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    Monday, April 12, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Fact or fiction? Doing ab workout when your fat won’t make your stomach smaller.

    Beginner Fitness: Fact or fiction? Doing ab workout when your fat won’t make your stomach smaller.

    Fact or fiction? Doing ab workout when your fat won’t make your stomach smaller.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    I am currently on a weight loss journey and have never considered doing an workouts such as planks, sit ups, etc. due to believing that it would not help my gut go down but only create muscle under the fat and make it bulge out. No idea where I got this from but I've stuck with it since I was small.

    I understand nutrition is KEY - Let's say in this case my diet is healthy and I go to the gym 5-6 days a week for about 1hr 20min.

    Thanks! Have a good week!

    submitted by /u/eddiehe101
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    If you were to choose one exercise for each muscle group what would it be?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    All things equal, what would be your one exercise for each muscle group regardless of it giving the most gains or being the best or easiest?

    submitted by /u/WombatHat42
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    So much info, but how do I line up my goals?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    Hey. So I'm trying to basically recomp my body. I'm about 5'11". Weight is usually between 191-195 depending on the day. Body fat % is around 21-22%. So I'm out of shape.

    I used to be way more out of shape. 340 at my heaviest. I'm much happier at my weight, but I'm not as happy with my stature. I'd like to be large and muscular, rather than toned. So at this point, I'm slightly less focused on my weight compared to my body fat %.

    I do IF 5 most days (some weekend days I let the leash loose.) I workout 3 days a week (M,Tu,Fri). Typically on those days, I'll skip breakfast, have a protein bar or two for lunch, and have dinner. On the days I don't workout, I just have dinner and maybe a light snack afterwards. (Usually an omelet with one egg and one or two egg whites)

    I guess my question is some guidance on a workout regime and where I should put my focus. I'm using jefit now and following a bulking routine. I'm pretty weak from losing a ton of weight by IF and not being active during that time. I don't care to be smaller than I am, but more so fill out with muscle. I do a bro split. Chest/tris, back/bis, legs/shoulders. I do abs every day I workout, and so some sort of cardio at least 2 of those days. I'm doing between 6 to 12 reps depending on the exercise. Usually 3 sets with increasing weights with a 90 second rest.

    There's so much info out there, and it's kind of overwhelming. Can I get a little guidance from here? Even if it's, "sounds good keep it up" or "huge difference if you do this.."

    Thanks so much! My goal is to just be more comfy with my shirt off during beach season. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say maybe 17-18% body fat while filling with muscle.

    Thanks for any and all advice!

    submitted by /u/RhinestoneBear88
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    Frog Moves Workout!? (This is TOUGH)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    This may seem like a joke - but this 15 minute Frog Workout will kick your butt

    We were looking at our list of workout moves and realized, there's a lot of things with "Frog" in them. Thought it would be fun to splice them all together. Turns out, it makes an awesome Total Body Workout.

    We've got a heavy target on the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Throw in some core workout, and a tricep/pec heavy upper body move and you've got yourself a great total body burn.

    Here's the moves:

    Frog Squats

    Frog Plank Jumps

    Crunchy Frogs

    Frog Push Ups

    Frog Kicks

    Frog Squat Hops

    Frog Crunches

    Frog Pose

    Keep an eye on the bottom left corner for the UP NEXT move if you're not familiar with how to do them. The little clip will give you a visual of what you need to do.

    Have fun froggin'

    submitted by /u/FitInWithUs
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    Fired up beginner looking for advice/help

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    So I just started working out for the first time since before I was in High School. To give you some information about myself/what I'm doing currently and my goals I'll lead with this: I'm a 31yr old male 6'3" and at the moment about 318.6lbs. I started to be concerned about my weight about a month ago because I was having back pain from standing too long due to my weight. I decided this was my wake up call and I need to fix this, so I started dieting about a week (almost two) ago. I started with a low carb diet that I switched slightly to a limited calorie diet with a focus on nutritional calories using the NOOM app. So far I weight myself on the 8th and was at 325 much bigger than I thought and another wake up call. Since then I weighed myself everyday while dieting and am now at 318.6 as of today. I'm proud of the progress I have made so far and yesterday managed to walk 3 miles without rest and today hit the gym since really ever. My ultimate goal (which I know will take time, probably years even) is to build muscle and strength. I don't necessarily want to look like a body builder but just be able to look good and lift incredible weights. (strong men are my absolute heroes and what I aspire to) so for now my plan is to hit the gym every other day to give my body time to rest while doing a full body strength workout and some cardio at the gym. which leads me to my first question; is this proper/do able? should I aim for more time in the gym or ease it up? also I found a workout routine online that I think would fit my goals but again I know very little and would love to know what would/wouldn't fit my goals with this regiment. essentially its, Lunges, Overhead Shoulder Press, Single Arm Dumbbell row, and Floor Press. All of which are 3 sets of 10-12 reps with a minute of rest in between sets. If you have any information/advice I could really use it! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/FatherNurgle8907
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    Effective exercise for abs

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    I wanna know effective exercise for abs

    submitted by /u/ineedaglowup2021
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