• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: If you're a beginner who exercises at home with limited equipment like dumbbells. I've made a complete list of dumbbell exercises for every muscle group. Out of those, I'm sharing with you a list of the best dumbbell lats exercises. I hope this may help you. (OC)

    Beginner Fitness: If you're a beginner who exercises at home with limited equipment like dumbbells. I've made a complete list of dumbbell exercises for every muscle group. Out of those, I'm sharing with you a list of the best dumbbell lats exercises. I hope this may help you. (OC)

    If you're a beginner who exercises at home with limited equipment like dumbbells. I've made a complete list of dumbbell exercises for every muscle group. Out of those, I'm sharing with you a list of the best dumbbell lats exercises. I hope this may help you. (OC)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    Need help building a routine!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Hey there, I'm a ~120-130 lbs person who is trying to stay healthy! I'm mostly looking for exercises I can do seated or on the floor, or very short standing ones due to a health condition where I can't stand still due to blood pooling or else I pass out :) (so my legs have to be moving or i can't be upright!) I'm quite physically fragile LOL

    The only exercise I do is 5-8 hour walks a few times a week, which is. A lot. But my legs are the only strong part of me. I'd like to do some arms and abs. I also don't own any equipment except for a mat.

    Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/azukabeans
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    Updated Program: Will this PPL Program get me a Good Aesthetic Look?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    I asked about a program a few days ago and got some very useful advice. Following that advice, I have modified and extended the program to a new PPL one. I'm about to purchase some heavier weights in order to start the program and, as they are a fair amount of money, I just wanted to be absolutely certain the program will get me the look I want (I'm aware the importance of protein, calories, sleep and a rest day once a week too but this is question is solely focused on the workouts)

    Push - Bench Press - 1 set of heavy weight, low reps for muscle strength, 1 set of lower weight, high reps for musce endurance, 1 set using a dumbbell taking each arm in turn to ensure both arms build at a similar rate. (OR should I just use 3 x Heavy weight??, the endurance aspect kind of appeals to me too but is it just a waste of time?)

    - Overhead Shoulder Press - 3 sets with heavy weight

    - Push Ups - 3 sets of varying different push ups

    Pull - 3 x Dumbbell Rows

    - 3 x Underhand Rows

    - 3 x Bicep Curls - same structure as Bench Press, one heavy weight, one lower weight and high reps and one for each arms (again is this less effective than 3 x heavy weight??)

    Legs (+Core) - 3 x Squats

    - 3 x Deadifts

    - 3 x Plank

    -3 x Sit-ups

    Regarding increasing the reps and the weights I plan to increase the reps by 1 every week (ie after two workouts) aiming to go from 5 reps to around 15 over the course of 10 weeks and then increasing the weight by around 5kg and returning to 5 reps (or more if I can do more).

    Just looking for opinions as to whether this is an effective workout plan before I invest in the weights. I specifically designed this workout for myself because I know it will suit me. I like routine and so don't want to be changing exercises and can struggle with motivation so actually getting to the gym (quite far from me and I don't drive + I usually workout at night) or doing 10+ workouts each day may be a deterrent. Essentially I'm just asking whether if I follow this program, eat a lot of calories and protein, sleep enough and have a rest day once a week, will I get a body that I would be happy to sit on a beach with and just feel confident about myself with over time?

    Thank you to anyone who has given me advice already and anyone giving further advice on this post.

    submitted by /u/ReusGotzeGuerreiro
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    Motivation and Help

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Hello Folks,

    I am 20M, 5'11", and weigh 310 pounds. I have tried working out the traditional way but constantly lose focus and motivation. I have access to a small gym close by and a full fledged university gym not too far away but I still cannot get myself to go to the gym.

    Moreover I cannot stop ordering food delivery instead of cooking. It is affecting me physically and financially.

    I am looking for folks who are or have been in a similar position to share what they did to break the cycle and finally focus on themselves.

    Thank You :)

    submitted by /u/Valar27
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    Is this reasonable?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    I was reading some where about exercise frequency and I realized that I was having an issue with it. I started off with saying I would take a walk twice a week to start and go from there. I have not been doing it.

    I have been considering saying that I will do light exercise every day. I think it will eliminate issues related to remembering frequencies and the motivation to do the task. I'm talking a 20 min walk, a 20 min yoga video, some beginner strength training to be determined and probably a one a week aerial yoga class as options. I feel like it will be better mentally so I will stop putting things off, but I want to make sure it's ok to do.

    submitted by /u/rubberducky1212
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    Sugar free ice cream in 1 minute! No cream! Dessert in 1 minute from a b...

    Posted: 08 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    This is very Healthy and Delicious Meal for Beginner Fitness so that they will receive strong Power and Inspirations for fitness training.


    submitted by /u/Beneficial-Youth-584
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    Where and how do I start?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    So I caught COVID about a month ago and that's when I found out my blood pressure was really freaking high. I'm talking 140/90 to 150/110 sometimes. I want to do something about it but I don't know where to start. All of the gyms are closed in my city so I'm guessing it's gonna be all home workout/bodyweight stuff/cardio for me. But again, I don't knot what to do first and how I'm going to 'approach' this safely. I need advice.

    Goals: - Get my blood pressure back to normal (had a checkup a week ago and the doctor said the only problem he really sees that's contributing to this is my weight and lifestyle) - Lose at least 30 lbs by the end of this year.

    Some things about me: - I have some experience in lifting but that was nearly 7 years ago. - I'm 25 and 5 feet 6 inches tall. I weigh 210 lbs. - I'm also taking meds to lower my BP so please consider that. - I have some old dumbbells lying around (5 and 10 lb ones) - I'm working a night shift btw. I start around 10PM. and I get off at 6AM.

    What do I do first? Do I start lifting weights again or do I just do cardio? How many calories should I consume in a day? Should I try intermittent fasting or something? And since I work at night, how much sleep should I be getting during the day/on weekends? What time should I eat/exercise?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/enragedturon
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    Gravity Tightening X Classic Doorway Pull Up Bar

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    Intense pain in the kneecap

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Anyone else ever had this? I think I may have got it from training legs, not sure. I only feel it in my left kneecap.

    The pain arrives when I push my leg towards my body, but when I keep it straight I dont really feel anything. Anyone else had this? Would you wait or visit a doctor?

    submitted by /u/ledomed900
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