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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - October 25, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - October 25, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - October 25, 2020

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The term "listen your body" is very vague and open to interpretation so can you "listen to your body" effectively?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    To give you a bit of context - Yesterday, I was possessed to go to the gym but my body and mind felt off. No matter how much I tried to push through it, my body and mind felt weak, fragile, tired and depleted.

    This was a higher level of tiredness than the usual fatigue, as though it almost felt like I was feeling sick.

    Then I looked back in my program - I have only been going through it for 4 weeks but the program is a bit intense - 4 days a week, at least 3 HIIT sessions and 2 strength sessions while also in a calorie deficit.

    I manage to push through them but I realised that puts a lot of strain on my body and mind even though I also take recovery as a priority as well.

    And for the first time in a long time, I decided to delve deep into my mind and think deep on why I wanted to go to the gym and the answer was not very clear.

    So I listened to my body as much as I could.

    I felt like a lot of intuition was involved even though the tiredness was starting to feel a lot like self-persuasion to quit or skip the workout because it was the easier option.

    Eventually, I decided to rest for a week and allow it for go for a deload while at the same time, I will reflect as to why I want to go to the gym instead of dragging myself to the gym every single time training day happens.

    EXTRA NOTE - Coming from a background of OCD and a previous eating disorder, this decision may very hard to do. It took a lot of self-convincing but I think I made the right choice for the sake of my personal health and I think that the whole mentality of "PUSH! PUSH! PUSH!" in fitness can be toxic to some extent so I felt a break was necessary for me

    I feel guilty and ashamed for doing this but I felt that I had to do it for the sake of my own sanity and well-being. It feels like a loss but it is a win deep down.

    Yet at the same time, the whole idea of "listening to my body" is somewhat vague.

    At first, I thought that it is an easy trap to fall to whatever your body might say or crave because it is the easy option. But knowing myself enough (or at least, I think I do), I wanted to avoid that feeling and delve deeper into my own soul and listen to what my psyche and body were telling me and after thinking through it with as much as reason as I can, my conclusion was that my body was really telling me that I need to rest.

    But given that the body and mind is always in flux and some feelings can be conjured for all sorts of reasons, I wonder to what limit can the term "listen to your body" help you.

    You are your own doctor, as they say but I am not sure if there is a limit to that phrase

    submitted by /u/sammyjamez
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    The dip dilemma

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    How do you most effectively target the chest during dips? (This is not a beginner question: keep reading)

    Almost every fitness expert on youtube says to do dips with legs behind you and leaning forward to target chest and legs in front to target triceps.

    For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN6Q1UI_xkE

    Alternatively "Gironda dips" require you to keep your legs forward to get a deeper stretch and total pec activation.

    See this example at 2:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHUx3kQn9aI

    When your legs are in front of you, it lets you sink a little bit deeper giving a greater stretch on your pecs without hurting your shoulders as much. Should this be better for chest gains then?

    Anecdotally, after trying out the gironda version after a year of doing the legs behind you version I found that the gironda version is able to consistently give me a full chest pump (including upper chest) where as the other version gives me a front delt and lower chest pump. I know pump isn't a measure of effectiveness but when comparing variations of the same exercise it might be providing some insight as to which area of muscle is the focus of each variation.

    Can anyone confirm my findings or offer any insight as to which one is the best for chest?

    submitted by /u/DiscoButterfly
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    Some form of exercise every day

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    From previous posts, I know that you shouldnt work out the same muscle group every day, but I am wondering if this is different for fitness that isnt weigth lifting.

    I want to stretch every day, do calistenics or full body workouts every other day and dance on the days I dont do calistenics or full body workouts.

    Is it okay to workout 6 days a week, breaking it down like this: stretching on all 6 and alternating between calistenics and dance?

    submitted by /u/M-02
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    Victory Sunday

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Victory Sunday Thread

    It is Sunday, 6:00 am here in the eastern half of Hyder, Alaska. It's time to ask yourself: What was the one, best thing you did on behalf of your fitness this week? What was your Fitness Victory?

    We want to hear about it!

