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    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Bodybuilding: Are you thinking of posting? Click here first

    Bodybuilding: Are you thinking of posting? Click here first

    Are you thinking of posting? Click here first

    Posted: 25 Jul 2018 11:45 AM PDT

    The r/bodybuilding subreddit gets around 1000 new subscribers every day, so here's a quick intro to this sub:

    This is a community specifically for competitive bodybuilding. It is NOT for general health and fitness, fat loss advice, how to bulk up, how to get started at the gym, or how to get into shape in general. If that's what you're looking for, go to these subreddits and read their quick start guides:

    r/Fitness Getting Started Guide: Launch link

    r/loseit Quick Start Guide: Launch link

    r/gainit Quick Start Guide: Launch link

    This subreddit is also NOT for general progress pictures, memes, or questions about whether you should bulk or cut. Those belong in r/progresspics, r/Brogress, r/GymMemes, r/swoleacceptance, and r/BulkOrCut.

    If you think you're in the right subreddit, remember to respect your fellow redditors and read the rules before you post: View now

    We don't allow self-promotional posts. Don't post about athletes outside of the bodybuilding realm. Check the rules to see if your post would belong in one of our bot-automated threads rather than as a separate post. Do not ask for advice on how to rehab an injury or how to deal with any medical condition. Don't post about supplements. If you haven't been training as a bodybuilder for at least a few years, your questions probably belong in the weekly Newbie Tuesdays thread.

    Any question or comment that isn't allowed as its own post can go in the most recent Daily Discussion thread. This thread is stickied and the bot posts it every 23 hours.

    As always, general reddiquette and Reddit rules apply. Do you see someone breaking r/bodybuilding rules or Reddit's rules? Report them by hitting the report button.

    submitted by /u/EatLiftLifeRepeat
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    Daily Discussion Thread: 06/04/2020

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    Early on in his career Phil Heath was criticized for his "weak" back- a few years forward and he boasts an ELITE BACK!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    How long do people usually prep for? This was 12 weeks, but think I’ll do longer next time

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Terrence Ruffin hitting some godlike posing- IMO best classic poser since Zane

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    What body fat % do you think Jay was at the 2009 mr olipmia?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    How possible would you say it is to reach the condition on the right from my current condition on the left in 6 weeks?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Tim Rusli- 10 weeks out from the NPC Lehigh Valley

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Norwood reaper has hit Stanimal hard

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Offseason Log Day 0: Make r/BB Great Again

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Greetings r/bb and welcome to my first offseason log! This post was inspired by a convo i had with fellow user QuitSoftSenior. The users of the sub from 4~ years prior to now seem to have diminished in the way of competitors, and I am hoping that these types of posts will create more discussion and bring forth more content from our fellow users and competitors!

    The goals of these posts is to allow more personal discussion on what our competitors are doing both to grow in the offseason and to diet down in prep. Everyone has their own different approaches, and coaches all choose to do things differently, so I hope these posts will help people find things that work best for them! These posts are used to list in detail the things the user is currently doing in dieting, training, and supplementing rather than just being a picture of themselves with a couple stats and getting info from them is like pulling teeth. An update every 4~ weeks is what I had in mind as that allows to see more visible progress, often enough that discussion is more frequent, but sparse enough that it doesn't seem like spam. If anyone has any more ideas for these or just what they would like to see in these posts, please voice it so that we can all create the best content we can and try and bring back what seems to have been lost in this sub.


    Age: 28

    Height: 5'10" (1.778m)

    Weight: 202lbs (91.6kg)

    Hey guys I've been around this sub for quite a few years. I was a track/xc guy in high school and graduated at 130lbs. I wasn't particularly fast, 2:02 800m, 4:45 1600m, 17:30 5k. I was always poked fun about being extremely skinny. During college, I got into lifting to get over being skinny. I found r/fitness, started doing ICF 5x5, and then PHUL, PHAT, 5/3/1, as I was focused on getting stronger as I thought that would help me accomplish my goals. I trained with a couple close friends who were both into powerlifting, and I never really got strong in anything but the deadlift due to having good proportions for sumo. I finally stopped kidding myself that I wanted to be strong and only cared about being jacked and tan, and the overpowering legs with small upper body was not the look I liked. I then started focusing on just training like a bodybuilder with the occasional strength block, and have since brought up my upper body minus my chest which apparently is resistant to growth. I have never competed before, but this will be my first time with the goals being strictly towards competition, hence calling it my "offseason." The plan is to compete somewhere around September/October 2021 as it aligns well with my wife finishing her masters June/July 2021 so we aren't both highly stressed out at the same time. Thanks for reading and welcome to what I hope is the first of many updates!


