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    Friday, April 16, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Does whey protein improve muscle if I am already consuming enough?

    Beginner Fitness: Does whey protein improve muscle if I am already consuming enough?

    Does whey protein improve muscle if I am already consuming enough?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    I have read that whey protein is fast digesting and helps improve recovery time and even muscle synthesis but the same thing is true for protein (regardless of source). I am already protein sufficient. Do I need to consume whey protein if I can eat a meal right after a workout? My primary reason to avoid whey protein is cost and would spend on it only if required. I am not doing very intense exercise at the moment since covid-19 makes the gym inaccessible.

    submitted by /u/csstudentG
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    Can you still get buff while eating less?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    I have IBS (pregnant man belly). Last 2 days I've tried 'fasting'. I only eat breakfast and 1 big meal. My gut issues has improved, also less air in the stomach. I'm used to eating 3 big meals per day + a bunch of small stuff here and there.

    If I eat a lot less will it result in losing muscles? Not sure how to tackle it

    submitted by /u/ledomed900
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    Machine workouts vs free weights for beginners?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    So I just finished my first week of working out in a gym and I think I'm doing pretty good and making progress so far but I was told that free weights are by far more effective for weight training but because of covid I don't have an opportunity to learn from some one what free weight exercises I can do and how to do them properly, am I better off to stick to machine exercises for now since I don't want to risk injury to myself and look like a fool in the gym? Also how much more effective if any is free weight exercises versus machine based?

    submitted by /u/FatherNurgle8907
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    Any Advice for Someone Who Knows Nothing?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    19M in California who hopes to be able to go to the gym sometime soon.

    Body metrics using my scale: Height - 5'10"; Weight - 144 lbs; BMI - 21; BFP - 11.2%; "Muscle rate" (including smooth muscle): 55%; "Protein rate": 20%.

    I tried bodyweight workouts on and off for the past 6 months but have only seen minimal progress. At most, I only ever got my muscle rate to go up by around 1%. My goal is to make my body look less like a normal-to-skinny body with a moderate amount of fat on it and more like a normal-to-skinny body with a modest amount of muscle on it to counterbalance the fat.

    I have no experience with working out at gyms, but I've heard that doing bench presses and general ab workouts are sufficient to meet my goals. Please let me know if I am wrong about that. Are there any beginner workout routines you would recommend to meet my goals?

    Given my lack of muscle, I anticipate that I will not be able to do bench presses with weight beyond the barbell itself. I am insecure about people at the gym judging me about only being able to lift the barbell, though. Is it common to start out here, and is my fear irrational?

    I also have no idea how to construct a diet centered around building muscle. What do I eat lol?

    Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/dixiemath
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    Is this A Good Workout?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    I found this workout on youtube and was wondering if it's a good full body workout to stick to. Let me know!

    Pike Pushups - 3 sets until failure

    Pushups to 90 degree hold - 3 sets until failure

    Deep Pushups - 3 sets until failure

    Triceps Extensions - 3 sets until failure

    Bent Over Row Deadlift (with dumbbells) - 3x12

    Dumbbell Curls - 3x10

    Russian Twists - 3x15 each side

    Squat Lunges - 3 sets until failure

    Repeat 2 more times

    submitted by /u/svc05
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    Beginner Seeking Ways to Improve Physique

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    My question is, where do I start?

    Because of quarantine, I've gained weight and I wouldn't say I have the healthiest diet.

    I don't really like this at all and I want to improve my self image.

    What exercises/routines should I do? How much? What should I eat?

    I guess my question is encompassed by the overall question, where should I start?

    I've included some stats and goals I'd want out of this below if it helps : )

    Thank you!


    Stats about myself if it helps:

    Don't wanna reveal my exact age but I'm a teenaged boy


    150ish pounds

    Wanted goals out of fitness/working out:

    Lean muscle

    submitted by /u/IrritablyBroken
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    Looking for the "right" bodybuilding/ fitness variant

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    There are so many fitness/ bodybuilding/ weightlifting/ cardio/ etc variants out there (with at least 2 subreddits each) - it's so hard to find the "right" one to dive into.

    I'm a 48y/o male, my goal is to lose weight (fat) and gain muscels. I love really to dive deep into a new self-improvement related topic like exercising.

    I'm kind of nerdish - I like to read the relevant magazines, read blogs, optimize parameters of my workout to achieve better results, read about nutrition and supplements, measure results and so on.

    I discovered intermittent fasting/ OMAD a while ago, was very euphoric/ enthusiastic about it. Now I'm not overweight anymore but I didn't reach my weight goal yet - so I need to find an exercise routine that helps me reach my goal (only a few kg left) but also makes me stronger.

    But the main thing is that I need something that is exciting to me. And I should be able to do it at home, because the Gyms are still closed. I do have dumbbells but would be willing to invest in other equipment if needed.

    Any recommendations?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/LeoBloom72
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    Does Protein shake good for people who will start to workout?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Good day, I want to start to lose weight and I have doubts on buying a Protein. Should I buy one to boost my performance?

    Name: MuscleTech Nitro-Tech RIPPED

    Sample of Protein shake that I will buy.

    Weight: 110 kl
    Height: 5'7''

    note: Sorry If my grammar is bad.

    submitted by /u/ramkeroro1
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    What to expect/ ask at a first PT session

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    I've signed up with a Personal Trainer for the first time. It's at my regular gym (which I haven't been inside for a year because of lockdowns) and I'm a bit nervous about what to expect and unsure about how to get the best out of the session. Any advice or tips would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/bluecastro
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