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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 09, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 09, 2021

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 09, 2021

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it. Rule #0 still applies in this thread.

    Also, there's a handy search function to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search r/Fitness by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to check first are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    If you are posting a routine critique request, make sure you follow the guidelines for including enough detail.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk, chit-chat, jokes, memes, "Dear Diary" type comments, shitposting, or non-fitness questions. It is for fitness questions only, and only those that are serious.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    (M33) 2 Year Progress Report 176cm 60kg->78,5kg (5'9" 132LB->173lb)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:16 AM PST


    Before (60kg)/After (78,5kg)


    Probably the story of my progress is very typical. All my life I've been a super skinny with zero sport background. Until the age of 30 I was in the "boy" category for people around me: "Who are you in line for? I'm following this boy." This was a typical look towards me.

    So how it all started? At the beginning of 2019 I saw a video about the progressing from skinny to athletic, and I wondered, maybe I can too? I searched the information about the basic principles of training and muscle gain. On my 31 birthday, I asked for 7-kilogram (15lb) dumbbells as present (they were almost just right for me) and I started my workouts. I trained at home for 4 or 5 months. The first dumbbells quickly became ineffective for me and I bought myself a couple more dismountable 10kg (22lb) dumbbells, so I can make 10 to 20 kilo dumbbell with 2,5kg step. In addition, I worked out using two 6-liter bottles of water (eg for push-ups). The first two months of trainings were a pointless cycling of different exercises, until somehow I realized that it needs to be put in order and came to some more or less formalized program.

    After few months, I decided to go to the gym (no need to mention I was very worried and anxious, but everything went well). This is a small gym, with 1 or 2 visitors in the morning, so I almost always workout alone, which is pretty awesome. Visible progress became an additional motivation for me. It has become my hobby and I also enjoy being on my own, listening to music and exercising, so the thought of skipping a workout is extremely rare for me.

    The Goal

    Actually, from the very beginning I was inspired by natural athletes and natural proportions. Greek antique statue - this is the look I was striving for. I was not interested in strength performance, so all my training was built around the hypertrophy.

    Body stats

    Here you can find a graph of my body parameters tracking. Unfortunately, I started recording all the data only after two months of training (there is only weight from day 1). But you can always extrapolate the graph. I have had several cycles of bulking and cutting (which you can clearly see on this graph). Last cutting period goes from 89kg to 79kg and although it's not 10% body fat, there is actually winter in our region and I began to feel cold more and more. So now I will stop and focus on other things (below).

    Strength Stats

    I'm afraid I'll disappoint a lot of people at this point: I'm still weak in most basic exercises (besides i have never checked my 1rpm ever). Sorry guys. Anyway, I try to compete only with myself: the first time I went to the workout area and did the dips, it was 6-5-4 reps with bodyweight (about 63 kilograms). Now I can do dips with additional weight for 12 reps being almost 80 kilograms.

    Unfortunately, I don't remember all the initial parameters, but the Bench was about 40x8 when I first came to the gym (after 5 months of home push-ups with bottles of water on my back).

    Current stats:

    • Bench 70kgx12
    • Leg press 170kgx12
    • OHP 40x12
    • Biceps 38x12


    For this two years I have been training almost every day. The only exceptions were diseases. In general, I have not been stopped for more than a week at any time. Even when I get the corona, I began light warm-up exercises after 5 days and by the time of recovery (a month) and returning to the gym, I lose little to none of progress. On lockdown, I trained at home with my own weight and two dismountable 10kg dumbbells.

    Basically, my program is a cycle of 6 days of training and 1 day off while bulking (sometimes I switched to 3-1), sometimes I do not do the day off, by mood. On cutting, it's a 4-day training cycle + a day of rest according to my mood or as needed. I hardly do cardio when gaining mass. This is probably not right, but I just do not have enough time for this. Training takes up part of my working time and each additional exercise significantly affects the amount of work that I have time to do after. At the same time, I always try to sleep 8 hours, and strictly follow the diet in order to recover well. Sometimes it affects social life or other things, but priorities must be followed.

    1 day Chest+Back (all with 2 minutes between sets, all with controlled eccentric phase)

    • Bench Press 4x12
    • Incline Bench Press 4x10 or Machine Chest Flys 4x10
    • Dips or Cable Chest Press 4x10-12
    • Cable Rows 4x12
    • Lat Pulldowns 4x12 or Pull-Ups 4xAMRAP(8-12 or Machine Assisted Pull-Ups
    • Some kind of Seated Machine Rows 4x12
    • Front and Back Shrugs 4x12 and 4x10
    • Sometimes abs training

    2 day Arms

    • Bicep Curls With One Big Dumbbel 4x12
    • Incline Curls 4x10
    • Hammer Curls or Reverse Grip Curls 4x12
    • Triceps Pushdown 4x12
    • Cable triceps extensions 4x12
    • Incline Dumbbell Kickbacks 4x12 Or Bench Dips 4x15
    • Sometimes abs training

    3 day Shoulders+Forearms+Legs

    • Overhead press variations (standing, machine, etc) 4x12
    • Lateral Raises 4x12
    • Reverse Flys machine 4x12
    • Forearms Curls 4x15
    • Reverse Forearm Curls 4x12
    • Leg Press 4x12
    • Calves Machine 4x15
    • Sometimes Squats or Front Squats 4x10
    • Sometimes Lunges 4x12
    • Sometimes abs training

    On cutting, I split these exercises over 4 days, adding regular abs and deadlift workouts and daily cardio (row machine, threadmill run, jump rope or incline threadmill walking).

    My typical workout is about 90 minutes. I don't do basic exercises other than bench press. Mostly because I'm afraid of injury. I am mostly alone at the gym and there is simply nobody to check my form or to help if it press me down (it did couple of times). Sometimes I do squats and deadlifts with light weights (for example, for deadlift it's 50-60 kg), just to remember the technique and be in good shape.


    The menus for bulking and cutting are about the same, with the difference on removing all sugar and almost all fat, and reducing the portions on cutting. During peak bulking I consumed about 4500ccal and about 240g of protein daily. Below is the maximum option menu.

    1st intake (~565 ccal)

    • 100g oatmeal with 40g raisins and 15g sugar

    2nd intake (~1450 ccal)

    • 100g cashew + 50 g icecream
    • 100g cheese
    • 100g bread
    • Whey Protein 1 scoop

    3rd intake (~865 ccal)

    • 100g buckwheat
    • 200g chicken breast
    • 25g olive oil

    4th intake (~500-600 ccal)

    • 200g cottage cheese
    • 125g sour cream
    • 15g sugar
    • sometimes 1 banana

    5th intake (1000-1200 ccal)

    • 100g Rice or Pasta
    • Any Meat on 200-300ccal
    • 25g Olive oil
    • Sweet Bun

    6th (before sleep, ~110 ccal)

    • Casein 1 scoop

    What's next.

    I'd like to increase my functionality a little and start doing more exercises with my body. Planche, handstand, human flag, rings - this attracts me. The only thing I've learned to do is the dragon flag, and it's one of my favorite exercises. Besides, I still cherish the dream of learning how to make some strength elements from break dance. Fortunately, my friends still continue to practice this sport, even though they are over 30, so it's not a problem to find a company.


    I would like to thank all the people who altruistically create free training programs, make educational videos, write FAQs, and help in various forums, including this subreddit. Guys, you gave me what the school was supposed to give. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/UralRedneck
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