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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Is protein supplementation inferior to normal meals?

    Beginner Fitness: Is protein supplementation inferior to normal meals?

    Is protein supplementation inferior to normal meals?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I prefer having two meals a day to four which are generally accepted as maximising muscle protein synthesis, hence recently what I've been doing is having a breakfast, then working out, then having 40g of protein from whey, then the second large meal 3-4 hours after, and finally 40g of protein from casein before bed hence my protein is distributed into 4 meals relatively equally spaced out. Am I consuming too much protein from supplements? would I notice any benefit from actually eating 4 meals with equal amounts of protein instead?

    submitted by /u/True0ne
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    Just need a few tips to get started

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm trying to start my fitness journey. I bought a yoga mat, resistance band, pull-up bar and push-up bar online to do it. I am 21 y/o, 5'7" and weighing 62 kg. I currently have a skinny fat body type.

    Anyway, I just want to know your routine everyday if you have the same stats as me so that I can base my routine from it. I have the BWF recommended routine in mind, but I find it hard to follow, especially that I haven't mastered the exercises and it bothers me when I stop my current exercise, read the next exercises, then set my timer. Do you know any videos online that I can watch so that I can just follow it while exercising? Or in general, do you guys have any recommendations regarding exercise videos that I can follow online.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/ihopeurokayy
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    App to count calories... and ONLY that.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Is there an app out there that will help me count calories and just that? No fancy mumbo jumbo stuff like profiles, goals, diary, meal proposals, water counter, weight tracker, etc.? Maybe even one, where I can add stuff like "whole wheat bread", "Tomato" and "Cheese" instead of having to scan products? You know, just calories from normal, most times unpacked food? I found kcalo which was quite promising, but the UI is rather confusing unfortunately.

    submitted by /u/nameage
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