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    Bodybuilding: Daily Discussion Thread: 04/12/2021

    Bodybuilding: Daily Discussion Thread: 04/12/2021

    Daily Discussion Thread: 04/12/2021

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    8 weeks left! This prep has been so much fun to work through. Once again, thank you all for letting me share this journey with you. More details in the comments!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Chen Kang just posted on Instagram after being inactive for quite a while. Hopefully this might mean he'll compete at Olympia this year?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Mirin' Mondays

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    It's Monday and time to post your best progress pics, poses, body parts, muscle groups, or whatever. As long as it's worth mirin'. Post a pic and some stats and let the mirin' begin.

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    Few can pull it off

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Andrew Jacked places 1st in his second bodybuilding show in one week. (Wawan Championship, IFBB Elite Pro)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    Write up for my First Show (OCB, Classic Physique)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just excited to announce that I finally competed for the first time at the OCB Jack King's Classic in Winston Salem, North Carolina. The OCB is a natural bodybuilding organization, and thus I am a natty lifter. If you're interested, give the homie a follow on instagram @ Salazar.mp4

    I prepped for a total of 20 weeks, starting the day after Thanksgiving. The owner of my gym, a very established OCB pro, took me under his wing a few years ago and has been training me in preparation for this ever since, he was in charge of my diet and training and really everything.

    I placed 1st in Men's Classic Physique Novice and 1st in Men's Classic Physique Open. Assuming that I pass my drug test (which there's no reason why I shouldn't), I will be deemed a pro in the OCB. This was my first time ever stepping on stage.

    Stage Photos: https://imgur.com/a/dnj1410 These aren't professional lol, probably won't get those for a while.

    https://imgur.com/a/0aqv6Tn Posing Routine

    Starting stats were 247 lbs at 6'6" and 21 years old. Stage stats were 204-208 (I didn't weigh myself the day of, but I was bouncing around these numbers during peak week). Ideally I was going to get to 260 in preparation for the show and make this a 26 week prep, but the pandemic closed gyms for a bit so I would just gained fat if I kept eating like I was. For those who care about this stuff, all time PRs are 500 deadlift, 405x2 on squat, and 300 on bench (failed 315 like 3 times now lmao).

    Diet: I peaked at 3750 in my bulk, and was doing 40% P, 40% C, and 20% F for almost all of the bulk. Prep started at 2700 calories, and eventually went down to 2000 calories. I implemented a cheat meal every 2 weeks until I was 8 weeks out, which changed to a refeed meal until I was 4 weeks out, which just changed to me doing whatever my coach wanted on a whim. Macros started off at 40% P, 30% C, and 30% F, but eventually got down to 60% P, 20% C, 20% F before peak week.

    Cardio: 13 incline treadmill walk at 3-4 mph depending on how I was feeling. I tapered it up, until I eventually got up to 1000 calories burned before peak week on every session. I did cardio every day, but on leg day I would only do a third of what I was doing on the other days of the week.

    Training: I did a 6 PPL split designed by my coach while I was doing my three year bulk, with a heavy emphasis on high weight for compound movements and high volume for accessory movements. During prep I still trained 6 days a week, but cut my leg day down to once a week with a LOT more volume and dedicated a day just to hit my shoulders better.

    Supplements: Men's gummy multivitamin (to avoid micronutrient deficiencies), creatine until prep started (creatine!), BCAAs (recovery), caffeine (preworkout), Psyllium husk tablets (fiber)

    Peak Week: I normally drink a lot of water by default, I was easily doing 3-4 gallons. The Saturday and Sunday before peak week I pushed myself to 5 gallons of water (which SUCKED). Monday and Tuesday were 0 carb days in order to deplete myself from glycogen, and Wednesday-Friday were carb loading days. We experimented with different carbs with me throughout prep just to see what my body responded best with, and we settled on bagels. So, my diet those days were bagels, rice cakes with honey, and a bit of egg whites. The day of the show I did 1 bagel in the morning, rice cakes with honey, and half a pop tart.

    I also started doing a vitamin C load, taking dandelion extract, and using preparation h wraps before going to bed, all in an effort to suck out more and more water.

    Monday: 300P, 10C, 80F + 4 gallons water

    Tuesday: 300P, 10C, 80F +2 gallons water

    Wednesday: 155P, 525 C, 35F + 3000mg Vitamin C + 1 gallons water+4500 mg dandelion extract

    Thursday: 155P, 525 C, 35F + 6000mg Vitamin C + .5 gallons water+4500 mg dandelion extract

    Friday: 155P, 525 C, 35F + 9000mg Vitamin C + .25 gallons water+4500 mg dandelion extract

    Saturday: Comp Day

    Take-aways: Honestly, the whole time I was just grateful to consider myself at a point where I feel like I could just step on stage and not make a fool of myself. The goal was never a pro card, even though getting one would have been awesome, it was just to not fuck up and lose because of my own mistakes. Overall, I wish my competition would have been a little more fierce, but the other two guys were still awesome. I was WAY too excited with my posing in mandatories. I was moving around way too much to show the judges everything and started off a little too hastily. In my opinion, I probably should have prepped for another 2 weeks. Looking at my physique, I needed a lot more lats, lower back development, hamstrings, quads, calves, and traps. Judges after the show basically told me that I look awesome for my age and height, but if I want to be competitive in the future I need to put on like 20 more pounds of muscle, and really focus on my back and hamstrings, which I completely agree with.

    Long Term Goals: Do power building for a few years in order to slow slow slow bulk to where I need to be, and eventually return and win another amateur show and then try to make a name for myself in the pro world.

    If you guys have any questions please feel free to ask. Threads like these have always been extremely helpful and I'm just grateful that I'm in the position that I can finally help others. I will answer all questions, so go for it. I would also love to hear critiques and any advice from others.

    I would also finally love a star rating if that's cool :)

    submitted by /u/MuscleBoner69
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    Nick Walker's legs close up. I don't see how he doesn't lose points for this. Maybe get em corrected after this show?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    Daily Discussion Thread: 04/11/2021

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    4 weeks out update (women’s figure natural comp); sped up posing practice video from this morning. Holding steady at 100-101 lbs, 37, 4’9.5” . Eating around 1120 cals/120P/95C/30F

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Shit on Me Sunday

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Weekly physique critique thread for feedback and helpful criticism

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    2&5 Weeks Out. First one is a warm up for the main comp in 5 weeks.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:16 AM PDT

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