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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Started taking Protein shakes a month or so ago.. Now I am farting gases that smell like Ammonia ?

    Beginner Fitness: Started taking Protein shakes a month or so ago.. Now I am farting gases that smell like Ammonia ?

    Started taking Protein shakes a month or so ago.. Now I am farting gases that smell like Ammonia ?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:13 AM PST

    My gym instructor advised me to get Dymatize ISO 100 Protein twice a day, one scoop each time. I've been working out with my trainer and following a decent diet as well. It's been over a month now and now my flatulence smells like ammonia for past 3-4 days? Am I taking more protein than my body can absorb or is it happens usually without any consequences?

    Thanks :)

    (I know it sounds funny but what can I do haha)

    Edit: well it's not a protein shake exactly. I take one scoop of the mix with 400 mL water.

    submitted by /u/learningeveryday111
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    When to push yourself harder but not overdoing it.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:37 PM PST

    I started a fitness routine about 3 weeks ago. I am starting from basically nothing. I feel this urge to want to push myself but I know that in the past I pushed too hard was sore for like a week and then gave up. I am trying to take it slow. I do 5 workouts (25-35minutes each) a week. Strength+Stretch, Yoga, Bodyweight HIIT, Mat Pilates, and Cardio kickboxing. I also make sure I hit the minimum 150 zone minutes a week on my fitbit. Last week I did a sixth workout (Cardio). I feel like I am getting more endurance and want to push harder, but I am afraid I will push too hard. Should I stick with the plan I am on, or add more? I want to keep with the fitness but I also want to get stronger.

    I am also tracking calories on MyFitnesspal, and have lost about 2 lbs. While I would like to lose about 10 lbs, my real motivation is to be stronger and have more endurance.

    submitted by /u/crazyoperalover
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    Equipment? Apps? Subscriptions?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:14 PM PST

    So I know this stuff isn't a replacement for doing the work with diet and exercise, but I'm curious about it mainly because my work is trying to get us all to exercise by paying for some stuff.

    I'm a guy about 30 years old, living with his parents during the pandemic, who runs a bit. I try yoga now and again and I'm giving bodyweight training a shot right now. The only equipment I have access to is an old treadmill. My work has said they're going to start to offering reimbursement for £40ish a month for fitness expenses. It sounds pretty generous to me and I am keen to take advantage of it.

    Anyone used any good apps? Subscriptions? Or just what is some good home workout a equipment for someone starting out?

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/FigmaPhobia
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    Back Friendly Ab Workout You Can Do With Dumbbells

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:26 AM PST

    There is nothing more frustrating than being told to "strengthen your core" yet the core workouts you do always cause back pain and flare-ups.

    I want to challenge you to look for better core exercises that are specific to you and your needs.

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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    Push workout advice.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I need some advice on my push workout plan.

    I bit about me: I am 28yrs old and 180cm with 110kg weight. I went to gym for 3 months and did strength training, but due to covid cannot go to gym now.

    I have an inclined bench that I got for cheap. But it is for crunches, and stays inclined all the time. It also has a curve to the bench. I also have dumbells where I can put 16 kgs on each.

    In the gym I used to do a push workout: dumbell bench press, 3 set: 16, 18, 20 kg with 12, 12, 8 reps. Total 3 sets. Then, decline bench press and then bench fly. And then shoulder press. And then seated triceps.

    But I have noticed my strength has gone down considerably after 5 months of no workout.

    I have this plan in mind:

    1. Bench press with 12 kgs dumbells and 5-6 sets of 12 reps. This is not exactly flat but my back is inclined a bit.

    2. Decline bench press. I go into crunches position on this bench and do decline bench press. 12 kgs, 3 sets of 12 reps.

    3. Bench fly, again a bit in incline position. 8kgs, 3 sets of 12 reps.

    4. Seated tricep extension on a chair with a dumbell of 12 kg, 3 sets of 12 reps.

    5. If have strength left, shoulder press on a chair. 10kg on each hand, try to do 3 sets of 12 reps.

    Is this plan good. I am not really a beginner. But I didn't go to gym a lot.

    Do you have any advice on this plan. Also can you suggest a pull workout with just dumbells.

    I workout in my house in the evening and also do cardio of 1 hour in the morning.

    submitted by /u/tryingtobenewme2021
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    Confused by some terminology from a workout plan... DM and DB?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:06 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Trying to get back into fitness after an extended holiday season. I bought a workout plan that is clear for the most part but I can't make sense of a couple of terms:

    • "Squat 1 DM at 3X5 at 75% of 1DM" --> No clue what this means
    • "incline DB bench" --> is DB dumbbell?


    submitted by /u/KemiKitty
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    Back at the gym! Workout plan advice/tips?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Hello r/beginnerfitness.

    I have recently gotten back into the gym (3 weeks @ 5 days per week strong!). In doing so, I have made the following workout plan for myself and would love tips/advice on how to improve it. I am a somewhat skinny guy (6ft 6in, ~180lbs, 21yo) and would like to gain mass. For my gym, each workout has to be booked in advance and you have 45 mins to complete it. That is why each workout is short, but I like this length anyway as I need to get to work shortly after I get back from the gym. Also, I planned out the days to be alternating upper and lower body to avoid injury.

    Workout Plan (I workout Mon-Fri):

    Day 1: Arms/Chest -

    Mostly dumbbell type workouts. This workout brings me to 45 mins on the dot nearly every time.


    Day 2: Legs -


    Day 3: Pull/Back/Arms Day -


    Day 4: Core Day


    Day 5: Bonus Day

    I use this day to have some fun and repeat any of the earlier days or try out new exercises. Typically I keep this day to one area as well though. As of late, it has been typically another arm day.

    I would love to hear any advice, tips, or exercise recommendations!

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_WORKOUT
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