• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: I made a playlist of 7 hours of chill synth music to lift you up and motivate you while training. Enjoy!

    Beginner Fitness: I made a playlist of 7 hours of chill synth music to lift you up and motivate you while training. Enjoy!

    I made a playlist of 7 hours of chill synth music to lift you up and motivate you while training. Enjoy!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Compound Sets Vs. Supersets ��‍♀️

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    Both of these include performing 2 exercises in succession without rest between them. However, there is 1 key difference

    • Compound sets consist of exercises that target the same muscle Example: RDL and hamstring curl

    • Supersets consist of exercises that target different muscles, more specially, antagonists Example: Bicep curls and tricep extensions

    submitted by /u/hustleforhealth
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    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Hey again reddit! I'm the kid from https://www.reddit.com/r/beginnerfitness/comments/ori8ua/when_should_i_stop/

    Anyways, I wanted to start this post by saying thank you to everyone who commented and taught me the right way for my age. It was much much much appreciated as I was VERY confused.

    But now I need help again xD. I started the deficit and to be honest with you it isn't that hard for me In fact it seemed even more easier as I had to eat less and stuff (though finding recipes for food is still tough but I'll leave that topic for another sub-reddit xD).

    I'll start this topic by listing my workout list:

    "/" means that I do either this one day and the other the other day so like alternate between these 2.


    1- 10 minutes dynamic stretches (includes 20 side lunges and 20 squats)

    2- 5 push-ups (max I can do rn)

    3- 15 crunches (max)

    4- 5 negative pull ups (max)

    5- 1 minute planks

    (I introduced this warm up after 1 month of working out i only used to do 10 minutes of dynamic stretches)

    Leg + Back + Cardio:

    1- treadmill (20 minutes with 5 minutes warm up) (warm up means 3 minute walk 2 minute jog and I do 1 minute full sprint 1min 30sec jog and the rest walk and repeat this 3 times)

    2- elliptical/cycling (level 10 15 minutes)

    3- Air squats (3sets 15 reps)

    4- Lunges (3sets 15reps)/wall sits (30 seconds 3times)

    5- Deadlifts (recently introduced)

    6- Lat pull down (3sets 15reps 20kg)

    7- rows (3sets 15reps 20kg)

    8- SH DB rows (3sets 15reps 3KG)

    Chest + Arms:

    1- Chest machine (20KG 3sets 15reps)

    2- Barbell chest press (5kg 1set 15reps 2.5kg 2sets 15reps)

    3- Plate chest squeeze (10KG 2set 15reps 5kg 1 set 15reps)

    4- Plate overhead press (10KG 1set 15reps 5kg 2sets 15reps)

    5- cable triceps push down (20KG 3sets 15rep)

    6- cable Triceps extension (15KG 2sets 15rep 10KG 1set 15reps)

    7- DB curls (3KG 2set 15reps 4kg 1set 15reps)

    8- cable bicep curls (15KG 2sets 15rep 10KG 1sets 15rep)

    Calisthenics + shoulders:

    1- bent knee pushups (3 set 10reps)

    2- incline pushups (3sets 10reps)

    3- Russian twists/dead bugs (3sets 10rep)

    4- Planks/mountain climber (1 minute 2 times)

    5- Front plate raises (5kg 3set 15reps) (might increase weight... little easy)

    6- DB lateral raises (3kg 3sets 15rep)

    7- Face pulls (replaced yesterday)

    8- jump rope (20-30 minutes)

    (I also added this recently as well)

    I am 17 years old, height is 5ft5 , weight is 72.5. I do chest + arms 2 days and Legs + back + cardio 2 days and shoulder 1 day with 2 days of rest. My goal is to increase stamina and endurance while making a good and healthy body. I could do chest + arms really well yesterday even in a deficit like it wasn't that much different nor hard (than usual ofc) at all thank goodness. But the problem occurred today:

    I went ahead and did my warm ups and when I finish the crunches I am SWEATING like I mean ALOT. anyways I did everything and finished it and as I started my run around the 15 minute mark my body legit just sent a signal like 'stop.' so I stopped there and then because I'm no athlete and still a beginner ofc. but then I couldn't do ANY exercises after resting for 10 minutes even like i was so so so so so so out of it and depressed like wtf happened to me and stuff. I tried doing a barbell squat (something new I wanted to do) and I couldn't even go to 10 without ANY weights and same with the deadlift I thought I would tackle them later again but I thought it would be best to prepare myself and end my curiosity here. (I will continue and ask all my questions in the comments... might take a while tho xD)

    submitted by /u/Famous_Ad_8258
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    Legs not growing. HELP!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm a beginner when it comes to working out, but upper body has been growing consistently since I started. For some reason, my legs are staying the same (not growing at all) even though I never skip leg day and I workout till exhaustion.

    I noticed they used to get sore at the very beginning, but i'm no longer feeling too sore the following days after a leg workout. I HAVE been getting stronger, and have added a good 30 lbs (avg) from where I started.

    Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

    If it helps, here's what I usually do on leg day:

    • Hip Abduction - 4 sets / 12 reps @230
    • Leg Extension - 3 sets / 10 reps @130
    • Seated Leg Curl - 3 sers / 10 reps @105
    • Leg Press - 3 sets / 10 reps @190
    • Glutes - 3 sets / 10 reps @110
    • Dumbell walking lunge - 10 steps / 3 sets @25 (each hand)
    • Calf Raise - 4 sets / 14 reps @190

    EDIT: I keep the weight as just heavy enough that I can barely finish my final set.

    Should I just do legs twice a week?

    submitted by /u/ByJCArguello
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    Minimal routine

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:59 AM PDT


    Does somebody know a minimal weighted calisthenics routine to build muscle fast?

    For example , a routine that would consists of 4 exercises for example.

    submitted by /u/TheoOG5
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