got shin splints as a result. With round-the-clock anxiety attacks and a heavy workload (and lack of motivation), my fitness has dropped significantly in the past year. I want to get back on the exercise bike. How often / much can I work out with it to avoid shin splints?

    submitted by /u/Paint_Her
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