• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 9, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: 10-15 minute a day of Pilates can increase, strength, flexibility, mobility and posture. Day 1 of 7 days of Pilates starts tomorrow suitable for all levels. Link below.

    Beginner Fitness: 10-15 minute a day of Pilates can increase, strength, flexibility, mobility and posture. Day 1 of 7 days of Pilates starts tomorrow suitable for all levels. Link below.

    10-15 minute a day of Pilates can increase, strength, flexibility, mobility and posture. Day 1 of 7 days of Pilates starts tomorrow suitable for all levels. Link below.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    How long did it take to build stamina?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    I am 27F, 5'8 and usually range from 120 pounds at my lightest and 130 at my heaviest (these days I've been about 122/123). I eat healthy for the most part (I think), I'm a vegetarian (eat dairy and won't eat eggs but will eat them in baked goods), and don't smoke at all. While I am pretty naturally thin, all my weight unfortunately goes to my stomach and I often look bloated. I want to start doing exercise but I have no stamina at all. Literally the type of person who will be tired in a minute or two. How can I build my stamina and what are realistic goals to set? E.g. first day how much should I work out and what benchmarks should I be looking at? I also want a flat stomach and a bigger butt would be nice too, what are so exercises/workouts I should do? Would really appreciate any advice as I am really new to the fitness journey.

    submitted by /u/black_widow93
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    workouts for someone with no core strength??

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    hi!! my whole life, i've basically had zero core strength. like, zero. to this day i still can't do a single sit-up.

    however, i recently started the chloe ting 2-week shred program. i can now somewhat do a plank but i can't do up-and-down planks or sideplanks yet.

    i'd like to know if there are any workouts that can help me build core strength so i can actually continue working out?? thanks!

    submitted by /u/ravenpvff
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    Want to be and feel better

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    What's up guys. So in the past I have gone to gym and done some home work but I never kept to it bcuz I never had a set weekly workout routine and I'm winding how I can find out or what's a good basic one I can do at home. I have a bench, weights, and a few dumbbells also a bar for the bench. I've seen a plan where it was something like day 1:chest, biceps d2: triceps, back d3 legs (or something like that)

    I just want a good weekly routine I can get into and stick to, to get in better shape.

    submitted by /u/babyfino
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    Motivation, where do you get it?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I used to be relatively fit, I wrestled in highschool, when I was 18 I achieved a black belt after years of training in kempo, shortly after I got heavy into drugs and drinking, started smoking upwards of 2 packs a day, after recently checking myself into rehab and sobering up a bit I'm disgusted by who I see in the mirror, i work construction so I'm very physical all day and exhausted after work but the amount of work I do isnt enough to keep me In shape, I get winded walking up my driveway, I cant touch my toes and what's worse is dont know how to get motivated again, I remember feeling stoked to get off work and hit the gym, fast food disgusted me, now I'm in my mid 20s and even trying to sit down and stretch for a few minutes is a chore

    submitted by /u/JustDJ69420
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    What’s a good place to work out?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    What's a good gym to join? I'm pretty self conscious and a bit overweight and I'd like to stop being both of those things. The only gym I've ever gone to was the one at my college. It was probably one of the worst experiences ever. I literally never saw one other girl in that gym. I got stared at a lot. It only made me feel uncomfortable so I ended up quitting after while. I want to get back into it but I really don't want a repeat of last time.

    Is there such thing as a gym that mostly girls go to? Or perhaps places that are known to be more excepting and less intimidating?

    submitted by /u/Qi_ra
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    Experiencing Back Pain When Bending? This is really common...here is what you can do.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Bending with back pain can be brutal. What most persistent low back pain sufferers do is try to stop bending all together

    Which honestly just makes things worst.

    In this video, I give you 3 quick fixes you can do right now to reduce the sensitivity and pain you're experiencing with bending.

    If this goes untreated you will build fear around bending which triggers what is known as your "Protection Mechanism". This is when your body creates its own tension and stiffness around a painful area in hopes of protecting it.

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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