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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 21, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 21, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 21, 2020

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Started running, feet muscles hurt

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I started running (CouchTo5k) again and right away remembered why I always hated running. Maybe after only 100 meters the bottom of both feet start hurting, the muscle parts. Like burning. It goes away in few minutes after I stop running. Is it just some beginner pains or is there something wrong with my feet or shoes? I don't have any problems in everyday life or with walking.

    submitted by /u/tubbana
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    Bodyweight recommended routine volume Vs volume other recommended full body routines

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    It seems like the recommended routine from /r/bodyweight has a lot of volume. It's 3x a week and every session include one vertical push and pull, one horizontal push and pull, one squat and one hinge movement. All recommended full body routines here have about half this volume. Where you do, for example, only a horizontal push (bench press) on day B in a 3x per week program. Why is it that it is recommended for bodyweight to do so much more volume? Do you recover quicker from bodyweight exercises?

    submitted by /u/hidde-30
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    Core work

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Hey there! Does anyone have any tips in regards to core work and relieving back ache whilst doing it? Not sure if my back aches because my core is too weak? Thank you

    submitted by /u/LoveFromLydiaxo
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    I've been trying do do more glute Exercises like squats and donkey kicks, but i've been feeling it more in my thighs. Am I doing something wrong or is this Supposed to happen?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    I've Been Trying Do Do More Glute Exercises Like Squats And Donkey Kicks, But I've Been Feeling It More In My Thighs. I've been working on my form doing them, but I feel the same way. Is it not supposed to be like lifting weights were you feel sore most on the muscles getting exercised, or am I doing the wrong exercises?

    Also if anybody has some better suggestions I'd be happy to take them

    submitted by /u/lobsterboy
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    Other than increasing reps/weight how can you switch up a workout routine once your body has adapted?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Basically my current routine is a mix of hiit, cardio and weight/strength training usually do an hour a day 4-5 days a week (just beginning week 3 of this routine) . Im fairly new to working out consistently usually do T25 for around 5 weeks then give up but recently I've stuck to it but am not seeing amazing results on month 3. So I've just switched to this new routine and have noticed a massive improvement in my strength already. Will probably continue with this routine for another 3-5 weeks depending how it goes and I'm already thinking about how to step it up when I get to the 6 week mark. I'm doing workouts using the NTC app with some modifiers but hope to be modifier free by then end week 5.

    How do you guys usually make a routine more challenging when your body gets used to it?

    submitted by /u/Blahvocado
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    How Can I Properly and Efficiently Grow My Chest?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Sorry this is typed on mobile so apologies if there are formatting issues.

    Before lockdowns in March, I was hitting the gym doing a 4 day a week push and pull split for about 5-6 months. Trying to build size so I was on a caloric surplus. Although I did see growth in my chest, it always seemed to be on the outer portion. A way to describe it would be that it looks more like a valley, than a canyon. (If that makes sense). You can barely see the "corner" where the chest meets the sternum. While I realize that there is no such thing as a "inner chest" muscle. Has anyone dealt with this problem? Is it improper training? Is it just over time it will grow? Is it a body fat issue? (I'm 6'3 and 186lbs, probably around 12-15% body fat, I'm lanky, can't see a 6 pack but not fat either) If anyone can help that'd be great, I'm gonna be back in a proper gym in 2 weeks time and wanna be ready to tackle it properly. Here's my workout plan that my volleyball coach helped me with and please lmk if y'all think anything needs changing, critique is highly welcomed. Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12-k-dFuQ06tWKtYxDO2g6Tz1UiRb1Woqvu0maM1F_as/edit

    submitted by /u/thiccmegamind69
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    Achilles tendon sore after running?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Both of my Achilles' tendons have been super sore lately and hurt pretty bad, I've been jogging more, could this cause it? Like light jogging, not even running? Weird...

    submitted by /u/SKR0710
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    Cluster sets training

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:54 AM PDT


    I've been lifting for some years now, i have a decent physique even though i can still make progress.

    I've been experiencing a new routine, and i have a question.

    It's a 4 day classic body part split.

    The particularity is this one (it's an example) :

    Instead of aiming for 4 sets of 10 for let's say bench press, i choose a weight i can do at least for 8 reps for the first set.

