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    Sunday, May 16, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Trying to increase push-ups

    Beginner Fitness: Trying to increase push-ups

    Trying to increase push-ups

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    I was searching across military fitness requirements (just out of curiosity) and saw that for the US army you have to be able to do 40 push ups in two minutes.

    I then saw a fitness guy on youtube manage 100 push-ups in two by doing sets of ten and breaking every five seconds.

    The idea is to have your body in line and go all the way down. I tried a similar attempt myself with trying to get a nose to touch the floor and took a break for ten or fifteen seconds and managed to do forty in four sets of ten.

    Is this a practical way of doing push-ups and increasing reps?

    submitted by /u/Theguy_0001
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    Groceries to buy when working out

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    I've started getting serious about working out and building my strength so I can try boxing. I did my first real arm workout today! I need to go to the grocery store tomorrow and while I'm there I'll be getting stuff such as Epsom salts and maybe some muscle balm since I'll be super sore. What are some other things I can buy that will assist me in my endeavors and make the experience a bit easier? Sorry if this is an obvious or weird question.

    submitted by /u/babybatty601
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    Looking For A Little Guidance

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    It's always fascinating to hear how someone realizes they are unfit or out of shape, isn't it? Like, what was the moment where it clicked and they realized. Not only the realization, but the want to change also. Well, here is mine.

    First off, some background details. I am 5ft 11in tall, and I currently weigh 220lbs. I pretty much live a sedentary life. Work from home on my desktop, and play games on my desktop or couch after work. This has been the norm for around 9 months now. I switched from a job where I was standing all day to sitting all day. I have never really "worked out", but I use to enjoy the occasional bicycle ride. I have recently, as of a couple weeks ago, started riding a stationary bicycle for around 30 minutes a day. I last rode about 4 days ago due to some unsavory side effects from round 2 or Moderna, but I am looking to get back into the routine today or tomorrow. Anyways, on to the story.

    Yesterday, a friend of mine was having some car issues and she asked me to take a look at it. I have some mechanical experience, and used to work in the aftermarket car part industry. She came over and we scanned the car for codes and could not find any, and the problem was intermittent, so of course it was not happening when I was around (because the universe has a sense of humor this way).

    We did some research and discovered that the problem was most likely a specific sensor, and that on this particular model, it was actually relatively easy to reach and replace. So we ordered one from our local parts store, and set about the repair.

    All in all, the repair went rather well. Jack up the car, put it on jack stands, crawl under it and replace the sensor. I ended up laying under the car on my back for around an hour and a half with my hands stretched out above me using moderate force on some bolts. Not too physically taxing, and it didn't take too long. There were a couple moments where I could feel my back pinch slightly, but I would stop putting pressure on anything and readjust my position. All in all, the repair was finished, and was a success. Car is running great.

    Cut to today. My upper body is a wreck. My neck, arms, chest, and back are all super sore. I feel like I got hit by a truck. It's primarily my neck muscles that hurt the most. Specifically on the sides and where the neck meets the shoulders. It's all so sore and hurts to move to any great degree. I must be out of shape. But I do not have to stay that way.

    So, my question to you all is, what are some good fitness or workout activities that would target these areas specifically? Also, I am in the market for a new starter routine to get a little bit of overall fitness in, so I would love any advice here. I have a stationary bicycle, jump rope, and a yoga mat at my disposal currently. Going to a gym is off the menu for a little bit until I reach full coverage with the vaccine in a couple weeks. I know the gym will be best to work on this stuff specifically, but I know there must be some things I can do in the meantime to help get into the routine/prepare. Even after, I still have some major anxiety about going to gym during a pandemic, but I am sure I can find ways to be safe and maybe a time when they are not overly busy to go.

    Also, if anyone would like to share their story, I would love to read it!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it.

    TL;DR: What are some good entry level workouts to target the neck muscles, shoulders, chest, and upper body? Also, what are some good routines or fitness advice to prepare to go the gym in a few weeks/month from now? Anything I can do from home with no equipment is a big bonus.

    submitted by /u/CheersForChanges
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    Creatine Confusion

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Hello I've been taking 5 grams of creatine a day for about 3 months now. But, I've been hearing people say that you're supposed to cycle with it. Should I just keep taking it the way I have been, or do I start to cycle with it?

    submitted by /u/jjv-strive
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