• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: No Repeat, Low Impact Full Body Workout - A great workout if you are looking for a no noise workout (because living in an apartment) or you are just getting started in your fitness journey! We go through 20 exercises in 20 minutes.

    Beginner Fitness: No Repeat, Low Impact Full Body Workout - A great workout if you are looking for a no noise workout (because living in an apartment) or you are just getting started in your fitness journey! We go through 20 exercises in 20 minutes.

    No Repeat, Low Impact Full Body Workout - A great workout if you are looking for a no noise workout (because living in an apartment) or you are just getting started in your fitness journey! We go through 20 exercises in 20 minutes.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:53 PM PST


    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 02:58 PM PST

    Hey guys I'ma male 5'5 145 pounds. My arms are super skinny but my stomach is nothing but fat it's weird and annoying. I'm trying to start get into shape so I can join the military and not struggle with anything during basic training. I've talked to some of my friends who are into working out heavy and have heard mixed things wether to not start weight lifting until I lose my stomach by mainly doing cardio then start from the ground up and then others are saying to just bulk up build muscle then start focusing on losing my stomach after because if I were to cut now I would look super skinny. Advice needed ASAP please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/whitikar12
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    Fire hydrants glute workout

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Am I supposed to feel this workout in my thighs, cause that's where I'm feeling it. If I'm not what am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Khaleesi111992
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    It has been Freezing cold this week, curl up and hunched forward to keep warm that could result to a tight and stiff chest, upper back and shoulders. This is a gentle slow pace 30 minute Pilates for Better Posture, easy to follow along to ease the stiffness away.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 10:17 AM PST

    Gentle Beginner's Pilates For Better Posture

    Let's Further progress our flexibility with this gentle stretch program for anyone suffering from neck, upper back, shoulders, chest tightness and stiffness after prolonged sitting at work, great at then end of the day and if you are short in time even for 10 minutes a day . This is a gentle program for anyone with Costochondritis, mild kyphosis or even scoliosis, to balance any stiffness and tightness away, relieving any pressure and pain on your tight chest, neck, upper back and thoracic spine. . A slow , gentle, best stretch program, Dynamic Stretching For Best Flexibility. This a 30 minutes Pilates focusing on your posture, starting in cross legged position, transitioning to long sitting, then all fours, on your stomach then finally ending the routine on your back , capturing all the essence of lengthening and strengthening your overall posture, releasing all the stiffness and tightness away. This Gentle slow pace routine will restore and recover well and it will focus releasing all the tension, stiffness and aches from the days we have been moving and strengthening our overall body especially during this cold winter months. And restoration is very important to fully perform well and to strengthen and lengthen out spine, and limbs with challenging our core and warming up with a gentle Pilates program. : In this routine, you will start engaging the core, moving the shoulders, upper back, deep scapular muscles, and gently stretch out extremities safely. It is important to keep back in neutral spine even during the stretching part of the program. It is imperative to maintain proper breathwork, deep breathing, engaging the core while in neutral spine even in side lying position on your forearm, elbow . The cool down will be lying on your back, to stretch gently. It is very essential to do it correctly. Proper breathwork is truly a breathing practice in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional or physical state, with a claimed therapeutic effects .

    If this is your first time, try this gentle Yoga for chest relief ⏩ https://youtu.be/mvGzbJVkO1A

    submitted by /u/annie-pilates
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    My core does not activate even on deadbugs. Any last resort tips for core activation?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 07:32 AM PST

    I've tried deadbugs, crunches, ab wheel, knee raises, etc etc, but i simply cannot activate my core. Is there any machine or secrets that does not require conscious activation?

    submitted by /u/Prince-Cola
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    Playlist of 5 Minute Stretches for Beginners - Easy stretches for stiff necks, shoulders, quads, hips, wrists etc

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:21 AM PST

    This yoga for energy is something that is going to wake up and warm up the whole body. This yoga practice stretches, strengthens the back muscles, and energies the body, prepares you to be a warrior the entire day for your daily routine.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 04:28 AM PST

    7 MIN FULL BODY TONING WORKOUT | At Home & No Equipment

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 02:01 AM PST

    This is a 7 minute no equipment toning workout at home - fast and fun! Any feedback would be great.


    submitted by /u/RinaChoice
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