    Then, with this same weight, i do cluster sets until I get to 40 reps.

    What does it mean? Usually i wait 30 seconds to 2minutes, then do maybe 4-8 reps (i stop before failure each mini set). I rest again, i do maybe 4 reps more. I wait again. 5 reps more.. etc etc... until i arrive to 40 reps.

    The week after, i try to do 9 reps with that same weight for the first set, then go to 40 reps.

    When I achieve 10 reps for the first set, I add 1 kg the next week, and work my way back up to 8 reps for the 1st set to 10 reps.

    What do you guys think? Will it work for hypertrophy?

    I've been adding weight regularly, but my sessions are becoming longer and longer.

    submitted by /u/smeyichou
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    PPL or Schwarzenegger split?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    What do people think is better out of PPL and the Scharzenegger split and why? For some insight I have been going to the gym for about 8 months and workout about 5/6 times a week. Thanks

    submitted by /u/sford178
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    How the fuck do you eat 9eggs prework out?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    I try boiling them and eating them with two slices of brown bread with bit of garlic salt, my day two now and its absolutely fucking awful, at this point it becomes unsustainable for me any tips?

    submitted by /u/snoopwong
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    How does one improve core strength?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    I am able to do the compound lifts at a reasonable level. But I don't have the flexibility or strength in the core when training abs.

    How should one progress with ab training?

    submitted by /u/Bear_Bison
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    Is there a good way to make my neck thinner?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm a 20 y/o male and non binary person in progress. I've always had a beard and ive shaved it all the way down on a few far occasions. Tonight was one of those occassions. It looks like I'm staring at a totally different person and I'm prepared to get some really negative comments about it tomorrow but oh well, its expected. my goal right now though is that my neck is kind of wide and fatty. I dont have too much of a jaw or even chin it feels like, it's still there but not prominent. I'm wondering if theres a way I can slim down that area. I dont REALLY like to exercise at all but if that's what it takes then oh well. I would look around online but theres so many and I have little to no experience into this kind of stuff. I'm mainly just looking for a hand to push me forward.

    submitted by /u/swaannn
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    Gym Story Saturday

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Hi! Welcome to your weekly thread where you can share your gym tales!

    submitted by /u/FGC_Valhalla
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    Best deadlift shin guards

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    My shins get bloody as shit during deadlifting. The bar I have at home has deep knurling and I keep it close to my shins cause it helps keep my spine neutral and feels the best on my low back. Looking for opinions on the best deadlifting shin guards for pure protection.


    submitted by /u/arumfeeling
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    General list of food that tends to bloat and "make you look fatter" or is it an individual thing?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I've been reading about this in regards to defined abs - even at low body fat, the abs may be not visible due to bloated belly (I know that genetics plays a significant role, but let's skip that fact).

    I am wondering whether some food should be avoided in general or whether the selection of food differs from person to person - some experience issues digesting dairy, too much veggies if not steamed, meat, legumes, white bakery products etc.

    submitted by /u/iBo0m
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    Self-Promotion Saturday

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to Self-Promotion Saturday

    This thread will serve as a weekly AutoModerator post, for anyone looking to get exposure for their Instagram, Youtube, blogspot, RedditMade, Kickstarter, TeeSpring, MySpace, AOL, stand-alone website, or stand-alone physical product.

    This post is the one time where people can advertise without repercussions, and the one thread when anything goes. All other advertisements will continue to be removed as per Rule #8.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 18, 2020

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Physique Phriday

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Physique Phriday thread

    What's the point of having people guess your body fat? Nevermind that it's the most inaccurate method available, (read: most likely way wrong - see here) you're still just putting an arbitrary number to the body you have. Despite people's claim that they are shooting for a number, they're really shooting for look - like a six pack.

    So let's stopping mucking around with trivialities and get to the heart of the matter. This thread shall serve two purposes:

    1. Physique critiques. Post some pics and ask about muscles or body parts you need to work on. Or specifically ask about a lagging body part and what exercises worked for others.
    2. An outlet for people that want to show off their efforts that would otherwise be removed due to Rule 4, and

    Let's keep things civil, don't be a creep, and adhere to Rule 1. This isn't a thread to announce what you find attractive in a mate. Please use the report function for any comments that are out of line.

    So phittit, what's your physique pheel like this phriday?

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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