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    Monday, February 8, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Train your pelvis muscles, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony and support your posture. 20 minute Pilates Beginner Strong Core Workout.

    Beginner Fitness: Train your pelvis muscles, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony and support your posture. 20 minute Pilates Beginner Strong Core Workout.

    Train your pelvis muscles, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony and support your posture. 20 minute Pilates Beginner Strong Core Workout.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 03:49 AM PST

    This core workout will train your pelvis muscles, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and stability, whether on the playing field or in daily activities.


    submitted by /u/AalayaPilates
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    How can I work out my flabby arms after weight loss? Female in Eary 20’s

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:26 PM PST

    I lost over 30 pounds and my arms are gross. I know you can't really spot train and my skin at this point idk if it will retract. I just need some muscle and tone the area. I don't want to broaden my shoulders or back, just tone my arms.

    submitted by /u/lina88_
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    Help understanding diet

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:10 PM PST

    I (27 M 245lbs) started a 1500 calorie diet 2 weeks ago and I've stuck with it for the most part. I've had a couple slip ups going over but nothing near as much as I would normally eat. I wanted to ask yall what all this carb, sugar, protein talk is about. I see articles saying carbs and sugars are bad, carbs are good as long as it's 50 - 150 grams of carbs, protein is the only thing you should be consuming and others saying carbs and sugars are good as long as they're not refined. I'm very new to this and need some assistance. i use a calorie tracker and all the food I eat ,homemade or otherwise, comes up to like 40% carbs, 20% protein, and 40% sugar.

    I searched the reddit but didn't see anything with my answer so I'm turning to yall.

    TLDR: are carbs, sugar, and protein bad? can you give examples of good and bad? everything I've read says something different.

    submitted by /u/Xaexa13
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    How to Effectively Strengthen Core Muscles with Low Back Pain even in 10 minutes?This is a Gentle Pilates Routine Safely if you have back pain with weak core and you don't know how to start strengthening your back and core muscles safely.Core Pilates For Stiff Back and Hips Follow Along Program.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    Are you suffering from low back stiffness with mild aches and pain?

    10 Minute Core Pilates For Stiff Back and Hips Follow Along Program

    This is a Gentle Pilates Routine Safely if you have back pain with weak core and you don't know how to start strengthening your back and core muscles safely? 10 Minute Core Pilates For Stiff Back and Hips Follow Along Program. This is a great routine in the morning or a tthe end of the day after prolonged sitting position.

    Do you want to learn from me and hold your hand to make sure you are doing your exercises correctly? If this is your first time, always go back to Day 1 Proper Breathwork in order to fully connect with your core ⏩ https://youtu.be/VCRVmfvrMa0

    Is this too difficult? ⏩ https://youtu.be/QWjkM-Ww1vE a Quick Recovery Pilates Flow

    Join me and Sign Up Revival 2021 Pilates Series | 31 Days Workout Challenge Program in order to receive daily email reminders so you wont miss my daily Pilates series workouts.



    So How to Effectively Strengthen Core Muscles with Low Back Pain? Let me discuss further... Back pain is a big factor for most of my patients have difficulty on getting back in shape to fully recover. Going back to the gym and start doing weights will not resolve the problem, nor just simple walking outdoors or running to loose weight or to do some sit ups will actually will cause more harm than good. These evidence based exercises fused Pilates and Physical Therapy work wonders to my patients and could see results in a matter of 10 treatment sessions as i usually challenge and slowly effectively strengthen the back and core muscles without compromising the spine, nerves and disc. The resulting changes in your spine can shift the weight of your body unevenly on the facet joints and cause loss of mobility and irritation. These joints can also send pain signals to your brain by irritating the medial branch sensory nerves, which can also result in the surrounding muscles stiffening and spasms if you will just do regular sit up, ab workouts or any other means of workout if you are having bouts of Sciatica, back pain spasms with weakness. Once you have Sciatica and spasms on your back, it automatically cause weakness on your muscles that are affected and usually it is your glutes , one of the most important foundation to support your low back muscles.

    In short, injury and degeneration cause the natural movement of these joints to break down, and the resulting inflammation, nerve irritation, and uneven pressure can cause intense pain and a significant decrease in your quality of life.

    0:00 Introduction 0:43 warm up 0:45 Main Exercise 8:53 Cool Down 12:48 Farewell

    Pilates Exercises To Strengthen Core and Back Muscles Safely and these are simple tools that you can try every single day until you can slowly progress for more challenging Core strengthening program. You can add these as well as you get better.

    submitted by /u/annie-pilates
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    ENERGY HIIT WORKOUT (FULL BODY cardio - apartment friendly - no equipment)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:01 AM PST

    This is an ENERGY HIIT workout. It's great for all levels and to burn calories in the shortest time, all at home with no equipment. Anyone can get started! Any feedback would be great.


    submitted by /u/RinaChoice
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    Knee pain

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:22 AM PST

    Hi. Over the last few months I have had a problem with a burning sensation in my knee whenever I do any quad exercise. The first 2 or 3 sets are usually ok, but then the burning sensation starts, and I usually end up stopping. I have tried taking a couple weeks off but that actually made it worse so I don't know what to do.

    Does anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/Elijah9677
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    Back at the gym! Workout plan advice/tips?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Hello r/beginnerfitness.

    I have recently gotten back into the gym (3 weeks @ 5 days per week strong!). In doing so, I have made the following workout plan for myself and would love tips/advice on how to improve it. I am a somewhat skinny guy (6ft 6in, ~180lbs, 21yo) and would like to gain mass. For my gym, each workout has to be booked in advance and you have 45 mins to complete it. That is why each workout is short, but I like this length anyway as I need to get to work shortly after I get back from the gym. Also, I planned out the days to be alternating upper and lower body to avoid injury.

    Workout Plan (I workout Mon-Fri):

    Day 1: Arms/Chest -

    Mostly dumbbell type workouts. This workout brings me to 45 mins on the dot nearly every time.


    Day 2: Legs -


    Day 3: Pull/Back/Arms Day -


    Day 4: Core Day


    Day 5: Bonus Day

    I use this day to have some fun and repeat any of the earlier days or try out new exercises. Typically I keep this day to one area as well though. As of late, it has been typically another arm day.

    I would love to hear any advice, tips, or exercise recommendations!

    submitted by /u/Elucid99
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    If you are a beginner and wanna try something different, ive created this superset, consisting of 3 sets of 8 exercises each. Its only about 10 minutes and you can do at home without any equipment. Its focused on full body, combining strength and cardio. You can do at your own pace

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:55 AM PST

    How I Lost 36 Pounds in 1 Month Using This "Morning Metabolism Trigger".

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    I've been practicing this new "Morning Metabolism Trigger" for the last few weeks and let me tell you... I haven't felt this great since my 20s....

    ...I'm happy, confident, totally energized and I'm fitting into my skinny jeans again.

    submitted by /u/Cangana
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