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    Friday, June 11, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: A weak core is one of the main reasons for poor posture. That's why strengthing it may help you improve posture. There are plenty of workouts available online, but I want to share with you my low impact Isometric Workout that helps you strengthen and tone your core muscle. You can check it out.

    Beginner Fitness: A weak core is one of the main reasons for poor posture. That's why strengthing it may help you improve posture. There are plenty of workouts available online, but I want to share with you my low impact Isometric Workout that helps you strengthen and tone your core muscle. You can check it out.

    A weak core is one of the main reasons for poor posture. That's why strengthing it may help you improve posture. There are plenty of workouts available online, but I want to share with you my low impact Isometric Workout that helps you strengthen and tone your core muscle. You can check it out.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Potential AC joint injury, small pain around collarbone, need rest, but I'm scared I'll lose muscle

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Over the last two weeks I've developed an insisting pain around the clavicular head of the pectoralis major where it meets the anterior deltoid that doesn't seem to go away, it flares up when I lift my right arm up frontally or during push movements like bench press or dips.

    My doctor wasn't able to diagnose it with certainty, but she advised to rest for a couple weeks and not perform any heavy lifting that might trigger the pain, this would mean I should stop doing bench press and all the chest exercises because that's when the pain flares up mostly, and also leave shoulder and arm excercises not to put any type of stress on the joint.

    Two weeks isn't a scary amount of time, but I've looked up recovery for the AC ligament inflammation would mean I can resume bench press and dips after two months, which seems like a long time in which I could be losing muscle and strength.

    Is there anything I can do to compensate the lack of exercise and minimise the overall loss of muscle?

    I'll obviously keep training my lower body and core, cos I really don't like the idea of stopping completely, but I guess I don't really have a choice if I want the pain to go away.

    submitted by /u/AristoChrist
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