• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: These are my go to stretches, a few minutes a day can help. I’ve had lots of clients who have seen huge improvements in their back pain, flexibility, overall health with consistent stretching.

    Beginner Fitness: These are my go to stretches, a few minutes a day can help. I’ve had lots of clients who have seen huge improvements in their back pain, flexibility, overall health with consistent stretching.

    These are my go to stretches, a few minutes a day can help. I’ve had lots of clients who have seen huge improvements in their back pain, flexibility, overall health with consistent stretching.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Looking for Tips on Strengthening and Warming Up Knees Before Exercising

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    A bit of background, I used to swim competitively for around 10+ years. Swimming is a low-impact sport, so I never really noticed that I had this issue. It's only been within the past 5 or so years that I no longer have immediate access to a competitive pool, therefore, I've needed to search for other methods of working out in order to stay fit. Strength training is now my go-to, until I started experiencing problems.

    Recently (within the past year) I've noticed that whenever I perform certain exercises utilizing my lower body (running/jogging and squats are two big ones, also leg press and leg extension occasionally) I get a sort of burning pain from behind my knee after (and sometimes during) the exercise. I've spoken with my doctor and had a few appointments with a PT, both said there was nothing inherently wrong with my knees but that the muscles supporting the knee might just be weak or imbalanced. I was given 2-3 resistance band exercises to perform regularly in hopes it might help, but I still get that "burning" pain behind my knees (especially when I try to squat).

    Does anyone else experience or have trouble with this? Am I perhaps not warming up enough, or maybe I'm just trying to overwork the knees too soon? I've been doing the resistance band exercises approx. every other day for about a month and a half now, and I refuse to throw in the towel and say "I'll never be able to do lower-body exercise", because that's how things deteriorate. I'm just looking for guidance from those who may have experience in resolving this issue. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Mikishti
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    40 Minutes Total Body Hatha Vinyasa Flow - Join me on this 40-minute Hatha Flow to get stretched, refreshed and balanced.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Where to start

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    25 M, here. I have stopped working out for almost 2 years and grew a lot of belly fat. I have a very lazy lifestyle and rarely get into physical activities.

    Now, i started having serious stamina issues and other problems due to weak body and bad posture like back pain, leg pain etc

    I want to improve my lifestyle and want to build a body which i can be proud of.

    When i look at mirror i dont know where to start. Should i follow plans for weight loss to lose the fat around my belly (My overall weight is just 63kg(138 lbs)) or do plans for muscle building? My other issue is i dont have enough strength or endurance to do a lot of exercises. So should i plan to correct that first. Where do i start?

    Attached some images of my current state for ref



    submitted by /u/fittecchi
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    Extremely sore abs just from pushups & planks

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I had back surgery a few years ago, and every time I tried to workout, it was met with pain in my back, leading me to avoid any sorts of workout. However, this also lead to weight gain & loss of muscle mass, and this month I felt that enough was enough, and I started a light daily activity in order to get back into shape.

    Specifically, I've been doing pushups & planks everyday throughout the day for about 2 weeks now, slowly building up my reps & sets. At first, I could barely do 30 second planks & 10 pushups, and could manage just 3-4 sets per day. However, I've now managed to do 20 pushups per set, 90 second planks, and reach a total of 5 sets of pushups & 4 sets of planks throughout the day without feeling like I'm pushing myself extremely hard. I would say I am putting about 75-80% of my max effort into these exercises throughout the day, just to avoid pushing my body too hard.

    However, in the last 5 days or so, I have felt some extreme pain in my lower right abdomen. It feels like sore muscles, and heat makes the pain subside slightly, but giving a rest day does not improve it, and doing planks & pushups with the pain is aggravating it. It was constant throughout the last 5 days while working out, but now it is also present while at rest. This pain is new, and definitely not associated with my surgery, so I am wondering if anyone has experienced something like this before and what can be done to work through it or help it heal fast enough so that I can keep rebuilding my muscle mass

    submitted by /u/RexJgeh
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    Somthing worng with my diamond push ups

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    hi every one.

    in may 1st i decided to start working on my push ups.

    after 30 days challenge i was able to do 30 push ups in a row and i decided to switch to a diamond push ups challenge.

    today was my firsy try and i felt that im doing somthing worng but i dont know what.

    i filmed myself and looked at my form but i dont know what is worng - just the feeling.

    after 5 i was donr- it was too hard.

    this is vid of my 5 diamond push ups form -


    new month new challenge

    if you can give mt good tips i will thank you alot :)!

    submitted by /u/theskillmanoffical1
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    Rest day guilt

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Anyone else feel bad for taking rest days during quarantine. Just recently started working out about 4 months ago and an ant help but feel guilty. Any tips for getting over this feeling.

    submitted by /u/papaclean
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    My Best Core Exercise Safe For Herniated Discs - Bulging Discs and Fusions

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    After being diagnosed with disc issues it's easy to clam up and allow the fear of doing the wrong thing to make it worse overtake you.

    Add this core exercise into your weekly routine and see how your body responds.

    Herniated Disc Core Exercise

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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    Anyone else getting lower back pain?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    I think I got it from when I was training legs, (leg press)? I was sitting down and pushing a platform out with my legs, I remember how the chair really pushed hard at my lower back, and the pressure just increased as I did more and more leg presses.. i am not sure how you can sit wrong on a chair though..?

    For 1 week I had issues sitting down etc but then I recovered.. but yesterday I went to train my back, and now today this morning I have the same issue.. not sure what to do.. should I just skip training back and legs for now?

    If I train arms and chest it should be fine? Is this normal, have you had it? Or am I doing something very wrong?


    submitted by /u/meddlar45
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    Yoga Back and Hips Stretch | Twists, Internal Rotation Yoga Stretches for Beginners These yoga moves will help you gain flexibility in your back and hips gently as well as strengthen the muscles.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    How do I?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Im 13 and im trying to get better at pushups, my form is bad and I can barley do 10 how do I improve, im really skinny

    submitted by /u/wazsup19yearolds
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    This is the gentle progression on learning the Fundamentals of Pilates for any beginners out there . Please Come and Join me .

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

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