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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Feeling discouraged after 15 mins of exercising... (+small anxiety issues)

    Beginner Fitness: Feeling discouraged after 15 mins of exercising... (+small anxiety issues)

    Feeling discouraged after 15 mins of exercising... (+small anxiety issues)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    For the context, I barely left my house in the past 2 years, due to me working as a freelancer, some mental health issues and this whole corona thing. A week ago, I've decided that I've had it enough of being inactive and that I'm going to join the fitness class in my town next week (I planned joining on Tuesday). But I actually tried following a 20min fitness for beginners video this morning. I pretty much died during the first 30 secs of jumping jack, but I was determined not to give up until the end. I did give up at 15 minutes or so, because my legs just wouldn't listen to me. Like, they were shaking terribly and literally gave out when I was about to do squat stretch and I dropped on my ass. After that, I just kept losing my balance and I didn't finish the whole 20 minutes.

    The fitness classes I planned to join last 1 hour, 5 times a week (two days of classes, then skip one day, and so on) and I'm really concerned (and utterly embarrassed) that I won't last for the whole hour. I'm kinda skinny fat, but I have, like, no strength or endurance. Like, right now, I barely can walk after 15 minutes of exercising. But idk, I'm afraid that, if I decide on exercising by myself to build stamina, I'd end up skipping and eventually give up. Should I just push myself into joining the class? Or is it not a smart idea after such long period of inactivity?

    submitted by /u/wanderer_0z4
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    Hi guys! I hope I've reached the right sub for this. I'm a F 59kg and 174cm and according to some photo I saw on athleanx's Instagram page i have around 27% body fat. So I'm skinny fat.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    I have stayed between 56-61kg in the last 5 years. Usually I gain weight during winter or exam periods and lose 2-3 kg during summer and autumn. I have never trained or followed a diet and have no idea how many calories I eat daily . I eat 2-3 times a day and snack a lot because I'm always studying and I binge eat a lot. I get very anxious due to stress and find comfort in food. :( I really need to start a routine but don't have any idea from where to start. I live in a shared dormitory so it's not very easy to cook but the main problem is the space to workout. I would like to use the park I have nearby or the indoor gym (that doesn't have anything in it so i can't lift) but i don't know from where to start.

    I can't lose more weight because I'll become underweight according to my BMI but I cannot do a push-up. The only thing I do and love is walking and I think that's why I've stayed around my weight for so long no matter what habits I had. I've tried FitOn and some YouTube workout routines but not for more than 2 weeks straight. They were too hard and I couldn't do the exercises properly. I've searched around here for info and I think I have to lift a lot to get toned and maybe 1 day of cardio/ week. I still don't know what should I eat. My schedule requires me to stay a lot on a chair so I'm really not active and the main problem is the belly fat that is so disproportional to anything else and the cellulite that I have from the buttocks to the knee.

    Do you have any suggestions? I know like parts of what I have to do but I don't know from where to start. :(

    submitted by /u/Pretend_Evidence
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    Thoughts or tips on my beginning weekly workout plan m?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    This is pretty mhch my first time consistently working out, and I've been dieting for the last 2 weeks or so. This is what I've put together so far! (22 M, 179.2 pounds as of this morning)

    Monday : Off day Tuesday : 20 mins stationary bike Wednesday : 20 kettlebell swings Thursday : 25 mins stationary bike Friday : 30 kettlebell swings Saturday : 30 min stationary bike Sunday : 35 kettlebell swings

    I'm trying to max out to an hour on the stationary bike on three days and then a 100 kettlebell swings three days in a row, by 5 minute / swins intervals . I'm also looking at cheap treadmills to incorporate so I can get a more all around cardio workout plus work on my stamina but not sure how soon that would be.

    Does this seem like a good start to reaching my goal of 100 swings / 1 hr on the bike? Should I be reaching for more than that? Any suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/strawberryjamzz
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    5+1 Best Push Ups for Bigger Chest (BODYWEIGHT ONLY)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:04 AM PDT

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