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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - September 29, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - September 29, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - September 29, 2020

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why is Swimming so much more exhausting?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    So to give some background, I'm an athlete and fitness enthusiast who trains daily:

    -Weightlifting ~5 times a week (push pull legs abs) 40min-60min

    -Running 3-4 times a week (1X HIIT, 1XIncline, 1X Tempo, 1X distance) 20-30 mins on average

    -Elliptical ~3 times a week (30-60min)

    -Swimming ~3 times a month (20-30 min)

    Now, none of the aforementioned workouts tire me as much as swimming does. I burn roughly 8-10 calories/min when I do the elliptical and roughly ~15 calories/min when I run. I'm gonna leave aside the Elliptical for the following discussion. Even though my runs are extremely intense, they never exhaust me as much as swimming does.

    To give an idea, 20 mins of swimming fatigues me as much as or probably even more than 30-45 mins of running does (even though I burn 1.5 times the calories/min while running). And honestly, I'm perplexed as to why this happens. Is it because I don't swim as much as I run? Or is it natural for swimming to be more intense and exhausting?

    So today, I swam for 20 mins and I was panting and fucking tired at the end of it, and my pace wasn't too great either (0.46miles/735m freestyle in 20 min, 2'43"/100M). Whereas, when I run, even though it's intense and the sweat makes it look like I fell into a pool of water, it's much lighter on me. To give more detail, I run at a pace of roughly 7.20-7.60 mile/km (4:30-4:45 min/km) for 3-4.5mile (5-7km) runs, but I'm never panting as much as I am after swimming.

    Is this natural (lower calorie/min for swimming and yet, it being more exhausting than any other conventional workout)? Or is it because I run so regularly and intense that swimming simply seems harder?

    I'm a 154lbs (70kg) Male

    submitted by /u/davisguc
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    Is adding exercise in addition to a 1,000 calorie deficit diet "unhealthy" if my daily intake is 1,200 calories?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    For reference: 27M/5'10"/215 lbs

    I've lost 12 pounds since July 1st strictly from eating at a calorie deficit. This week I decided to be incredibly strict with meal prepping and weighing out everything to insure a calorie intake of 1,200-1,300 during a 2-4 hour window for a 20:4 intermittent fasting routine (TDEE calculators put this at roughly a 800-1,000 calorie deficit)

    I'm posting because I'm curious on whether or not increasing this deficit by adding an hour of walking every morning before breaking my fast would cause any health issues. Let's assume for this question I have the willpower of a saint and won't binge (not claiming this, but just for this question let's pretend). If I'm getting adequate protein intake, along with vitamins and minerals, is increasing my deficit beyond 1,000 calories with exercise "healthy"?

    submitted by /u/SimplyMedical
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    Female starting UD2.0 by Lyle McDonald and have some questions

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    I'm a fit female coming off a bulk and looking to lean out. I read the UD 2.0book and need some clarification/ recommendations.

    Lyle says not to go below 1200 calories but also says to cut maintenance by half. If my maintenance is 900 cals should I cut to 900 or stick to the 1200? 900 seems very low.

    On the refeed days the carbs seem very high. He says 7-8grams per lean body mass. This seems impossible to do in a span of 24 hrs. What a more realistic number for a female?

    Any woman on here run the program and can provide some insight !! Thanks !!

    submitted by /u/mashula44
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    Clean eating cannot stop going to the bathroom. Any advice on not needing to poo so often? (Serious)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    25M / 101kg (222lbs)

    So I've recently finished my bulk up to 100kg Mark and switched back to clean diet but a few weeks into the switch and cannot stop needing to poo. It's now at the point of which if I eat I need to go.

    Diet is heavy fruit, vegetable and fish. Is there any substitutes to fruit and veg while remaining clean to prevent this from happening or will my body adjust?

    Usually a varied diet and my plan at the moment is healthiest I've ate in years.

    submitted by /u/Jimmy-Russles
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    Ghost protein?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    I've had optimum nutritions double chocolate for years now and I'm tired of the flavor. It's great but at this point, I kinda hate it because I've had it for so long. I've been looking and have seen that ghost has been popular these days. Has anyone tried their chips ahoy, cereal milk, or coffee ice cream flavors? If so, is it good or just overhyped?

    submitted by /u/lazyass427
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    How to weight out food for macros.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Hi r/fitness,

    I am trying to figure out how to weight food for macros. Do you guys weight out your food then cook it then split it equally by day. For example, would you weigh your rice for the week then split it up equally per day after cooking or do so after you have cooked the rice? I am trying to figure how to weigh out my sweet potatos, broccoli, rice and chicken.

    submitted by /u/Islesguy
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    Is it enough to hit every muscle group 1x/week?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Is it enough to hit every muscle group once a week if I have a football/soccer training 1x/w and 1x/w game? Running is exception which I do 2x/week.

