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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - October 04, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - October 04, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - October 04, 2020

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why is my chest not growing?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I main at doing calisthenics for about a year now and I've made an okay amount of muscle but, my chest area is just not growing anymore. How do i fix this

    submitted by /u/Sagtooo
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    How do antidepressants affect metabolism?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Is it simply the increased appetite that commonly leads to weight gain, or do they generally slow metabolism aswell. My doctor found it particularly odd that I had not experienced any weight gain since being put onto Remeron (mirtazipine)

    submitted by /u/locked54
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    Victory Sunday

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Victory Sunday Thread

    It is Sunday, 6:00 am here in the eastern half of Hyder, Alaska. It's time to ask yourself: What was the one, best thing you did on behalf of your fitness this week? What was your Fitness Victory?

    We want to hear about it!

    So let's hear your fitness Victory this week! Don't forget to upvote your favorite Victories!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Question about symmetric Strength.com

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Suppose I squat 40 kg, 20 kg plates on either side what do I put in symmetric strength. 40kg or 40kg + 20kg rod wieght = 60 kg. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ShudraShinigami
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    I need help finding a direction to move in to get healthier.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I'm overweight, almost old, and work a TON. Gyms still scare me a bit do to Captain Tripps. I am on a light diet that I seem to slip on more times that I would like. I have no other friends that work out regularly. I work around 12 to 16 hours a day. After sleep I have no time to get a workout going.

    Oh, and being on a graveyard shift at work cuts the options even farther.

    I can afford a personal trainer but I don't even know where to start looking for someone to scream at me to work out like 1 hour or so a week.

    Not a full cry for help, but maybe a quiet call for help. Any ideas, suggestions, recommendations for some one who wants to be smaller, That is literally my only goal.

    submitted by /u/dangerc775
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    Workout routine without stressing hips?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Yesterday I got diagnosed with trochanteritis. My doctor said that I can continue to train but I can't put any pressure on my hip, I'm not even allowed to walk stairs or ride a bicycle for 3 weeks. I'd like to keep going to the gym to make sure that I don't lose the habit. Some exercises I have thought I can do is sitting shoulder press, sitting side raises, lat pulldown, tricep pushdown.

    Are there any other exercises I can do? Is bench press possible? Once I have some exercises I can do, how can I turn it into a program I can follow for 3 weeks?

    submitted by /u/Halfpikant
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    Monthly Apps, Gadgets and Gear Megathread!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Monthly Apps, Gadgets and Gear Megathread!

    This thread is for sharing fitness related apps, technological gadgets, and training gear that you've found helpful for your fitness goals.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What is this lifting wiki i keep hearing about ?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Forgive me if this a bit if a brain fart, but i have seen a lifting wiki referenced a few times (i am researching getting back to lifting) and can't seem to find what they are referring to. Any help pleaaase ?

    submitted by /u/BapHead5
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    Reverse dieting so I can cut later on? help

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys I'm new to the gym, have been working out for 4 weeks now :) I just have a question about my diet. So a little backstory: I have been in a calorie deficit for about 6 months now (with many slip ups and "cheat" day. So I feel like my body has gotten used to the lower calories and is not making much progress anymore. Now that I started at the gym I obviously need more calories and I would like to reverse diet slowly to my maintaining calories that I calculate (I put lightly active). Is that a good idea? The goal would be to not gain much during the reverse dieting but just to make sure that my body can handle more calories again so that I can later cut calories again (but not go as low as before). The losing fat would be easier because I dont have to drop my calories so low. Any advice on that?

    submitted by /u/FreakyLeo_
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    Replacing leg days in a ppl program

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    He guys, i have a bit of a luxury problem now I went back to the gym a year ago after a 5 year break I incorperated a 6 days ppl( which I loved). Now i've also started doing cycling again 3-4 days a week (used to compete on high amateur level) I still like to go to the gym 6 days a week but due to the heavy cycling my leg days dont feel necesarry and mess with my cycling training. I am really figuring out what i can do with those extra 2 leg days in the gym.. would it hurt to do pushpullpushpull rest, or are two days of recovery for musclegroups more benifial then 1 day recovery?

    submitted by /u/YoureAverageDentist
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    Milk/milk substitutes vs water

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    So I'm just starting out with going to gym, total newbie, and getting to learn more about protein and shakes. I make a daily shake with my protein powder, banana, peanut butter and low fat milk. The thing is this fills me up completely. And someone said milk isn't great coz it takes longer to break down and might contribute to fat, which I'm trying to lose. Would it be better to substitute with water or like oat/soy milk? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Mattythecrew
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    1000 calorie smoothie

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    I wanna gain weight and eating all day is too hard so I was thinking of drinking a smoothie everyday on top of eating. I chose these ingredients; 1/2 cup oats, 1 banana, berry mix, spinach, 2tbs peanut butter, 2 tbs chia seeds, 1tbs honey, 1 1/2 cups of milk. These add up to about 1000 calories, is it good or should I make changes?

    submitted by /u/levonzaj
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    What to do

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    I have found 2 2kg weights and have started to use them. What exercise should I do with them and how many times should I do them.

    submitted by /u/Chonka8228
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    Have any of you managed to stay consistent w/ two-a-days?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I've always struggled with balancing running and lifting. Back in the day, it wasn't uncommon for some of us infantryman (when in garrison) to dabble with a little dbol and test p, lift all the time, eat like mad, and just get stupid big. I couldn't run for shit.

    Now, in my 30s, I find myself much more of a runner, 30-50mi weeks, occasional marathons, etc. My size and strength are way down.

    Every time I try to incorporate both, I end up failing on one aspect and focusing on the other. Recently, I've considered trying two-a-days. Maybe full body and a run, or PPL and a run. It also sounds like a fast track to burnout.

    I'm curious if any of you have been able to maintain it long term? Or maybe taking a week here or there to let off the gas?


    Edit: Ton of great info.. and downvoted. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/_shucks_howdy_
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