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    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Am I doing something wrong? Any physical activity makes my lungs hurt long before the rest of my muscles start to feel anything.

    Beginner Fitness: Am I doing something wrong? Any physical activity makes my lungs hurt long before the rest of my muscles start to feel anything.

    Am I doing something wrong? Any physical activity makes my lungs hurt long before the rest of my muscles start to feel anything.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Edit: okay, so this is definitely seeming like a medical issue and not something anyone here can help with. I'd hoped this was something healthy people experience, and I was just missing some crucial technique that people use when exercising. But at least I know now that I have to go in a different direction for a solution. Thank you to everyone who helped open my eyes to that!

    This can't be normal. I'm talking severe lung pain after ten minutes of walking or less than a minute on a slight incline. 5 minutes on a bike will put me there too.

    If I try to push through it, I end up with a headache that feels exactly like I got knocked hard in the back of the head.

    I've tried to take it slow (not sure how much gentler I can be on myself than taking a walk!) and take breaks. Tried controlling my breathing. It doesn't matter, I always end up feeling like my lungs are on fire and my head is spinning.

    I think 5 years ago I didn't have this issue. Although I've always felt like I didn't have quite the stamina or lung capacity I should. I'm 25, not a smoker, rarely drink, and eat fairly healthy, though I could stand to lose like 20lbs imo.

    I've had recent chest X-rays and CT scan and told they look fine. Or else I'd be seriously suspecting lung cancer or some shit. I had bronchitis two summers ago and (supposedly) again in November. I say supposedly because the second time I was sick for 2 months straight and the meds did jack shit to help, so I suspect it was an incorrect diagnosis.

    Man, I don't know. I hate feeling so weak. I feel like I can't get to the point where I'm actually working any muscles! Will it get better eventually? Is there something I could be doing differently? Are my lungs just permanently screwed up by the bronchitis? Why would they look healthy on scans/X-ray?

    Sorry if this is not appropriate for this sub. I'm just hoping to hear from someone who's improved their lung function in some way through physical activity.

    submitted by /u/shinysmileygirl
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    Stubborn lower stomach fat

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm new to reddit and I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. but I just needed someone's opinion. I am 21 years old 5'3 and 115 pounds. I eat fairly healthy and workout maybe 2-3 times a week.

    I have a semi flat stomach however when the stomach part ends it curves, creating kinda a pyramid shaped line. I've always been self conscious about it especially while wearing bathing suits. I see girls who are bigger than me, but doesn't have this noticeable fold of fat. I'm just wondering how I can get rid of it?

    submitted by /u/snazzyazy99
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    Fast flat stomach tips??

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hi there! I've always been a chunkier girl and have always had insecurities about my stomach. This month i decided things have to change. I realised that although i need to learn to become more happy with my body, i could also become fitter in the process. I'm trying to specifically lose stomach weight (not loads) and quite quickly also. Although i'm aware fitness takes time, i'd quite like to shift the bulk of the weight by summer. Does anyone have any workouts/foods that i can do at home with little to no equipment. Any tips on general weight loss/thigh toning or even keeping a good shaped bum/not losing boobs will also be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is well x <3

    submitted by /u/lilyannalulabugz
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    Workout Clothing for GERD

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Ok. Deep breath. I have gained a lot of weight and am finding it harder and harder to start exercising. One of the things that keeps stopping me is the whole what to wear dilema. I know it is silly, but it is more of a comfort/health thing. After years of wearing the tightest pants around my hips and waist to look slimmer, I have quite serious GERD and bloating, and now I can't usually wear pants or anything that rests around my stomach without feeling a strange gagging feeling, coughing a ton, and then feeling nauseous for about a week. All the trendy high rise leggings are just out of the question. So I'm thinking shorts? Does anyone else have the GERD issues I described? Have you had any luck with good work out shorts (or just any clothes, but thats for a different thread I guess) that don't feel restricting? I went from 122 pounds to 148 (I'm 5'2, female, 35 years old) and I feel so scared of starting anything given my history of one-day "life style changes." Grateful for help with the small things :)

    submitted by /u/RookieAdult
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    How much is too much?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Hi there, 31 yo F just starting to try to get back into regular exercise after years of nothing consistent. I've been doing 40-60 minute cardio and body weight exercise maybe once or twice daily for a week or so. I just want to make sure I'm not ramping up too quickly. How much is too much? How often should I take a full day of rest? Thanks for any guidance!

    submitted by /u/dontmindmeilivehere
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    Can I break my workouts into shorter durations more times a day (one muscle at a time) ?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    In finding it really hard to have consistent energy and motivation and attention span having to workout at home. My question is can I just divide my workout into multiple times a day for shorter periods? For example if I am doing biceps and shoulders on one day , can I do just the bicep workouts then later on come back and do shoulders , so I don't have to spend an hour or more at a time working out ? Or can I do one bicep workout , complete the sets , then come back and do my sets of another bicep workout ? Or If I'm going to do this should I do biceps all at once then shoulders all at once ?

    Extra info not completely necessary: I created a routine where I do 2-3 muscle groups a day and aim for 2-3 exercises per muscle and 3-4 sets of 8-15 depending on the weight and exercise ( I only have dumbbells that go up to 45 lbs and bands). I hit each group twice a week and have one off day. This is the most practical thing I could come up with that will require the least amount of time and energy a day but I'm still having trouble completing it.

    submitted by /u/vitamin-cheese
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