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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: 20F, I have absolutely no tolerance for discomfort

    Beginner Fitness: 20F, I have absolutely no tolerance for discomfort

    20F, I have absolutely no tolerance for discomfort

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Basically title. I have no stamina at all, to a point where I'm kind of concerned honestly.

    It's genuinely concerning how little tolerance I have for discomfort, especially when it comes to my heart rate.

    That's all you really need to know give feedback, but I'll give more details in the post.

    It's normal for your heart rate to go up when you exercise, but whenever mine goes up to a slightly uncomfortable level, I'm like "red flag, death is imminent and we should stop this immediately" which obviously isn't very good when you're trying to exercise.

    I also can't stand being out of breath, that will almost always make me stop if I go past the heart rate thing. I find it to be an awful feeling and it takes me a while to recover, which again, I find very concerning.

    If I manage to survive the above two (which I never do), I just can't stand muscle pain (for lack of a better term, it's just the normal feeling you have when you exercise). I find it absolutely awful. I know it's not real pain because it disappears a minute after I stop the exercise but I still damn hate the feeling and can't stand it for more than a couple minutes.

    All of that combined just makes me worry.

    First of all, I'm actually concerned about my health. Like surely a 20 years old should have some sort of tolerance for discomfort? Like a bare minimum? This doesn't sound really normal. I saw a GP about it and he blamed it on an iron deficiency which I understand but still is it really that bad? I just don't know if it's normal or not.

    And second of all, does that mean I just won't ever be able to be active? Like I've been consistent since the beggining of lockdown in march and it hasn't gotten any better. I'm still on the floor grasping for air after a few minutes.

    I also realize that I hate exercising in every way possible. People say "I hate doing it, but after I feel good and I'm happy I've done it" and that's just not me. I hate it before, during and after. Especially after even. I hate feeling sore, I really do.

    I'm just very concerned.

    That's for the details. I just want to give some reference to maybe help.

    • Running. I can't run. I've never run outside, only on a treadmill so that might be why. I can only run for about a minute. It's always a nightmare. I stare at the clock on the treadmill begging it to go faster. I just can't run.

    • Swimming. I can only swim for 2 or 3 continuous minutes before stopping. That actually bugs me because I like the concept of swimming.

    • Targeted home exercices like squats, pushups, whatever. I can't do extensive sets. I can only do one real pushup and can do about 10 on an incline before collapsing. I can't follow work out sessions on YouTube because it's just too much. The longest I've ever worked out for is 15 minutes for a begginer work out that I left out some moves from.

    • Walking. This is my one exception. I can walk and hike for hours and be okay with the pain and just accept it. I think it's because my heart rate never really goes up and I don't really get out of breath either. It was my main source of exercise before lockdown, I would walk an hour a day on weekdays and go on 3/4 hours walks on the week-ends.

    • Climbing. Random but it's one sport that actually felt different to me. The first time I tried climbing a wall, it went as usual, I climbed a bit and went "my arms hurt I don't like dis I'm out". My arms felt very sore but I just felt like doing it again because it was fun. I took a two hours break and tried again, this time I got to the top. It was a wall for children aged 7 to 12 and I was 19 but I was delighted nonetheless. I haven't had the chance to go back to a climbing gym since then but I did climb some easy stuff on hikes and that was pretty fun. I think it's because it doesn't get my heart rate up as much.

    So yeah that's pretty much it.

    submitted by /u/noaimpara
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    June 2020 Fitness challenge

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Uneven leg muscles

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm recovering from a bad bout of arthritis in both knees and have quite a bit of muscle wastage but my left leg is noticeably smaller than my right, due to worse range of motion. How do I go about rebuilding my leg muscles so my legs are back to each being the same size?, I need to build both as lacking in strength but unsure if I should catch the smaller leg up first, or wait until later down the line of progress when both legs have improved, which would be best?

    submitted by /u/Silverfoxx30
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    Can you criticise my routine ?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Hi r/beginnerfitness,

    I'm about to start a workout routine at the gym after 2 months of working out from home with bodyweight and band exercises.
    I saw online that the Push, Pull & Legs split was a good way to start and that's what I did at home.

    Can you give me your thoughts on my routine ?
    I'm planning on lifting 3 times a week + some abs exercises, either through a class or sometime before or after my workouts.
    Am I targeting the right muscle groups ? Am I forgetting anything or are there ways to create a more complete routine ?

    Here's what I have for now :

    3 x 8 - Bench Press
    3 x 8 - Shoulder Press
    3 x 10 - Incline Press with dumbells
    3 x 12 - Lateral raise with dumbells
    3 x 10 - Triceps pushdown
    3 x 10 - Overhead triceps extensions

    3 x 8 - Bent over one arm row
    3 x 8 - Pull up
    3 x 12 - Dumbells shrug
    3 x 12 - Cable face pulls
    3 x 10 - Biceps Curl
    3 x 10 - Hammer curl

    3 x 10 - Squats
    3 x 10 - Deadlifts
    3 x 12 - Leg press
    3 x 12 - Lying leg curl
    3 x 12 - Leg extension
    3 x 12 - Calf raise

    Thank you !

