• Breaking News

    Friday, May 8, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Learning how to engage your core is the first step to doing any any ab work effectively and with proper technique, I explain a simple way to know if you’re doing to properly.

    Beginner Fitness: Learning how to engage your core is the first step to doing any any ab work effectively and with proper technique, I explain a simple way to know if you’re doing to properly.

    Learning how to engage your core is the first step to doing any any ab work effectively and with proper technique, I explain a simple way to know if you’re doing to properly.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Looking to tips to gain muscle

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    So WFH has been less than optimal for muscle building for me for a few reasons, and I was hoping to get some tips. Since going into quarantine, I've noticeably lost muscle and maintained fat levels, if not increasing slightly.

    Height: 5'8" (F, 27)

    Weight: 135-142 (fluctuates), target is 132

    Current Diet:

    900-1200 calories. Would definitely like advice for this. Any more than this and I've been feeling really bloated/sick. Vegetarian for past 10 years.

    • Breakfast (9am) : 1/2 cup oatmeal with apple, coffee
    • Lunch (1 PM): 1 serving Huel black
    • Dinner(10 PM): Lentil Bolognese over pasta w/ parmesan
    • Dessert (11PM): 2 squares 90% dark chocolate + 1/2 cup raspberries
    • Snack: 1 cup air popped corn w/ salt

    Current work-out:

    [Everyday, 5:30PM]

    • ~10 minutes jump-rope (1.5 min on, 30 sec off, 7x)

    [5/week, 6PM]

    • 60 Pulse squats + 20 lb
    • 50 Pushups
    • 40 Jackknifes
    • 120 Russian Twist (+10lb)
    • 40 Single Leg Glute Bridge (each, +10lb)
    • 60 Calf Raises (+ 30 lb)
    • 30 Dumbbell Row (each, 20lb)

    [2/week, 5:30 PM]

    • 6 miles light hiking

    Available workout equipment:

    • Dumbbells: 2.5, 5, 10, 20 (only 1 each...)
    • Small + large resistance bands
    • Jumprope

    Pre-Quarantine, I was going to the gym 3/week, relatively low weight (75lb row, 90 lb bench, 130lb squat @ 8/4/8 reps each, 4 sets, for examples) with 2/week rock climbing, 1 day running, 1 day rest.

    Hoping to gain muscle, specifically to help with climbing/hiking and cut down on fat. Currently working around TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome) and recovering grade 2 ankle sprain. Trying to shift my sleep schedule earlier (currently 1AM-8:30AM), and set timers for meals.

    Any help is appreciated (especially if anyone has recommendations on how to get more calories in without feeling incredibly full all the time...)!

    submitted by /u/AriaRussalka
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    Getting Started After Eating Disorder

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I am recovering from a very long depressive episode and an eating disorder. These things caused me to become very unhealthy for obvious nutritional reasons and because I was not moving my body for a year.

    I've been in therapy and I am doing much better mentally and feel ready for my physical healing as well! I would love to become healthy, but feel SO incapable. I have no strength or stamina.

    Has anybody gone through this before? Best light weight ways to introduce fitness into your life slowly?

    submitted by /u/missdaisy-
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    Daily Neck Stretches will help to keep your upper posture in good shape and keeping the neck muscles stronger beginners friendly.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Day 7 of the May 31 Day Transformation Challenge LEG DAY FOR BEGINNERS

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Dani Munoz fitness guides any good?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Hi friends, I was wondering if anyone had any experience using Dani Munoz's fitness guides? Are they worth the purchase? I know they aren't thaaaaat expensive but if I can save a bit of money by not buying them then that'd be great. But if they are worth it then I'm totally up for buying one! I was thinking of getting the At Home guide.

    submitted by /u/ajc012345
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    Legs, Bums & Tums Workout

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    best workout for beginner who wanna burn fat and buld muscles

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    Losing performance while running, extreme fatigue

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    I have always been active and relatively fit but have usually based this around cycling daily and HIITS. Over the last 12 or so months I've really tried to commit to running and more general bodyweight and moderate weight training.

    I should premise this by explaining that I have a disc degeneration between my C5 and c6 due to an unexplained injury. Could be an old motorcycle crash or could be the result of tour cycling as posited by my osteo.

    Over the last 12 months I've been trying to run 4-5 times a week in addition to cycling and weights. I've seen good results but at various points injuries to my right ankle have stopped me running. Two months ago I began running using mapmyrun which has me running within myself; never faster, further or more frequent than my max. Two Sundays ago I went for a long run, which ended up being a 13 mile run at a decent speed.

    Since then I've really struggled for energy during my runs. Yesterday I was supposed to run a tempo run of 10 minutes at 7.29 per km then 12 mins at 5.28 per km and then a cool down of 10 mins at 7.29. I can't run at 7.29. it always ends up with me running at my slowest which is about 6.30. Yesterday I tried to kick on for the faster 12 minutes and had no power in my legs and my breathing became ragged quickly.

    Coinciding with this I've been waking up later and later and never feeling rested when I do. My concentration is way down on my usual focus. My strength training has also taken a hit. I struggled to do 50 press-up in sets of 10 the other day when a year ago I would have been able to do 200 in sets of 20. Could be aging, but also wonder if dieting and pushing myself physically has exhausted my body.

    Any advice is warmly appreciated

    submitted by /u/bagherathapantha
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    weird injury?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    so basically i think this is from lifting weights but when i flex my elbow starts to tingle/twitch. It doesn't hurt and nothing else is wrong. been going on and off for like a week and it only seems to happen after i work my upper body out.

    submitted by /u/andypearson37
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