    My goal would be more developed legs and lats.

    submitted by /u/princnabijelomhorsu
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    What should i do? Best way to approach this? Give me your opinion please.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    My height is 182cm-183cm. My weight is currently 95,7 KG (214 pounds) already lost 2 KG (4,4 pounds) in a week.

    I'm overweight. And i really want to lose weight and get maybe around 70-75KG but i also want to build muscles and get toned up and have a nice fit physique.

    Currently i spend around 1,5 hours - 2 hours in the gym. That's my sweet spot. I find it enough and satisfying.

    But what is the best way to approach what i want to reach? And also any tips? Like which exercise for maximum effect.

    I exercise in the early morning always and i just drink some tea and then i will go to the gym.

    submitted by /u/OktayUrsa
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    Bench press stalling. Upper lower split

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    I'm 22 years old at around 190 pounds 6ft 1 started bulking 2 days ago after taking a week off from the gym. However my bench continues to stall and even go down! I'm currently doing an upper lower split.


    I first go up in reps then weight


    Bench: 5-8 x 3

    Bent over row 8 - 12 x 3

    Incline bench or OHP 8-12 x3 (alternates)

    Lat pulldown 8-12x3

    Tri pull-down 8- 15x3

    Bicep curl - 8-15x3

    Then I do a lower day which is mostly legs + biceps at the end


    Bench 200 lb x 5 x 3 (was 6x3 1 week ago)

    Incline bench 135 x 10 x 3

    OHP 110 x 10 x 3 (very low because I hate it and I've been slacking)

    squat 315 lb x 6 x 3 (without belt)

    Hip thrust 225 x 8 x 3

    Bent over row 225 x 10 x 3 (barbell)

    Biceps 57 x 8 x 3 (each arm)

    Lat pd 175 x 8 x 3

    Tri pd 60 x 8 x 3

    My problem is that while my other lifts are increasing my bench has seems to have plateued at this weight and I sometimes even do less reps than the days before. Do I add more volume ? Change up my grip? Reps? I have long arms I suspect that might be causing some issues. I'm 185 cm with a 190- 195cm wingspan.

    Also to add to this I cut down from 220lb to 187lb prior to this and then maintained for about a month or two. During that time my lifts started going up very quickly even my bench but only my bench plateued. I've been eating a caloric surplus for only two days but my bench still seems to be lagging behind (and getting worse on some days).

    Platinum or gold for anyone who gives good advice :D

    Seems like I found my solution! Gotta get his OHP numbers up even if I hate them. From here on I'll only be giving out silvers I need to save these coins for other occasions like this haha. Hope you all have a great day!

    submitted by /u/DrCatharticDiarrhoea
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    Is there any point completing the last exercise(s) later if a workout session was cut short?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    I had to cut my workout short today, meaning that i was unable to do the last exercise of the day (hammer curls). Is there really any point to do the last exercise in 1-2 hours?

    submitted by /u/UndeniablyAFish
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    Can collagen protein fully stimulate MPS?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Can collagen protein fully stimulate MPS (muscle protein synthesis)?

    I bought Hydrolized Beef Protein because my skin can't handle whey. But I didn't know that it contained collagen protein, which is a really low-quality protein source. I usually have a protein shake for lunch, and I'm wondering whether it fully stimulates MPS?

    (I do eat complete protein sources for the rest of the day)

    submitted by /u/Naltzy
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    isnt the incline bench press (with a reasonable angle) basically just a "flatter" version of the flat bench press (because of the back arch)?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    hear me out. isnt the incline bench press (with a reasonable angle) basically just a "flatter" version of the flat bench press? its all about the arch, right? if you flat bench with an arch (as youre supposed to), it becomes a decline bench press, doesnt it? and if you incline bench with an arch, it just becomes a flat bench press?

    im asking because i just realized that the incline bench press gives me a much better overall chest stimulation compared to the flat bench press, which always leaves me a fresh chest and sore shoulders and triceps.

    submitted by /u/TheBarbellBear
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