    EDIT : formatting

    submitted by /u/ObjectiveFilm5
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    This is the Day 1- 30 Days Pilates to Discover Self Healing, to learn the neutral spine, to improve the strength of you spine, core, posture and overall health. What is neutral spine? One of the most important foundation to keep our spine stable , joins me and learn the Neutral spine.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Best app for food logging/calorie tracking?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    I've recently started to consistently exercise and I'm at the point where I'm trying to work on certain parts of my body - specifically growing my butt mainly but I wouldn't mind toning up my back.

    I'm 23 F, about 162cm and 62kg.

    My partner says I need to consume more calories so I'm wondering what the best app is to help me with my goal would be? I've just downloaded Lifesum and MyFitnessPal and the former looks more visually appealing.

    Which is your favourite app and if you have any tips to help with my goals it would be much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/mayvil31
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    Need Help: New to Working Out, What's Right for Me?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Can I follow any exercise routine I want even if I'm obese? I'm 22M, 5'5". Currently 85kgs(187.393lbs). I have only been doing cardio exercises for beginners on YouTube and monitoring my diet each day. I've already lost about 9~10kgs(22lbs) from doing that last February to March this year but I stopped making progress because of the Community Quarantines.

    I've been wanting to try this plan, will it workout for me?: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine

    submitted by /u/rlysam
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    Need help getting back into shape after a long illness

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    As a result of intermittent eye bleeds, I've been sedentary for the past year (since June 25 of last year).

    I've needed to sit blindfold in a chair, in a dark room, in order to let the blood settle, and be absorbed. I also have to sleep in a chair (lazy e boy at 45 degrees).

    I recently got the ok to slowly return to a moderate exercise schedule.

    Last night I went for a .7 mile slow walk, and my pulse rose to 140, bp went to 160/100. Both came down within minutes. Resting pulse is usually in the70 to 100 range, bp usually around or under 140/90, mostly because I haven't likely taken more than ten thousand steps in the past year (usually did so in a day, most days).

    The eye bleeds were due to timing, and HBP: Everyone my age (60) has posterior vitreous detachments in each eye eventually. While my first vitreous bleed was happening, I was hiking, and my bp blew a vessel which leaked into the eye.

    So ...

    Any suggestions how I can get back into shape, slowly. Doctor said the bleeds are now very likely over (last one was eight months ago), but I should start with the knowledge that a sustained bp over 150/90 could be bad, if everything hasn't fully healed. With COVID, I can't see him, and he can't get me to a rehab place to guy my progress.

    Suggestions? My biggest problem with activity in past years was in not over doing it. Going slow isn't in my dna, but I have no choice.

    submitted by /u/Marina1974
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    How to lose body fat percentage?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    I am 5 ft 10 inches, i am 18 years old and i weigh 169 lbs( 77 kg) and i workout 6 times a week and was skinny fat and was afraid to bulk because i had this saggy chest, but then decided to bulk and now this is how i look. I now got muscles in my chest and can move my chest up and down which shows the presence of muscles but there is still fat on my chest and on my body and it makes my chest coming forward like boobs. So my questions are:

    1. Do i have gyno or psuedogyno or just fat?
    2. How to cut the right way?

    Pics: https://i.imgur.com/iNKS9UL.jpg?1





    submitted by /u/vaibhavarno
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    June is going to be GOOD!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    May was a good month.
    I exercised more, and started to meditate regularly.
    I had so many good workouts, and felt great about myself. But then, later in the month, I feel off track and started eating less healthy and more food, and I missed several workouts. This is a new month. I have a new mindset. I have new health and fitness goals, and some new fun ideas to share! June is going to be GOOD! Join me in June...

    submitted by /u/YoureWorthItCoaching
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    I don’t ‘feel the burn’ in my left glute. How can I fix this?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    16f 120lbs 5'2. (if ur from my last post i remeasured and apparently i'm not 5'3) i did research before coming here but not a lot is helping. i started to notice when i tried doing squats today & only felt my right glute like working. I tried isolating my left glute with glute bridges (i lifted my right leg) & after 2 reps it was literally impossible to lift my hips up all of the way. and during those first 2 i feel it in my calf. when i searched people said do it until u feel the burn but i just can't do it. i started wobbling all over the place. afterwards I really focused and tried again bc i thought maybe i was just losing focus & doing what comes naturally,,, which is to rely on the stronger glute and/or wobble all over the place. all in all, it feels impossible to work my left glute. it's all incredibly frustrating. oh and i don't feel sore at all

    maybe i'm just being impatient & it takes a while. i don't know shit about fitness but i assume taking a while to me means slowly building up and i don't feel the least bit of 'burn' because i just can't do it.

    submitted by /u/indecisivegemini-
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