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    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Ouch my shins!!!

    Beginner Fitness: Ouch my shins!!!

    Ouch my shins!!!

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    I have no problem walking 1 - 2 miles at a time on different terrain. Today for the first time in a long time I tried to jog a little, like jog for 60 seconds walk for 60 seconds. My shins were in so pain and I was uncomfortable and regretted going faster then a walking pace. I have decent shoes that do a great job at supporting my back. What can help wit this?

    submitted by /u/KingVelazquez
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    I just got my first max in years and feel great!

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    Had to get this off my chest. Finally went to lift with some friends and felt comfortable having a spotter and I hit 245 on the straight bench! Haven't done that since good old high school football days.

    Just wanted to get that off my chest and say thanks to everyone here for inspiration!!

    submitted by /u/eddiehe101
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    Is this a good HIIT workout?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    5 burps
    1min kettle bell 30sec Battle rope 10 bench hops 30 second plank 30 second rope pull 2 min rest X5 Best time 28:44

    This was my first workout. Is it any good? I kinda just picked different things. Any recommendations? Trying to lose 25 pounds of torso fat.

    submitted by /u/Smither16
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    Great Hamstring Exercise With Basic Equipment!

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    I have used this hamstring exercise for years and I have never had an issue even after my back injury.

    Try this cable/band hamstring curl!

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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    Quick Survey

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    This 5 question survey will take 3-5 minutes to complete. The purpose of this study is to better understand how individuals decide on working with a Personal Trainer, or not. Based on your response, we may send an email to learn more about your process. Your responses will greatly help with my UX project. Thank you for your participation!


    submitted by /u/kissedbycosmos
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    Help with motivation

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Hi I'm new here, almost 30, and have been scrawny all my life. I have a question about keeping yourself motivated. I have always hated how scrawny I am and want to change my physic. Nothing crazy but being able to wear a size large shirt and it not be super loose on me would be nice. I have made many attempts to start a lifting routine, but I find I lose motivation to see it through after a couple months mostly because the friend I would lift with was way past my lifting level and the constant changing of weights made the work outs long. I decided recently I want to try lifting on my own but during a pandemic I refuse to go to a gym. I decided to commit to lifting at home and bought a workout bench and some weights. That was a 2 months ago and am already starting to skip days. Looking for advise and methods you all use to keep yourself going even if you don't want to cause I'm struggling. Thanks

    submitted by /u/luthv21
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    Been struggling creating a workout routine. Found this gem. How does everyone here create theirs?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    Best Olympic bar and weights for a budget?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    I have been making progress losing 20lbs and putting more muscle on with just my dumbbells but I know I won't be able to pack on much muscle without more weight to lift. I only have up to 30lbs for dumbells right now and I pretty much maxed that out right away. Me and my wife don't have the most money and she doesn't like me spending it on weights for some reason, but hoping to negotiate if I can find some cheaper weights. Anyone know of some good place to get some weights? Going to a gym isn't an option where I live.

    submitted by /u/lachory
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    Free weights vs machines

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Machines vs free weights. This question is asked often. A good workout program usually will utilize both. When we do free weight exercises the primary muscles ( the muscles you're mostly trying to work during the exercise ) do most of the work while doing the exercise. However to help stabilize and guide the weight smaller muscle groups also work at the same time to assist the primary movers during the exercise. When we use machines the primary movers do almost all of the work since the machine does the stabilizing for you. When less overall muscles are used during an exercise or movement more muscle cells in the muscle you're working are able to be used thus better direct effects for the muscle you are targeting. Using free weights causes more muscles to be used overall and using machines allow more work to be done by the specific muscle you're trying to target. Contact us for two free trial sessions. #strengthtraining #weighttraining #freeweights #gladwyne #gladwynepa #balacynwyd #lowermerion #waynepa #ardmore #haverford #brynmawr #villanova #moorestown #cinnaminson #haddonfield #cherryhill #medford #marlton #fitness #fitnessmotivation #weightloss #Noom #lafitness #philadelphia #oceancity #abington #mediapa #workoutroutine #momfitness #menshealth

    submitted by /u/Vtrainersfitness123
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    Can I only do dumbell rows for my back ?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I want to minimize the exercises but to maintain the efficiency

    submitted by /u/Traditional_Pickle21
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    Casting LA women looking to replace a bad habit with a healthy positive one!

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I'm working on a casting for Health Magazine searching for those looking to replace a pesky bad habit with a more positive healthy one.

    Do you struggle with bad posture or dead glutes syndrome?

    Compensation for time and usage is $3,000.

    COVID safety guidelines will be followed.

    Women in the LA area interested in participating please reach out to us at reality@lizlewis.com or fill out our application https://forms.gle/4eUJH7yyMXt5FqPt9

    submitted by /u/Sharon_Casts
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    What have i done to myself?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    Im not too sure if this is the right sub for this but i dont know which other to post in.

    So ive made some really big lifestyle changes since feb this year and everythings going really well. Lost weight, getting stronger etc

    Ive recently joined the gym and started going around 5 times a week and training with my sister who is a qualified master trainer.

    However i think i may have fucked up this past week as i cant think of any other reason as to why i feel so so unwell today.

    I went to the gym on my own last night and went really really hard with the lifting and did a massive amount of cardio ( going through a breakup so have been putting 200% in at the gym this past week). Afterwoods i could barely walk but thought that was a sign of a good workout.

    Today i have woken up feeling like i have the flu × 100. I cant stop crying from feeling so sick, weak and dizzy. I cant even hold my phone up without my arms shaking. I cant get out of bed, i had to have help to get to the bathroom!! Ive also got a massive migraine but thats nothing new. I dont even have the energy to talk as i feel like im going to pass out or puke when i do. Honestly there are no words in the english language to describe how shite i am feeling.

    My question is, is this from exerting myself too much at the gym this past week? Has any other beginner experienced anything like this or do i need a dr? My sisters really busy today and i dont want to worry her with this.

    submitted by /u/jemollydolly
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