    Short Term: Put on mass, Compete in my first show, Do well locally (a little difficult in SoCal)

    Long Term: Fill out height class in NPC, Win a local show, Compete Nationally, Final goal of turning pro if its in the cards

    These goals I hope to realize over the next 6-10 years, as I dont plan to compete at the age of 40. If I am close to a masters pro card, that may change.


    As gyms are still currently closed here in California, I am training at home. I have a barbell, adjustable bench, ez curl bar and weights. While this is plenty to make progress, I miss having all the machines and DBs as I generally don't like using barbells. Leg work especially has suffered as I cant stand squatting (elbows/shoulders/fuck squatting). Current split is 4 day Push/Pull, where I try and do 1 squat movement (back/front) on push day and 1 deadlift movement (SDL/RDL) on pull days. Taking the RP approach to training right now with leaving a few reps in the tank, and slowly increasing load or reps over 4-6 weeks, deloading and restarting. My current exercises are:

    • close/medium grip incline bench, medium/wide grip flat bench, plate/banded flyes

    • upright rows, plate lateral raises, incline skullcrushers, jm press, ez bar/bb curls

    • pull ups, rack chins/pull ups, yates/meadows/barbell rows

    • front/back squat, SDL/RDLs

    Cardio is 5-7x a week 20 minute brisk walk

    Once gyms open up, I will either restart the program I was doing before closures which was The Gauntlet (R/U/L/U/L/U/R) or trying out something like Grand Master or High Evolutionary, as Project Colossus was probably my favorite program so far. I normally train legs once a week as they grow perfectly fine on that, but since quarantine they have lost size and I will want them to catch back up. After they catch up, goal is to bring up my chest (for the 5th year straight) and back!


    I am currently averaging about 2400-2700 calories a week as my daily level of activity has plummeted. My TDEE is usually around 3200-3300, which I plan on working back up to and beyond as gyms open up and I am able to maintain the level of activity necessary to justify the food. My last bulk i was eating around 4000-4200 calories a day. My current diet is pretty simple, consisting mostly of:

    • White rice, chicken, chicken stock, spinach, eggs, egg whites, oatmeal, milk, greek yogurt, granola, berries, orange juice, and whey.

    I'm not draconian about my diet so I'll eat some stuff around that I enjoy. Bread, avocado, peanut butter, whatever chips or snacks my family is eating, whatever my daughter decides not to eat, etc. My favorite snack/meal that I have somewhat regularly when I can fit it in is Reeses Puffs and a protein shake in the bowl. When I need to increase calories, I usually just add some rice, or swap chicken for beef, add in some peanut butter and a bagel or two, or just a pack of pop tarts.

    When I was newer and discovered that calories was the key, I did the typical noob thing. Bought the GNC mass gainer, got the HUGE fucking scooper, and made mass shakes. Peanut butter, ice cream, and mass gainer. Delicious shakes, tons of calories, I was still small. Turns out learning to just diet properly without those and learning to eat was more efficient. 3 bread 2-3 servings of peanut butter and jelly was my next step towards pounding calories and learning to eat. I have an iron stomach and can eat a bowl of glass without stomach issues, but if I eat the wrong foods I can end up feeling full forever which is pretty counterproductive. Learning the best diet for me was the fastest thing i did for progress.


