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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 22, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 22, 2021

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 22, 2021

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it. Rule #0 still applies in this thread.

    Also, there's a handy search function to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search r/Fitness by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to check first are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    If you are posting a routine critique request, make sure you follow the guidelines for including enough detail.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk, chit-chat, jokes, memes, "Dear Diary" type comments, shitposting, or non-fitness questions. It is for fitness questions only, and only those that are serious.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    97lbs to 130lbs | 1 Year 8 Months Transformation Post

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:53 AM PST

    This is the progress post of my 1 year and 8 months of fitness journey coming from some difficult situations (I'll talk a little about my background at the end after we are done with the actual important stuffs). This post will be pretty long so I'll make bullet points for all the things I am going to write so that you have an easier time reading this post or you can navigate to the parts you are interested in.

    1. Before and after details and pics, 2. Training + Strength level, 3. Routine, 4. Nutrition, 5. Clips and 6. About me.

    1. Before and After Details and Pictures

    Before. Date - 23rd May, 2019. Age - 17. Height - 5'7". Weight 44kg/97lbs

    Before Picture

    After. Date - 18th January, 2021. Age - 18. Height - 5'8". Weight - 59kg/130lbs

    Before and after picture

    Some measurements (all without pump and non flexed) -

    Chest: from ~28" to 34.5" Arms: from ~7.5" to 11.5" Waist: ~25 to 28.5"

    My wrist and ankle circumference are 6" and 7.5" respectively.

    2.1. Training (part 1 June 2019 - August 2020)

    So when I first started working out, I didn't know anything about how to exercise. At the very beginning I couldn't even do a normal push up I was so weak. I didn't even know pull ups were a thing or the fact you had to actually train your back. I didn't start working to get jacked or anything, I just wanted to look normal. And the only exercises I knew were push ups, sit ups and squats. I didn't have any equipments, neither did I have time or money to go to a gym. I first started with an app called 30 Day Home Workout Challenge or something like that. It had different variations of push ups and sit ups. It took me about 3 months to build up to 10 normal push ups. During this time I was watching a lot of YouTube videos about bodyweight workouts and fitness in general. I didn't have a pull up bar. So I did my pull ups first on a door ledge and then on a collapsible gate with towels wrapped around it otherwise my hands would bleed. The first time I did negative pull ups, after mere 3 reps I had incredible pain in my elbows that lasted almost a whole week. I could neither fully straighten or bend my arms. However I kept going and slowly, very slowly got better until I could do it for some reps without pain.

    I had also stopped using that app and was trying things myself. However I didn't know what I was doing. I thought I knew everything from watching YouTube videos but clearly that was not the case. I was following AthleanX and was doing 17 different curl variations with my 25lbs red resistance tube. Most of my exercises were of the same intensity (didn't change the progressions to make it harder) and I always did everything to failure. Was trying out different things like density training, drop set everything, mechanical drop set everything and what not. I was the perfect example of doing fuckaroundities.

    Around last year March it slowly occurred to me that I was not moving forward. There was no progress. In fact, I made all the progress in the first 5-6 months and for almost a year I didn't make any progress. Neither strength not physique wise.

    I was now following a workout app called Calisthenics. It's not too bad except it used ridiculously high volume and hardly any change in intensity. I was exhausted after each session, but no substantial progress was made... (to be continued)

    ● Strength level during this period - 10-12 pull ups, 25 push ups, 12 dips (all max)

    2.2. Training (part 2 August 2020 - Now)

    I was becoming suspicious of what I was doing and the advice I was getting. During this time (May-June 2020) I read the book Power to the People by Pavel Insulin and it almost completely changed the way I looked at exercising. It was something very new and interesting. I started getting more and more curious about the concept of strength training; started reading more about it on the internet, frequently visiting Powerlifting related forums and getting more knowledge about bodyweight training. Then I got the book "Science and Practice of Strength Training" by Vladimir Zatsiorsky and "Building the Gymnatics Body" by Christopher Sommer. And it changed everything.

    I started building and following my own routine and made huge changes to my training (this is around August-September). The major changes was making the rep range 3-5, upping the intensity, taking more rest time, reducing the number of exercises and focusing compound movements while applying the concept of progressive overload. And my strength increased rapidly!

    It's important to know that all this while I was training at home at around 3am (then I used to sleep at daytime and stayed up all night). And for equipment I only had a light red resistance band. I used the kitchen counter to do dips and used an old backpack + some bricks for extra weight in pull ups and dips. In June I bought a pair of gymnastics rings which I hung from the gate. And in late October I started going to the park very early morning (5am) worked out there. I also bought a heavy band (50-70lbs) this November.

    ● Current strength level - max weighted pull ups is approx 25kg (with a brick between my legs), max weighted dip would be around 30kg (I can do about 4-5 reps with the same brick mentioned above). Chest to Wall Handstand Push Up 5 reps (still can't balance a handstand). 3-4 one arm push ups on each arm (clean form). I can hold a straddle front lever for 5-6 seconds but I'm not training Front Lever anymore so that I can fully focus on one arm chin up training. For one arm chin up I can do band assisted (same light band) OAC with 1 finger distance from the ring and where I hold the band. For back lever (supinated) I can hold about 10s of advance tuck open hips, I feel like I'm almost ready for straddle. I'm also training for bent arm planche on Rings where I'm at around 12-15s with advance tuck open hip position. I'm working on my handstand but still can't balance it. I can hold an L Sit on the floor for 20s. Max bodyweight pull is 15-16. I can also do about 5-6 full Dragon Flag however I never trained for it.

