• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    Bodybuilding: Daily Discussion Thread: 02/17/2021

    Bodybuilding: Daily Discussion Thread: 02/17/2021

    Daily Discussion Thread: 02/17/2021

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:00 AM PST

    Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    Weakpoint Wednesday: Maintenance

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Welcome back to Weakpoint Wednesdays!

    We have a user request this week. Sometimes life gets busy and you have to put bodybuilding on the backburner. Tell us about how you went about diet and training to at least maintain what you could during that time. The credentials rule still applies, nobody is impressed you maintained 20%+ bodyfat or 150lbs of noob muscle.

    Please read the new rule before posting!

    The main rule for these weekly threads will be that if you do not post photo credentials, you are not to give advice or coaching to those seeking help.

    If you are offering any advice to people in the comment section, credentials must be posted. 1st offense is a warning and a 2nd offense is a ban.

    Thank you for joining us in these threads again!

    submitted by /u/iSkeezy
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    Mandatory Pose Wednesday - Quarter Turns

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:21 AM PST

    Welcome back everyone to Mandatory Pose Wednesday! We have a new rule so please make sure to read them!

    The main rule for these weekly threads will be that if you are not a verified competitor, you are not to give advice or coaching to those seeking help.

    How does one become a verified competitor? Send a modmail with your stage shots and we will work with you to get you verified. Verified competitors will have their flair adjusted for easy identification. Most will get "Verified Competitor ✅" and those who already have custom flair will get ✅ added to it. We will try to verify some of you ahead of time based on the more active known competitors in the sub but this is a call to service for those members in the sub to give trustworthy advice in these threads.

    Those who are not verified competitors will be warned once in these threads if they are giving advice or coaching followed by a ban from those threads. Feel free to continue to give advice in the daily discussion but these threads will be for coaching from verified competitors only.

    Were hitting Quarter Turns.

    The Quarter Turns consist of a series of 4 poses; the front relaxed pose, the rear relaxed pose, and 2 side poses (left and right). Please note that there is nothing relaxing about performing these poses!


    1) Starting from the bottom up, feet together and squish your back leg into your facing hamstring to try and "pop" it out. You can play with the positioning of the feet a little bit, as long as it is discreet and not super obvious or exaggerated you can have the toe or heel pointed out slightly to show more of either the quad or hamstring. Straighten your legs, whether or not you lock out your knee is individual, just pay attention to what it does to the definition and lines in your leg as well as thickness. Keep your hips and eyes facing straight ahead.

    2) Scoop your rear chest with your shoulder and bicep just like you would for the side chest pose, and rotate your upper body slightly towards the judges. Your front hand should be positioned around the belly button area. Try to bring the front arm behind you. Be careful not to cover up the physique with the arm, try and bring it to the outside of your glutes.

    Front and Back

    3) The feet are approximately shoulder width apart. Toes are pointed outwards, and knees are pushed outwards over the toes to activate the quad sweep. Stick your bum out slightly and squeeze the Glutes. Now if you perform a lat spread and when you get it, just let your arms come off your body and hang at the sides, that is pretty much a Relaxed Pose.

    4) The sequence is generally called out in a clockwise fashion. Front relaxed pose, quarter turn to the right, quarter turn to the back (rear relaxed pose), quarter turn to the right (side facing stage right), and quarter turn to the front again. It is a good idea to master all of these poses for when the other mandatories are being called as well. It looks more professional and polished to hit a relaxed pose or quarter turn (depending on which way you are facing) in between call outs than to just stand there and let your physique sag. For example, the head judge will call out "face the rear of the stage", you turn around and BAM hit a rear relaxed pose. Then the judge will call "back double biceps" or "rear lat" or whatever they want. So you just transition from a relaxed pose into whatever has been requested, but you are always flexing, always posing.


    Side Relaxed

    Front Relaxed

    Rear Relaxed

    What we're here for:

    Critique the pose, not the poser

    Everybody is welcome to participate, this aint mirin mondays so dont worry about the status of your bulk or cut. We here to improve

    Every pose can be hit in more than one fashion. Individual criticisms tailored to the posters physique are absolutely welcome!

    submitted by /u/iSkeezy
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    Blessing Awodibu's back looking SOLID at 13 weeks out. Practicing posing with Kai Greene.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:18 AM PST

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