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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: How to do Yoga for Complete Beginners Part 3 practice twist and turn and gain flexibility gradually, keep your posture healthy and in shape.

    Beginner Fitness: How to do Yoga for Complete Beginners Part 3 practice twist and turn and gain flexibility gradually, keep your posture healthy and in shape.

    How to do Yoga for Complete Beginners Part 3 practice twist and turn and gain flexibility gradually, keep your posture healthy and in shape.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Where to start when “beginner” is inaccessible

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Feel free to point me towards another post/sub. A few searches through this and r/bodyweightfitness didn't turn up an answer I was looking for. Thanks!

    M/30 I've started fitness journeys several times, they always end in injury. I ran a half marathon, but I injured my knee. Started working on pushups/pull-ups, got some back issues and exacerbated existing wrist issues, etc. I'm getting more and more reluctant to try anything that's "beginner," not because I can't do it, but I clearly don't know when to push through the difficulty of an exercise and when my body is telling me to quit.

    I started Tai Chi in January, and it's been great to keep me active, but I'd like to work again on strength, flexibility, posture, and endurance. I figure the best bet is to find a personal trainer who's also a physical therapist, but my brother is also suggesting a chiropractor, and I watch fitness videos and look through fitness apps, I think I've thought myself into being paralyzed. If I had enough money to have all the trainers and doctors in the world, I'd do it.

    Do you have any advice on how to proceed? On who could give me some real life feedback while training? I appreciate it folks.

    submitted by /u/boussh
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    New workout routine suggestions

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    31M, 5'5" 60Kg - beginner at the gym here.

    I've been doing the routine my personal trainer has set for me in the past 4 months and have increased the weight progressively until now. I feel like I'm stuck and not getting any bigger/stronger.

    What I've been doing is split into sets of workouts**:

    Set A - Chest, arms and back (2x/week)
    Assisted dips + assisted chin-ups - 8 reps x 5 sets each
    Chest press + bicep curls - 10x4
    Rows + tricep dips - 10x4
    Face pulls + push ups - 12x3

    Set B - Legs and shoulders (2x/week)
    Leg press + dumbbell front raise - 8x5
    Leg curl + dumbbell side raise - 10x4
    Dumbbell thrusters + Kettlebell sumo squats - 10x4
    Walking lunges + crunches = 20x3

    **Supersets with 90-second rest in between sets

    Any suggestions on a new routine would be really appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lukkipapaw
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    What should I eat throughout the day?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Hopefully I am posting in the right sub, even though I didn't find too much about nutrition here. Could anyone help me out with what I should/can eat throughout the day in order to be healthy? More specifically, I am looking for more concrete examples of meals, not just ingredients if that's possible.

    Since I started being more active lately, i have been quite hungry, so I think that I perhaps should include another snack/light lunch to my diet. Any tips would be appreciated, but if you have any regarding those specifically then that would be great!

    submitted by /u/jannesajaha
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