    3. Routine

    I follow a template, not a fixed routine as exercises keep changing as I move up the progression ladder. It looks somewhat like this -

    Day 1.

    A. OAC Progression 5 sets of 3-5 (3 min rest)

    B1. Back Lever 3-4 sets of 3-5/5s-15s superset with B2. 10 Reverse Hyperextension (3 min rest)

    C1. Weighted pull up 3 sets of 6-8 (2 min rest) False Grip Hang 3 sets of max hold superset with C2. Bicep curls with that ~25kg brick to failure (1m 30s rest)

    Day 2.

    A. The hardest pushing exercise that I can do (right now it is RTO Dips with Rings 90° turned out through out the whole movement) 5 sets of 3-5 (3 min rest)

    B. Elevated Dominik Sky style pike push up 4 sets of 5-8 (3 min rest)

    C. Bent Arm Planche progression on Rings 3 sets of 10s-20s (2 min rest)

    D. Weighted Dip + heavy band 3 sets of 5-8 (2 min rest)

    E. Bodyweight Triceps Extension 3 sets of 10-12 (1m 30s rest)

    Then repeat day 1...

    Along with these I also train handstand for 20-30 min a day and flexibility + mobility for an hour but different time of the day. Everything combined it takes me about 3 hours a day for a full training.

    4. Nutrition

    For hypertrophy or weight gain (and loss) diet is one of the most important factors. However I'm helpless in this situation. I can't afford enough food to get big. I eat what is cooked in home. I don't track my macros or calories. I eat rice twice a day (as lunch and dinner) with curries, a glass of milk, I'm not a vegetarian but I rarely eat meat because it's expensive, I also don't eat fish because it tastes very bad, I eat 1 banana before training right after waking up, 2 eggs, loads of potato and for breakfast or snacks in the evening I eat bread with peanut butter. I also drink sattu which contains a good amount of soy protein (about 20g in 100g/2 glass). I have only gained about 10lbs this year which speaks volume about my diet however there is nothing I can do about that.

    5. Clips

    Pull Up and negative pull up training on the door ledge (August 2019)

    Elevated Pike Push Up using some books (March 2020)

    Pull ups on the collapsible gate (January 2020)

    Dips on the kitchen counter (February 2020)

    Pike straddle front lever raise (September 2020)

    Pull ups with an approx 15kg tree branche (July 2020)

    This is the approx 25kg brick I was talking about

    Dragon Flags for the first time (November 2020)

    Archer Chin Up on Rings (December 2020)

    12 dips with approx 12kg brick (December 2020)

    Mantle Chin Up with about 20" distance between the rings (December 2020)

    Bent Arm Advance tuck Planche on Rings (January 2021)

    Street dogs that accompany me while I'm working out

    6. About me

    If you are still reading this (wow lol) and if you are curious about how I got into that low weight in the first place, here's a brief history of me. When I was 9 months old I had a deseas called Steven Johnson's Syndrome (Toxic Epidermal Nacrolysis stage). It's a very rare (like one in a million in US) and severe deseas (Google for more info). I didn't die but I had permanent damage to my eyes. I'm visually impaired, have photophobia/light sensitivity (that's why I used to sleep at daytime) and dry eyes. I was in a blind boys hostel from the age of 6-12 where I didn't eat enough. My weight was very low. I used to poop like once in 2 weeks. Not to mention I incredibly weak I was. My parents got separated when I was like 10 and I stayed with my mom. I started working out not to be jacked or anything, I just wanted to look normal.

    And I'm totally aware of the fact that my progress is very slow, objectly it's very bad. I'm almost 2 years into it what do I have to show for it, freaking elbow lever? I can't even do a handstand or a muscle up which is nothing short of embarrassment at this point. I want to be very good at what I do, and clearly I'm showing no signs to indicate that. If I keep training hopefully this year will be better and I may have something better to show for next January. Thanks for reading this long ass post lmao

    submitted by /u/Username_4477
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    Physique Phriday

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the Physique Phriday thread

    What's the point of having people guess your body fat? Nevermind that it's the most inaccurate method available, (read: most likely way wrong - see here) you're still just putting an arbitrary number to the body you have. Despite people's claim that they are shooting for a number, they're really shooting for look - like a six pack.

    So let's stopping mucking around with trivialities and get to the heart of the matter. This thread shall serve two purposes:

    1. Physique critiques. Post some pics and ask about muscles or body parts you need to work on. Or specifically ask about a lagging body part and what exercises worked for others.
    2. An outlet for people that want to show off their efforts that would otherwise be removed due to Rule 4, and

    Let's keep things civil, don't be a creep, and adhere to Rule 1. This isn't a thread to announce what you find attractive in a mate. Please use the report function for any comments that are out of line.

    So phittit, what's your physique pheel like this phriday?

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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