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    Beginner Fitness: Why is running so painful?

    Beginner Fitness: Why is running so painful?

    Why is running so painful?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    I'm 20 years old (5'4" 135 lbs). I'm so disappointed on how little I can run without feeling like I'm dying.

    I can only run for 3 to 4 minutes straight at around 5 mph before my chest/throat pain gets in the way so I usually take walking breaks in between and do 1 to 2 miles total.

    I ran today and I still feel the chest pain from the workout 1 hour after. For my age I should be able to run more

    submitted by /u/Cafe_cito
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    Squat machines for beginners

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    I just tried to practice doing a squat with light dumbells in my room, and couldn't get anywhere close to doing the squat form.

    I am renewing my gym membership soon, and am curious if anybody has used squat machines at the beginning to help with this?

    submitted by /u/bonesaw42069
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    Just started working out asking for advice, thank you!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm 18 years old, 6'2-6'3ish and between 200 and 220 lbs (I'll update measurements once I know for sure, sorry.)

    I'm not super chubby but until recent my diet was extremely unhealthy, I wouldn't eat breakfast or lunch because I couldn't be bothered and instead would have 1 or 2 heavy meals in the evening.

    I'd walk and longboard once in a while but never did serious exercise outside of gym class

    And 2 days ago I went cold turkey I'm no longer eating junk food or soda, I've started having eggs chicken and veggies for breakfast and lunch and me and my best friend have started to motivate each other to be healthy and made a workout routine today's workout consisted of

    30 minutes sprinting/heavy jogging in short bursts (2 minutes then rest 30 seconds and rest etc. Wait till heart slows but not stop and continue) 30 Mountain climbers 2 sets of leg lifts 50lbs total 12 reps per 1 sets of leg lifts 60lbs total 15 reps per 6 sets of 5 stairs w/ 5 squats 1 per stair going down 40 lunges 50 squats 20 push-ups 40 sit ups 60 jumping jacks

    I did this at 6am-9am and on an empty stomach eating and showering only post workout this was mostly only body weight and at home.

    As background information I was born with asthma but it hasn't affected me too much since I was in middle school I just can't run fast for long periods of time which is why my running is being done as bursts instead of a constant fast pace.

    Are there any exercises to add or remove? And tips on diet or form that I should know? What body parts should be done together on the same day? Ex. (Arms and shoulders or chest and back?) Is this too much or too little?

    Additionally this is only tuesdays leg day routine each day we're doing a different group and on Sunday we plan to do light cardio and rest

    Once again thank you I'm grateful for any advice I can get.

    submitted by /u/Tiny-Room-9318
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    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Hello Guys and Gals. I'm a 35-year Vet of weightlifting/powerlifting/bodybuilding. I'm 50 and been on cycles after I couldn't go any further as a Natty. I hopped on the train around 40, I have competition powerlifting numbers (started with football lifting). I train people (beginners and intermediates) who want to gain size and keep a decent shape.

    I made this e-book because I saw (as a personal trainer) a lot of scumbag trainers telling people to do really stupid shit for money. Exercises that didn't work, overdoing it with cardio, etc. I made this E-Book with that in mind. All beginners and intermediates can use this. Hell, even advanced guys can use it to change up their routine. It's free with a Kindle Unlimited Membership, you have nothing to lose but your fear. Have fun and keep at it.


    submitted by /u/EndeavorFitness
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    Strength training without equipment?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    I don't have any equipment, and due to an autoimmune disease can't go to a gym. Is there a way to do strength training without equipment? I can buy some things, but am really trying to save as much as possible for a drumset. I have the app FitOn, but I'm wondering if there's something better as that seems to be cardio focused. Just looking for recommendations, thanks!

    submitted by /u/ChumBucket311
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    Any help would be much appreciated

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    *Questions regarding pushups*

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    1. Which muscles does it target mainly?

    2. Based on Q.1 which day should I include pushups in? (Upper body or leg)

    P.s- my upper body days are divided into two i.e triceps + chest and back + abs
    Leg days are also parted into two.

    1. Where should I feel the "good" kind of muscle pain after pushups to know that the form was right and I hit the right places?

    2. I only just started and currently do 4×5 pushups at least 3-4 days a week i.e all of the days I go to gym. Should I adjust to gain better results? How? If you have any advice, please share.

    3. Do you have any tips regarding forms and such? I'm a beginner so any tips would be really appreciated.

    4. How well does pushup work for flappy underarms, fatty back and tummy?

    submitted by /u/Sero-21
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    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Whats your opinion about the following program that i started today and will be done 3 days/week.

    Wide grip pull ups 20 reps total (3 sets x 6-8 reps)

    Regular grip push ups 100 reps total (3 sets x 30-35 reps)

    Bodyweight squats 120 reps total (3 sets x 40 reps)

    Bodyweight calf raises 120 reps total.( 3 sets x 40 reps)

    My height is 172 cm and my weight 68kg.

    submitted by /u/TheoOG5
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