• Breaking News

    Monday, May 24, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: A complete guide to Beginners Dumbbell Home Exercises: I've designed beginners full-body dumbbell exercises and a home workout plan. If you work out with dumbbells, this will surely help you. You can also include these exercises in your gym routine.

    Beginner Fitness: A complete guide to Beginners Dumbbell Home Exercises: I've designed beginners full-body dumbbell exercises and a home workout plan. If you work out with dumbbells, this will surely help you. You can also include these exercises in your gym routine.

    A complete guide to Beginners Dumbbell Home Exercises: I've designed beginners full-body dumbbell exercises and a home workout plan. If you work out with dumbbells, this will surely help you. You can also include these exercises in your gym routine.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Cut or bulk? New to fitness

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    Hello, I am 89kg 179cm with little muscle mass, don't know what my bf is but it's high, next week will I start with fitness what should I do first?

    If I cut first till what kg should I go? Maybe I will get some noob gains first few months but still have no mass

    If I bulk first, my BF% will go higher and if I want to cut after that I need to cut for a year maybe?

    I want to start good and don't want to waste time. Thanks

    submitted by /u/DamSon95
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    right arm takes the lead on everything

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    im unsure if my right arm is just getting stronger faster than my left but any exercise that requires two hands makes my right arm feels like it does most of the work and my left like its just there incase i need it.

    submitted by /u/Kinseed
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    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    I'm starting to get more into strength training (often in the morning) and am looking for a good pre-workout supplement (drink preferably) that has low caffeine or is caffeine free... any suggestions would be wonderful!!

    submitted by /u/literaryredhead
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    Custom vitamins

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    Just restarting my workouts after a four year hiatus (thanks, nursing school 😂)! I'm getting back into my hardcore routines and wondering which customized vitamin subscriptions y'all use. I used to buy all of my supps separately, but now I'm looking for more convenient options. I appreciate any recommendations!

    submitted by /u/Fearless_Armadillo22
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    What happens when you workout but don’t watch your diet?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    I come from multiple eating disorders (years long phases) and am currently in mental recovery for all of them including binge ED. I currently overeat at meals and snack through the day most of the time, but I don't "binge" (aka ungodly amount of calories in a short time + uncontrollable mindset) anymore. I think this is the most I can go without relapsing entirely into restriction/other behaviors and then falling back into hardcore binging again.

    Since this is what's safer for me and it's been going for months now, I've been thinking "well, I'm (slightly) overweight, 1-3kg maintaining and not really able to change my diet, should I start at least exercising?"

    The thing is that I've always hated exercise due to some traumas (and having dyspraxia doesn't help), so my cardio and everything else is shit.

    Would me working out but still eating junk most of the time give any visible result? By junk I mean, not actual fast food everyday but stuff like pasta, ham, cheese, bread, chips? (I don't eat just this everyday, and also sometimes have healthier options, but tbh it's still often. I live with other people so I don't usually have much control over what's cooked, we often make the same stuff because we suck at finding new ideas). I'll also try to include more fruits and vegetables again here and there of course but I wouldn't be focused on it at all, as I mentioned anything done "too much" will inevitably end in a restrictive relapse. That's why I'm wondering if it would still help or really not/would help but automatically reverse and not make any real progress. I know that not eating enough is not ideal for building muscle, but what about eating too much and not clean?

    I'm mostly looking to improve my health (strength and kinda cardio although I probably won't run or anything, might just walk whenever), while also toning my body as much as possible/reasonable would be with this diet. I'd try to stick to a routine of at home videos. Would anything be recommended to train most or in my case everything is pretty much equal?

    This is kinda long but I'm very lost, I hope it still made sense. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dusnood_
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    Is this a good workout to stick to?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    I found this workout on youtube and was wondering if it's a good full body workout to stick to. Let me know!

    push-up to 90 degree hold, deep pushups, triceps extensions, bent over row deadlift (dumbbells), dumbbell curls (underhand grip, hammer curls, reverse grip), Russian twists, squat lunges.

    Do 3 rounds of this.

    submitted by /u/svc05
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