    So let's hear your fitness Victory this week! Don't forget to upvote your favorite Victories!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    nSun 6 day DL LP feels to easy, how do I crank it up a notch?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:20 AM PDT


    So currently I'm at week 11 doing nSuns 6 day deadlift variant, and I can't help but to feel like the total volume I get in during each workout is a bit low, as I never feel close to exhausted after any session. At best I feel slightly sore for about an hour or two after the session.

    So my question is basically; What would be the best way to increase the intensity / total volume / rate of exhaustion without decreasing the power output of the T1 / T2 lifts?

    My TM's for the lifts are ( LBS / KG )
    Squat 242 / 110
    Bench 253 / 115
    Deadlift 380 / 172.5
    Press 148 / 67.5

    I don't increase the weight of the accessories unless I can complete 4 x 12.

    I'm doing a 2 minute rest between the sets of my T1 / T2 lifts and 1 minute rest between my accessories.

    I'm thinking about starting to superset some of the exercises so that I can add more exercises in the 2h time span I have allocated for the sessions.

    Currently I'm doing the following accessories;

    High Cable Flys 4 x 12
    Cable Cross Lat Pulldown 4 x 12
    Low Cable Flys 4 x 12
    Face pulls 4 x 12
    Lat DB Raise 4 x 12
    Front DB Raise 4 x 12
    Shrugs 4 x 12
    EZ Bar Curls 4 x 12
    Triceps Rope Extension 4 x 12
    Chinups 4 x AMRAP
    Pushup 4 x AMRAP

    Dragon flag 4 x 12 / AMRAP
    Shrugs 4 x 12
    Pullup 4 x AMRAP
    Leg ext 4 x 12
    Prone leg curl 4 x 12
    Adductor 4 x 12
    Abductor 4 x 12
    Hanging leg raise 4 x AMRAP
    Zercher Good mornings 4 x 12

    Behind head OHP 4 x 12
    High Cable Flys 4 x 12
    Cable Cross Lat Pulldown 4 x 12
    Lat DB Raise 4 x 12
    Front DB Raise 4 x 12
    Face pulls 4 x 12
    Face pulls 4 x 12
    Chinups 4 x AMRAP
    Pushup 4 x AMRAP

    Dragon flag 4 x 12 / AMRAP
    Shrugs 4 x 12
    Pullup 4 x AMRAP
    Leg ext 4 x 12
    Prone leg curl 4 x 12
    Adductor 4 x 12
    Abductor 4 x 12
    Hanging leg raise 4 x AMRAP
    Zercher Good mornings 4 x 12

    High Cable Flys 4 x 12
    Cable Cross Lat Pulldown 4 x 12
    Low Cable Flys 4 x 12
    Face pulls 4 x 12
    Lat DB Raise 4 x 12
    Front DB Raise 4 x 12
    Shrugs 4 x 12
    EZ Bar Curls 4 x 12
    Triceps Rope Extension 4 x 12
    Chinups 4 x AMRAP
    Pushup 4 x AMRAP

    Rack Pull waves ( reps x weight LBS / KG ) 3 > 3.5 > 4 min rest between reps in waves.
    3 2 1 x 485 507 530 / 220 230 240
    3 2 1 x 507 530 551 / 230 240 250
    3 2 1 x 530 551 573 / 240 250 260

    submitted by /u/iFluffee
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    How common is it for a beginner lifter to reach 315X5 squats on high bar.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Just curious about how new lifters find progressing in the squat. Do/Did you find progressing in high bar kind of tedious and slow? Coaches and experienced lifters of reddit, how commonly do you come across high bar squatters reaching 315 doing ONLY high bar?

    submitted by /u/elslyknight
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    Dips Shoulder problem

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    When I first start my sets of dips 3*10 RPE 8-9 my right shoulder sometimes when I start my set hurts and I basically have to work it in (keep in mind this is my third exercise in my compound movement push workout) for a rep or two before I can start going down for a full RoM. Any ideas as to why or if this is problem? After I don't have any other problem with it.

    If you have any other questions, let me know I know this post is kind of bad.

    submitted by /u/Legendary_WASADO
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