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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 04, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 04, 2021

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 04, 2021

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it. Rule #0 still applies in this thread.

    Also, there's a handy search function to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search r/Fitness by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to check first are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    If you are posting a routine critique request, make sure you follow the guidelines for including enough detail.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk, chit-chat, jokes, memes, "Dear Diary" type comments, shitposting, or non-fitness questions. It is for fitness questions only, and only those that are serious.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    M (140LB > 180LB) 25 Years Old - 4 Year Progress Report

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Background: I've always been small. 5'9 & 140lbs. I boxed for 4 years but didn't weight train, I decided to start lifting weights after I got diagnosed with a detached retina.

    It was a lot to learn, and I started off barely benching the bar. Even though it was embarrassing to be at the gym, I still went.

    I bulked to 160lbs during my first year, and continued cutting/bulking cycles. (This is very ineffective, and looking at my physique today, I realize that.)

    In 2019, I got deployed and dropped to my lowest weight ever at 138lbs when it was all said and done. Upon returning home I immediately got back in the gym, and muscle memory hit me like a train. Within a month I was back to 160lbs & I'm currently fluctuating between 175-180lbs

    MUSCLE MEMORY IS A DRUG! (I wasn't even necessarily bulking when I came home, I was eating out constantly and just enjoying myself, but my training was very serious.)

    Overall Transformation (More at the bottom.) : Imgur link

    Stats: 5'9", Male, SW 140LB, CW 180LB

    Lift Progress: I'm aware I'm not very strong, my numbers should be higher for someone who's trained for 4 years. But I like to focus on bodybuilding vs powerlifting. There is no shame in that! I stopped worrying about numbers a couple years ago, and I am much happier now that I don't have that weight on my shoulders.

    Bench: 65LB > 245LB (no lie, I barely could do the bar. My first max was legitimately 65lbs)

    Squat: 95LB > 315LB

    Deadlift: 135LB > 375LB

    OHP: 45LB > 135LB (Most impressive in my opinion, OHP utilizes much more than just shoulder strength! Good technique can get you stronk)

    Diet: I tracked calories using the infamous MyFitnessPal app. I started at 2700 cals, & slowly transitioned into 3200 cals. Eating this many calories has always been difficult for me, I thought I was a "hardgainer" but then I realized I was using that as an excuse as to why I'm not hitting my goals. My most successful way of thinking was forcing myself to eat 1000 cals in the morning, & 800 for lunch. Dinner was easy to get calories in, because I could consume 500 cals before the gym, and whatever remained I could fit in after the gym.

    IF YOU'RE BULKING: Breakfast is a HUGE indicator on how your day will go. If you can wake up 30 mins earlier than normal, you'll have more time to cook quality food and put a dent into the days calories. My favorite breakfast was always: 6 scrambled eggs, 2 Kodiak Pancakes, a bowl of strawberries, & 2 packets of oatmeal.

    Lunch: Usually 8-12oz of chicken breast and 1 cup of rice. With a side of steamed broccoli (thank you instant pot)

    Dinner (Pre Gym): 1 pack of ramen (the sodium gives you joocy pumps.) And a banana (cus helth.)

    Post Gym: 2 scoops of protein shake (50g of protein.)

    Dinner (Post Gym): Pasta noodles & ground beef or steak. (Depends what I have time to cook)

    **If I didn't hit my required calories, I would make my homemade mass gainer shake.

    MY MASS GAINER RECIPE: -2 scoops of protein -1 cup oats -1 spoon of Peanut Butter -1/2 banana (eat the other half, it's just a yummy snack) This amounted to approximately 700-800 cals, depending on your protein.


    I've pretty much followed PPL for my whole lifting career. I tried nSuns for a bit, but I didn't like doing 8sets of power lifts. I was more focused on doing bodybuilding movements. I've never done anything out of the ordinary with my training, it's always been pretty basic and just use what I had at my gym.

    PUSH DAY: 5x5 Bench Press (FLAT)

    4x12 Bench Press (INCLINE)

    4x15 Pec Deck (Fly's)

    4x10 Chest Press

    4x10 Lying Dumbbell Skullcrushers (I noticed I get more activation out of my triceps by using dumbbells versus a EZ bar or barbell.)

    4x12 Rope Push Down

    4x10 Reverse Pull Down (Use a bar for these and grip the bar underhand, this is my favorite triceps exercise. I've never felt activation quite like this.)

    PULL DAY 5x5 Deadlifts

    4x10 Barbell Row

    3x10 Good Morning (usually after the 3rd set my lower back is like "nah fam" so I rarely went over 3 sets)

    4x10 Lat Pulldown

    4x10 Cable Row

    4x12 Bicep Curls

    4x7 Hammer Curls (HEAVY)

    4x10 Incline Dumbbell Curls

    4x21 21's (great to finish off with.)

    4x10 Rear Delt Fly

    LEG DAY (.. and shoulders) 5x5 Barbell Squat

    4x8 Front Squat

    4x10 Leg Press

    4x15 Leg Extension (go light, work the eccentric motion. Try to take pressure off your knees, this exercise is notorious for wrecking knees.)

    4x12 Hamstring Curl (go light, focus on the SQUEEZE, if you do these right you may have Charlie horses that night in bed. ) 🥴

    5x5 Overhead Press

    4x15 Side Lateral Raise

    4x15 Front Raise (Dumbbell)


    Buying a crock pot / instant pot is a game changer. I could throw a roast or even a steak in the crock pot, let it cook on low while I slept. And when I woke up, I had a fresh meal ready to go!

    DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF EVERYDAY (this can be counterproductive when you get tunnel vision on a number. I weigh myself on Mondays / Thursdays.. And always weigh yourself at the same time everyday. First thing in the morning is best, before you eat.)

    Getting in calories immediately after the gym is an easy way to hit your calorie numbers. Your body is taxed and can absorb more food right after (jk Idk if that's even true but that's what I tell myself🤔) nah but for real, it's always easier for me to get in calories right after the gym, so I usually double scoop a protein shake.

    Creatine is your friend, take creatine. No you don't have to hand in your natty card, and it won't cause you to behave any differently. But it does retain water and help you become more "full looking"

    GET BLOODWORK DONE! Usually bloodwork is only recommended if your cycling steroids, but you NEED TO KNOW if your body is producing enough Test, and if certain supplements are needed for your diet!!

    Alright.. what everyone comes for.. here are the..


    Beginning @ 140lbs: Imgur link 1

    1st Bulk (1 year in) @ 160lbs: Imgur link 2

    Deployment @ 175lbs: Imgur link 3

    End of Deployment @ 140lbs: Imgur link 4

    Current @ 180lbs: Imgur link 5

    submitted by /u/YoungOrthodox95
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