• Breaking News

    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: The best ab workout I've ever had!

    Beginner Fitness: The best ab workout I've ever had!

    The best ab workout I've ever had!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    How To Start an Stick To It

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Female, 19, 4'10", somewhere between 115 and 118 pounds.

    I have tried to exercise and stick to it so many times it is ridiculous. I know the problem: I get in over my head. I try to come up with crazy complicated work out routines and change 100% of my diet right off the bat. I want to try one last ditch effort but I'm scared I'm going to quit and disappoint myself for the millionth time.

    I just need help and advice on getting started and sticking to it. My goal is not to become a body builder or fitness guru. My goal is to literally just be healthier and feel better than I do right now. By feeling better I mean just feeling healthy. Not even trying to lose weight.

    The one goal I do have is I want to increase my overall strength because I am going to be pursuing a career in the trades and right now I'm not strong enough for such a physical job.

    submitted by /u/EmotionalFeature1
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    Don’t neglect stretching, static stretches are good after a workout or when you are warm, moving stretches are good in the morning. This one will be good anytime!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Rest days

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    hello! i need some advice regarding rest days. my routine isnt extremely vigorous like HIIT or weightlifting or anything of that sort — i do about 20 minutes of moderate cardio (think lesley sansone videos), followed by glute bridges, side leg lifts, pulse crunches and bicep curls with a light dumbell. ive been doing this daily but would like to know if it would be wise for me to take a day to rest every now and then in order for my muscles to rest and rebuild, even though the routine is not high intensity.

    submitted by /u/natalieangg
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    I need help with boxing gloves

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    So I am 22(M), 6feet 10/208cm tall and weigh 265lbs/120kg. I have been doing strength training for a few years now and want to get into boxing. Only one of the things I am concerned about it the right glove size... I've got a Hand Circumference of 9.8"/25 cm. And would you all say that bandage are a must have while training?

    submitted by /u/niels-itware
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