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    Friday, May 7, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: One Month Later

    Beginner Fitness: One Month Later

    One Month Later

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Around one month ago I had posted about my fitness and how my blood work had come in to essentially label me as prediabetic due to years of neglect and poor decision making. At that time I had grumbled about going for just a short 20 minute walk and got zero enjoyment out of my mandated exercise.

    Am I perfect now God no. I have made incremental life style changes, I'm turning the screw just one notch at a time. I have increased my water intake, reduced my carb intake, not eliminated or anywhere close to it, just reduced. I walk a little bit longer now and have even included a challenging uphill trek to the walk.

    I have lost 8 pounds in one month and I am actually looking forward to my daily walks now. I am going to continue the journey and I will check back in with you all in another month.

    submitted by /u/leastmetalmetalhead
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    Depression At An All-Time Low, But Wanting to Use It As Motivation, Help Getting Started?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 07:27 PM PDT


    I want to use this time as motivation to improve on myself, and I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction where to get started on the goals I'm wanting to achieve.

    I'm currently early 20s male, 5' 10" and ~200lbs.

    I'm wanting to cut body fat percentage and building muscle.

    I'm currently fasting 16-8, and planning on doing runs around trails in my local area, ranging from 1-5km.

    Is there a program I can follow somewhere where it gives me a workout plan that's best to get to my above goals the fastest? Including helpful supplements and best meals to eat?

    Gyms are closed in my area and I have no workout equipment at home, so I'm looking for ways to gain muscle at home.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Google_Me16
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    How much does order matter?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    Like squats before deadlift is fine but don't deadlift before squats for safety. but other than safety issues do you see better gains by doing lifts in a certain order in a given session?

    Currently (full body work out 2x a week) the only order I have been doing is upper body lift then lower body. Usually focus on larger muscle groups first then work smaller groups. Though usually finish with bi/tri cuz they get fatigued fastest it seems

    For example: Bench Deadlift Lat pull Quad ext Rows Hamstring curl Shrug Bi curls Tri ext

    submitted by /u/WombatHat42
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    How to begin with trainings?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    3 months ago, I tried to start training. I was motivated and everything was ok. After a while I gave up because I found out I was doing everything wrong and it really disappointed me. I did the wrong exercises, and the ones I did, I did wrong. I lost motivation and didn't try any further.

    I would try again and that is why I made this post to see if there is anyone who will guide me at the very least. I am 16 years old, I am 176 cm tall, I weigh 60 kg. If anyone wants to help me, ask me for any kind of information and thats it.

    submitted by /u/david_boi_
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    Uneven muscles!

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    What is the best way to even out your muscles? Due to past injuries and the nature of my job, my left arm (non dominant) is actually more toned and slightly more muscular than my right. Especially my left trap. It's almost like my right one is non existent. Is it just as simple as only working out one side? Or is there a different approach.

    Right now I'm getting back into the swing of things and really just doing calisthenics but noticed today in the mirror how much of a difference there is.

    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/TheMandoAbides
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    I need some help.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    I have a few autoimmune diseases and their progression has kept me out of the gym for a while. I also have really, really bad knees. I am addressing those issues with my doctor, as well as doing physical therapy and acupuncture. I'm finally getting my health under control and I am excited to get back into the gym but it has been rough on my knees so far and the pain puts me out for days.

    Does anyone have any bad-knee-friendly workouts?

    submitted by /u/skeptic_narcoleptic
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