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    Friday, May 29, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: 25 minutes Yoga flow | beginner-friendly will be helpful in stretching back, balancing and overall will be helpful for Gut Health

    Beginner Fitness: 25 minutes Yoga flow | beginner-friendly will be helpful in stretching back, balancing and overall will be helpful for Gut Health

    25 minutes Yoga flow | beginner-friendly will be helpful in stretching back, balancing and overall will be helpful for Gut Health

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I can't seem to stay motivated or focused enough to actually get into a routine?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys! First post in here, so I'm not sure if this is the right place, so let me know if there's somewhere better!

    So I've tried more times than I can count to get into a healthier lifestyle; at this point, I don't really exercise and don't focus too much on what I'm eating. I'm a little overweight, and haven't really been in shape since I was little. One of my biggest worries is with long-term health, so I definitely want to be healthier, and understand that just consistent exercise and better eating habits would help a lot, but I just can't seem to stick with anything.

    Usually, I'll go in phases: over the course of like a week, I'll get really into a mindset of "I need to start doing better soon"; eventually, I'll do a couple workouts, once a day for a few days; then I stop and just never keep with it. The cycle repeats once every couple months. The reasons I can think of for stopping are just not feeling like I'm good enough to even start (for example, most core workouts I've seen recommend sit-ups for building core strength, but I can't even do a sit-up without my feet being held down), I don't know how to keep going (I don't know what exercise routines are 'good' or what works for me), or I just don't feel like I have enough time for it.

    I guess my question is, how do you stay motivated enough to just establish a routine? Any tips for just making myself do it long enough until it's routine or something, or maybe how you guys started? I know that a regular, healthy lifestyle is common for so many people, I just can't seem to start it.

    Thanks for any help :)

    submitted by /u/problematic_gal
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    3 Best Stretches For Rib Hump pain and tightness , I will show you 3 Best Stretches For Rib Hump due to scoliosis or poor posture if you have pain with difficulty breathing and needed to know how to release the hump on the convex side or apex of the scoliosis.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    im so close to finish my first month of doing push ups but i need to start planing my workout- plz help me

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    hi :)

    29 days ago i wanted to start master my push ups.

    i decided that i want to build a good habbit, but i wanted to start slow.

    so i did push ups every day- started from 1 push ups and increase the number by 1 every day.

    today i finished day 29 -


    and after day 30 i want to take it to the next lvl but i dont know how and what is the best methods.

    my goal is to do 70 push ups in a row ( good form ).

    i want to keep upload my progress of my next challenge.

    so what is youer recomandation.

    by the wat i want to start pull ups as well so i need to do the push ups program with the pull up.

    have a good day :)

    submitted by /u/theskillmanoffical1
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    I don't get sore when I workout?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    When doing things I don't get sore at all afterwards. I feel like I'm working hard and pushing myself. What can I do? I just feel like I'm not doing anything and seeing no improvement.

    submitted by /u/buttholesarepockets
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    25 Minute HIIT Workout At Home

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    GTG in advance of RR, because of mental issues.... plz advice or tips or insight?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Hi, I will make a short bio: lost my job last year, August 2019. Started walking for my mental health (BPD, 2 other Personality disorders, anxiety and depression) and that was fine. Then I started running, couch to 5 K, not good, shin spleens and my meniscus from my right knee is partially removed, so that was not really okay.. so I began going to the gym. 3 times a week 2x45 min cardio and fixed machineweights, because I am too scared of doing bodyweight in public. I went almost every day. At home I worked on my Pushup and Pullup, can do now, after 6 month, 2-3 clean proper pull ups and 10-12 pushups perfect form, also 3-4 diamond. But. Now every thing is closed, my appointments with my therapist are stopped, or sometimes on the phone, I am more depressed and I stopped working out at home. I did it a while, but I am restless outside (it is REALLY busy in the parks and outside, I hate people for it, I am so fed up with how stupid people here ar and they do not give me my 2 ft of space....) and inside I now have my two teenage boys, because school is not open, sometimes 1 or 2 days. so I am not alone at home, I Get stressed and uptight and I cannot find the time to do my RR, which I wanted to start.

    After this long prologue: I was wondering, could I give GTG a try, to roll into the habit of exercising again, not feeling too fat, inadequate and stupid about my body and maybe after a while begin the RR? I thought of doing every hour ( I can set my Garmin Vivosmart to alert me every hour) like 2 pullups, 6 pushups, 12 squats (with or without barbells/kettlebell) and 6-8 negative dips onmy Lebert EQ bars, or maybe support holds or normal dips, 3-4 ones? And I do have sooo much to use... rings, pullupbar, EQ dipbars, parallettes of wood, half the hight of the Lebert bars and low pushup parallettes, an abwheel I do NOT understand how to use properly, and all sorts of dumbbels, kettlebells, etc... I also want to do 3 times a week an abroutine, for 20 min....

    I wanted to be soooo shredded, being at home, working out, but I am so down and lost most of the time, so un edge and unhappy... I feel so shamefull and bad about myself and I want to be better.....

    I am F44 and I am 177 cm, 78 kg and I want to weigh 68... dunno if I can.. I was 73 in sept last year, but gained 5 kilos, but also muscle!! I take care of my BBCA, proteïnes (at least 75-100 each day also in the form of powder!!) and I have a tendencuy to overeat on chocolate, drink too less of water, stress too much and sleep badly, I neeed 10 hours, I get 7-8 but I have to get up for the toilet 4 times, and I am going to be tested for sleepapneu....

    such a long story... just want to know, Is my idea of doing GTG up untill the point I am not disgusted by myself, okey, to then start to begin with RR??.... I wanted to do RR on mon, wedn and frid and move or skill on tues and thurs, so to learn L sit, headstand, planche, ring stuff, etc...... was so motivated, feel so low now...

    Tia for you reading effort, really.

    submitted by /u/CalesthenicsCat75
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