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    Beginner Fitness: How to choose a program here?

    Beginner Fitness: How to choose a program here?

    How to choose a program here?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    A level up fitness program recommendations?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:49 AM PDT


    I have been trying to get into a fitness program, but I'm not having much luck finding one to hold my interest. I've tried a few YouTube videos and have found some I like, but not enough to keep at it. I also feel a bit confused as to what type of exercises to do next and in what order. I'm looking for a program or something that has some, most, or all of the following features:

    • Level up system. Starts at the beginner level and then gets harder automatically as you go on.
    • Shows progress of workouts and has a record of how often/long you workout.
    • Has completion "rewards" or badges or something of the sort.
    • Variety of workouts

    If anyone has anything they really like or something they think I would like based on these things I mentioned, please let me know.


    submitted by /u/LeLovelyLady
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    In desperate need of motivation!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    As the title says, i'm (23F) incredibly desperate for motivation to lose weight, get fit & be healthier. Before we start, I should probably mention i'm a chef and i work full time.

    I've always been up and down with my weight for as long as I can remember. I've tried calorie counting; I lost loads of weight but then grew into an addiction of counting and i was probably on the borderline of an eating disorder. I've tried slimming world, and again, slowly put all the weight, and more, back on. Im now stuck in a rut as i just don't have the motivation to get going again. There's too many things that tempt me (mainly chocolate), and i just don't have the willpower to say no. With it coming up to Christmas, i need as much willpower as i can get.

    In regards to fitness, i've always loved running, and usually do it around 3 times a week, but earlier this year i had an injury to my foot which has made it really difficult for me to get back into it properly. I love Zumba too, but again, cardio based workouts are a struggle to me. I can still do them, and I still enjoy them, but not to the best of my ability.

    Something that should spur me on is my fiancé. He (23M) has never been one for working out and eating healthy. But recently he's just started with a small set of weights, and a few sit ups here and there, and he's loving it. I can really see the difference in him both physically and mentally. I just wish I had some of his motivation.

    Idk what the point of this post is. I guess I just want some general advice and help to get me started again. I'm going at this as if i'm a complete beginner, so I don't overwhelm myself as this would most likely put me off more. Are there any workouts you'd recommend? Any foods / meals that you love? Anything you wish you knew when you started your fitness journey? Any motivational quotes that have helped you?

    submitted by /u/thelifeofrebecca
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    A question about set/reps

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    N00b here looking to get abit stronger.. I am going to go for the FRANKOMAN'S DUMBBELL ONLY SPLIT workout link: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/frankoman-dumbbell-only-split.html and have a couple of questions which will probably be easy for most of you to answer:

    1. Where it says the number of sets and reps per exercise, if we take the first exercise as an example "Incline Dumbbell Bench Press" it says 4 sets then 12,10,10,8 reps.. would the first set be 12 reps then second set 10, third 10 and fourth 8? or to do a set do I complete all the reps added together?
    2. I did briefly try this routine before but my weights were to heavy, is it better to lift weights I can actually lift or jus try to push through with heavy ones? problem is I couldn't complete the workout with the heavy ones. I have 8KG dumbbells and 10KG dumbbells, whilst I can lift the 10s I just cant complete this workout with them but probably would be fine with the 8Kgs.
    submitted by /u/G_H_O_S_T-
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