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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - December 02, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - December 02, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - December 02, 2020

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How I Added 10lbs to My Bench in Only 1 Year

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST


    The last time I posted in here was after I finally hit a 505lb bench a year ago. That post has my full background, lifting history, and training approach. So, rather than rehash all that, this post will focus on what I did in the last year to get to a 515lb bench.

    Vid of the Did

    Current Stats

    • 39 years old
    • 240ish lbs
    • Still male
    • Still 5'11"
    • Still cheaty bench arch
    • Still no steroids

    Pics Since I Always Get Asked

    Bench PR Chart

    • 515x1
    • 495x2
    • 455x5
    • 445x6
    • 425x8
    • 405x10
    • 385x12
    • 365x15
    • 315x20

    Bench Progress Plot

    • Full plot here
    • 350 lbs at 32 weeks
    • 375 at 47
    • 405 at 53
    • 415 at 58
    • 425 at 65
    • 445 at 77
    • 465 at 103
    • 475 at 136
    • 485 at 153
    • 505 at 175
    • 510 at 208
    • 515 at 234

    Rack and Equipment

    Training For the Past Year

    • For the first part of the last year, I'd been doing my typical high volume PPL style training. It seems to fit my situation well and has produced results in the past. But, it started to grind and progress stopped, so I switched things up.

    • I believe the Bylaws of Reddit Fitness prohibit me from calling this a "program", so here's the… thengie I'm currently doing. This is low volume for me. 30 sets/cycle of pressing, 40 sets/cycle of pulling, 30 sets/cycle of lower body, but I generally take 6ish days to complete a cycle. I like it. It's simple and offers me a good balance between going all out on some sets but not every set. Before that, I was doing a weird implementation of Grog's 28 Free. You can find the real versions on /u/gnuckols' website www.strongerbyscience.com.

    • Running both of those programs was interesting for me. For years, my main training approach was to simply do as much volume as I possibly could. That meant training every day, making lift selections to maximize volume, bulking, and sleeping. It worked great for years, but in the past year things really started slowing down. I finally gave in and tried out /u/weaponizedsleep's idiotic theory that less volume might produce better results. It seems to have been a good decision and I've still been progressing by interweaving periods of high and low volume. Generally, I get PRs during the low volume phase. It's been fun and /u/purplespengler says he's very proud of me.

    • Basically, it's been the same process I always follow: Is what you're doing working? If yes, keep doing it. If no, maybe try something different.

    Other Random Observations

    • My back has been getting a little wonky, so I've been doing more sets with less arch. I've found that ROM bangs up my elbows more than weight does. Close grip, flatter back, cambered bar, etc.... seems good for a pump and I use less weight, but my elbows get angry.
    • I am definitely less good at my max-grip-width, max-arch benching when I do it less frequently. E.g. 1/week vs 3/week.
    • I like high rep BW dips as my triceps builder. 5x40 or 4x50 takes very little time.
    • Low-incline bench makes my boobs hurt in a good way.


    • What's next? I'm going to take some time away from lifting. I don't know how long. Also, I need to lose body weight. I move, sleep, and have heartburn much worse at this weight. :)
    • Why do you obscure your face? So people can't see it.
    • Why the funny lights? Preference.
    • Why don't you compete in a strength sport? The same reason I don't compete in any other sport… I don't want to.
    • Have you ever measured your testosteronies? Yep, I'm about 300ish.



    submitted by /u/ZBGBs
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    Rant Wednesday

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    Welcome to Rant Wednesday: It's your time to let your gym/fitness/nutrition related frustrations out!

    There is no guiding question to help stir up some rage-feels, feel free to fire at will, ranting about anything and everything that's been pissing you off or getting on your nerves!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Opinions on "super" curl bars

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:38 AM PST

    I have my home gym pretty much setup now, with a squat rack, bench press, a beefy ceiling bar to pull up to and attach rubber bands, and barbell/dumbells and plates.

    I don't have a curl bar, or anything other than a straight bar, and I would like one, I used to use one in the gym, and I would like to use it for skull crusher type movements as well.

    I have seen, in addition to the regular curl bars, "super" curl bars that have many more/deeper curves to them, and some brands have an additional u shape welded on in the middle. I am interested as space and size saving is somewhat important so multi use kit is preferable.

    Has anyone used one/owned one, it is a good idea over a regular curl bar ?

    submitted by /u/UniqueUse
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    Running: Current 24-hour record holder's critique on Spanish runner Jilian Jornet's attempt to break the record

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:48 AM PST

    Some backstory: Greek ultrarunner Yiannis Kouros is the current record holder of the 24-hour event, having run some impressive 188 miles/303 km in the given time back in 1997. In an event organised by sponsor Salomon this last weeked, Kilian Jornet tried to break this record. He ran for 10 hours before stopping the attempt due to dizziness. What's the Greek's "beef" with this?

    What's the Greek's "beef" with this? Here are Kouros' own critical words on the attempt:

    Did I mentioned "shoes" in my post? Congratulations and many thanks to those with such incorrect interpretation! I was clear: talking about unofficially set running activity. For those who disagree with me and for the female champion of the distance who believes is "official", I ask:

    1. Are you representing the fair-play, athletic spirit and equality, or the sponsor's will?

    2. Can anybody provide the rule that says a competitor is allowed to be in a place of a country and choose the date on personal basis and postpone it every now and then, awaiting for the ideal weather broadcast in order to choose the day that sweets him/her to perform????

    (a. In the 24h race in New York, back in 1985, the event was not mine and not for me, but open to all competitors and the date set months before, as the rules demand. A cuple of days prior to the event there was an announcement that on the day of the race the hurricane "Gloria" will attack us! Did I -or any competitor- had the right to go back to our countries, homes etc and return to perform in ideal conditions? No way! We took it as it came and, this is the reason I end up with 178 miles, instead of 185-190...

    b. In the 48h of Surgeres, France, back in 1996, on my last training in Athens I broke 4 ribs and I couldn't even sleep! I went to the race unable to breath... Again, did I had the right to tell the organisation to pospond the event, plus to the other international runners to go home and come back in a few months, when I could be recovered? No way! Thats way I end up with 473km -WR- and not 510 km that I was planing and able to cover...)

    3. Are you pretend that you care about the other competitors? If so, why are only a few allowed to take part and only from the same country? How then can be an open event? Is it official when other athletes are not allowed to participate? ( People unaware of ultra-runing details they can't see that when you appear with 303.5km, 295 or less -especially on the track- your legs have covered 8-12km extra, depending on your speed and the number of participants in the field... The faster you run, the more covered distance you are losing, surpassing your co-competitors! And this is one of the many "shortcuts", that happens in an event unofficially set, I was referring to..., unless you run on your own, or to an unopen activity with a few selected runners, but, in such way equality and fairness are not fulfiled, and therefor the term "officiall" either... )

    So the trick is clear: less field in order not to run the extra distance by surpassing runners...... Is it fair???

    4. About labels: can you provide the rule that says that when participants appear to run 2minute/km, another year 260-320/h!!!!!, judges going home during the night and competitors cut the corners, course not measured officially, with multiple other irregularities.... do you continue to offer them labels as in many cases in Athens?

    If some people unaware of the sport can't get my points, bad luck! I can't help them further than I have sacrificed my life to show the right way...!!!

    Καλημέρα και καλό μήνα! Have a nice day and good month!  

    (Link to the post here)  

    My take on this: Shit, people can run "almost" 200 miles in one day!

    submitted by /u/ASK_ABOUT_LSD_BOOK
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