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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: My Advice for People who want to lose weight

    Beginner Fitness: My Advice for People who want to lose weight

    My Advice for People who want to lose weight

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:53 PM PST

    If you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, you should not focus on the weight you are trying to lose, but on the habits you need to change in order to lose the weight.

    Remember, weight gain not the real problem, weight gain is only the symptom, the real problem is your daily habitual behaviors and that is what you should be focusing on!

    Also don't try to change all your bad habits at once, work on changing one at a time.

    submitted by /u/Live-Your-Way-Thin
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    Help w sets x reps

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:15 PM PST

    I started lifting about a month ago and im learning as i go. Ive played soccer my whole life (im 19 5'11 175) so my main goal here is to put on some weight and try to look bigger but i need help w my sets x reps. How many sets should i be doing per muscle group a week. Ik that if i do too many it kills the gains and if i dont do enough i miss out on some gains so pls help lmao

    submitted by /u/Donrobbie19
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    How did you develop a routine?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:43 PM PST

    Hi there! I've been a "gym rat" in my past but now that I work a 9-5, I just can't develop a routine I can stick to. If I try to go in the morning, I just wind up sleeping in. I don't have time at lunch. And I have a LOT of weight to lose so I try to go at night but I'm either too tired or too self-conscious. (Can you tell I'm great at excuses?)

    So, how did you develop a routine? What works best for you?

    Signed, Discouraged

    submitted by /u/_ellgee
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    10 minute Strong ABS Yoga at home

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:32 AM PST

    This is Day 21 of my 30 Day Abs Challenge. Feel free to check out the rest of the series on my youtube channel if you're interested in learning some new abs routines! Good luck!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:54 PM PST

    Do I need to be worried ?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Recently I (21) signed up for a gym in my neigborhood to train with a PT to mainly lose weight and get in shape of course. My height is 181 centimeters and I weigh approximately 105 kilograms. At my first two days at the gym, I was instructed to start with cardio so I used the treadmill, eliptical trainer and the spin bike. At first I would become breathless, even at a moderate tempo, after a couple minutes of jogging ( I also have insuline resistance which could be the reason why I felt so exhausted and weak) but I noticed that my body started to get used to it after a while. Yesterday my PT wanted me to warm up for ten minutes on the treadmill and decided that it was time to start weightlifting by working on my legs first. I'm not very familiar with weightlifting machine names but I worked out with a device which looked like a beginner friendly smith machine. I placed my head and shoulders between the lifting mechanism and kept squatting for four sets. After that I moved on to leg extension machines and completed the same amount of sets. Even lifting ten kilos at those devices felt like I'm too weak to do this. I barely climbed up the stairs to my apartment after I left the gym and my legs feel very tense since. I'm also having a hard time standing up from where I sit ( It's not like I can't maintain physical activity but I can't move suddenly). Even just walking around in my house is something that I can do only with small steps right now. I expected to feel pain at the first weeks but I'm worried that it might be something else too.

    submitted by /u/ertgrs
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    AGL LADDER Training

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Agility Ladder is one of the best forms of Cardio, which you can do, it's great for:

    - Agility

    - Speed

    - Quickness / Reaction time

    - Heart Health

    - Burn calories

    - Endurance training

    It's not just another boring cardio, more on it in this video.

    submitted by /u/JiXable
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    Have some questions

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Hi! First post here. I've recently just had a lot of motive to get in shape the past week and thought I'd ask my questions about it. Right now I'm 15 almost 16, male, 5'8, and 168 lbs(mostly just in belly fat). I dont necessarily look overweight, but you can sorta tell. I would like to know what a good plan would be. Would it be smart to start on a diet now to lose weight(2000 calories a day and healthy eating) as i plan to start really working out early april (I'm getting a bench). Should I just mildly exercise (running, lifting mild weights, shadowboxing, ect.) For now until I get a bench? long story short, would it be good to ear 2k calories a day, mildly work out as mentioned, then start really working out? (Obv would change diet when I start really working out) Thanks! P.S. sorry if this sounded confusing I apologize.

    submitted by /u/gary_the_puma
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    How to bulk up at home as a beginner

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:43 AM PST

    I would love to start getting serious about my fitness, I've been reasonably lucky I have a high metabolism, 14% body fat, 11st 7lbs, reasonably active prior to UK lockdown doing ballet, gym classes etc. However, I have always wanted to bulk up to a more toned up version of myself. However, I struggle to find any advice on the internet that isn't full of jargon, about weight loss or outlines for a complete beginner. I am terrified of going into an actual gym and have awful gym anxiety so I feel as a jumping off point maybe starting at home would be a great first step. Is there any online resources ive missed for types of equipment I should invest in, beginner workouts, nutrition etc I should start with. any help and advice would be extremely welcomed as ive wanted this for as long as I can remember and just had no idea how to do it and I really want to get started.

    submitted by /u/rm230194
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    15 minute Beginner Pilates and Yoga Daily Routine for a Full Body Stretch for tight Hips , Thighs , Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief .

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:30 AM PST

    15 minute Beginner Pilates and Yoga Daily Routine Full Body Stretch

    Back and Hip Stiffness and Tightness? This is a combo of Pilates and Yoga, 15 minute gentle Beginner Friendly Daily Routine for a Full Body Stretch.

    Let's Further progress our flexibility with this gentle stretch program for anyone suffering from back and hip tightness and stiffness after prolonged sitting at work, great at then end of the day. A slow , gentle, best stretch program, Dynamic Stretching For Best Flexibility. This an 18 minutes Pilates and Yoga Fusion routine to restore and recover well and it will focus releasing all the tension, stiffness and aches from the days we have been moving and strengthening our overall body. And restoration is very important to fully perform well and to strengthen and lengthen out spine, and limbs with challenging our core and warming up with a gentle Pilates program.

    In this routine, you will start engaging the core, moving the hips and gently stretch out extremities safely. It is important to keep back in neutral spine even during the stretching part of the program. It is imperative to maintain proper breathwork, deep breathing, engaging the core while in neutral spine even in side lying position on your forearm, elbow . The cool down will be lying on your back, to stretch gently. It is very essential to do it correctly. Proper breathwork is truly a breathing practice in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional or physical state, with a claimed therapeutic effects .

    15 minute Beginner Pilates and Yoga Daily Routine Full Body Stretch is gentle and effective for any beginners, however , If this is too difficult and you are short in time, here is a 10 minute program to try ⏩ https://youtu.be/io6dVjBUv9c

    submitted by /u/annie-pilates
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