    I don't take preworkout powders. I started like everyone, c4 all day. Wasnt strong enough, I have a strong caffeine tolerance. Upgraded to MusclePharm Assault as it had some more caffeine and thought that was the answer. While delicious, it wasnt strong enough. The next step was obviously find the biggest chunk of stim I could. Mr Hyde was my new love, and it tasted like battery acid. Eventually, my buddy introduced me to Mesomorph and it was love at first sight. Delicious rocket pop flavor and the insane focus was all I ever wanted. Eventually, it was banned and I decided to be done with preworkout. Preworkout always killed my hunger for hours, and I realized while fun, it was detrimental to my goals of gaining size.

    Pre/Intra workout: Half a protein shake, 100-200mg caffeine preworkout, 8oz orange juice, 1-2 servings NOW dextrose powder, salt, water, rest of protein shake intra.

    Heart/Lipids: Coq10, Niacin, Fish oil or Chia seeds

    Antioxidant/Health: NAC, Taurine, Magnesium

    Sleep: Lavender + Lemon balm, or Neuro Restore (Im honestly not sure these do anything, so I take them very sparingly)

    Hormones: Saw Palmetto, Vit D, DHEA, Pregnenolone


    Im all natty of course, drugs are bad.

    dont do drugs kids

    dont take drug advice from random people on the internet

    advise a doctor about AAS

    dont do drugs


    300/400/600 Test/Primo/EQ.

    I aromatize a lot, so I decided to try and find out what happens with increasing test a little and adding in EQ. Bloodwork coming soon. Doses reasoning:

    Test: 300 should leave me in a good spot that wont require AI (I think Ai is no bueno) while still giving me good benefits of muscle gain. Test isn't my anchor compound because I dont handle high doses of it well. Previously, 500 test would require 12.5mg of asin EoD. I am trying to push my body to be a little more tolerant of test by slowly escalating doses of test without AI.

    Primo: Got a great deal on it so decided to give it a whirl. Couldve ran 600 for shorter, but I like the longer lower slower approach, so decided to go with 400 for 20 weeks. This is just for pushing more androgens and muscle growth while looking for what kind of cosmetic effect it gives me. Contrary to what people say, there isnt some minimum effective dose of AAS where it magically turns on at XXXmg a week. People who say anything under 350/600/900 whatever is pointless is being ridiculous. These people are side effect people, they look for sides to determine if a drug is working, not results.

    EQ: Ive seen the theories and the bloodwork, but Im a do it myself kind of person. Finding out if this works as AI was the main purpose of using it. If it does work that way, I dont understand why someone would ever choose an AI over EQ when EQ has significantly more anabolic properties. If you cant handle the HCT/BP rise thats understandable. The anxiety being equated to low e2 is the current theory, although I havent heard of anyone getting the anxiety and fixing it by increasing estrogen. This is for lean gains and fullness, giving me a nice round look. Increase in RBCs means increase in work capacity in the gym, so Im excited to get back in and put it to good use.

    Estrogen Management: Currently pinning test 5x a week M-F to help decrease the amount of aromatization. EQ in theory should be helping it as well, but I dont have the evidence its doing that at the moment. Fridays pin is subQ to help slow the release over the weekend.


    literally the reason your here

    more flattering but unedited photos:

    front, back, legs

    my horrible posing that needs tons of work. This is one of my first times actually trying to pose for photos for a post, and didnt put too much effort into it. Definitely will be working on this a lot over the next year, so excuse the horrible poses and soft ass physique!

    Front Double, Side Chest, Side Tri, Back Double

    That wraps up my first log! Thanks to everyone who reads all this garbage, and hope you enjoyed! ill gladly answer questions you have, and I hope those of you who are going to compete also create a log for us to follow along! It doesnt have to be as in depth as mine, any content beyond the usual heres my pics and stats would be great! Follow along here on reddit! cuz i dont have insta/twitter/fb! Stay swole everyone! and thanks to all my buds here on reddit who I chat with that has helped me gain more knowledge and bounce ideas off of!

    submitted by /u/iSkeezy
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    Training Thursdays

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Submit form checks, programs, questions about programs and program success stories (especially if you saw growth from it).

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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    Daily Discussion Thread: 06/03/2020

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.

    submitted by /u/bodybuildingbot
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