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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Routine Campfire - Couch to 5K

    Beginner Fitness: Routine Campfire - Couch to 5K

    Routine Campfire - Couch to 5K

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Welcome to the next r/Fitness Campfire series - Routine Campfires! You can read the original announcement thread along with the future schedule here.

    This week's topic: Couch to 5K

    Ask questions you have about this routine in this thread, and the community will help you get an answer.

    Here are the rules for Routine Campfires:

    • Routine Campfires are for asking specific questions about a specific routine and getting answers from the community.
    • Top level comments must be a specific question about the topic routine. Questions which are excessively vague to a point of being difficult to answer directly will not be permitted. Comments should not be used for general chit-chat, just for asking and answering questions.
    • Routine Campfires are not for routine critique requests of any kind. This includes but is not limited to: tweaks, lift replacements, accessory choices. All such questions should be directed to the Daily Thread exactly as any normal routine critique would be.
    • Replies to questions should be either an answer to the question, or asking the poster for information necessary to better answer the question.
    • Comments which in any way support or encourage piracy of a routine or its material will be removed and posters who make them banned permanently.
    • Comments should be civil and serious. Jokes, memes, and rudeness will not be permitted.
    • If the answer to a question can be found in an existing page about the routine, please be sure to include a link to the page.
    • Please check the thread to see if your question has been asked prior to posting.

    Comments which break these rules will be removed and posters given bans at the discretion of the moderators. Remember when you participate that the purpose of these threads is to develop community resources for those who come to r/Fitness for help in the future.

    submitted by /u/purplespengler
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    Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 02, 2020

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How do you peeps deal with the extreme heat while at the gym?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Today it finally happened, I had to abandom my last few sets because I was this close to blacking out from the heat. It's 38 degrees celcius outside and the gym I'm at has a bunch of fans at the ceiling, but it really doesn't help much. I'm also spam drinking cold water and found some advice on the internet that if you are close to getting a heatstroke you should apply water to your forearms, didn't help much though (gym owner was looking at me funny, I had to explain why I did this and that I wasn't cleaning myself, he didn't reply and looked the other way...).

    It's only gonna get worse from now on and I've been an avid gym-goer this year, 6 times a week is my goal. I still have 3 weeks until my vacation so I wanted to get in the best shape possible, but I can't imagine having to deal with this heat every day.

    Any of you have any tips for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    EDIT: Thanks for all the great advice everyone! Just thought I'd clarify, all gyms where I'm from are prohibited from turning on their AC due to COVID (for some reason I never understood). Also since I 99% lift and 1% cardio, working out from home is extremely subpar for me, did it on lockdown and it can't compare to gym equipment in the slightest.

    submitted by /u/OMGMetalGear
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    Which protein rule is correct?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    I've heard both of these thrown around "1g/lb of body weight" and others who say that it's "1g/lb of lean body weight" so which is it? 150g is a big difference from 220g. I only ate 130g today so I'm just wondering. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DJ_AbstractTV
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    Running and powerlifting

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Hello, I was doing the Wendler program before confinement.

    During confinement, I started running 3 times a week at 70% of my maximum heart rate (sub 140) I'm taking over Wendler with the Beginner prep school program and I wanted to know if my workload is correct. The program is done over two weeks with:

    ABA / BAB

    • Monday : A (squat / bench)
    • Tuesday: 45min jogging 70%
    • Wednesday: B (deadlift / press)
    • Thursday: 45min jogging 70%
    • Friday: A (squat / bench)
    • Saturday: 45mn / 1h jogging 70%

    Actually, my perfs after confinement are: 90kg squat, 80kg bench, 50kg press, 150kg deadlift

    I'm not looking for hypertrophy, I just want to be healthy. My sports goal is: 1/2/3/4 plates on the bars and being able to run a marathon or trail one day (no matter how long I take). I see a lot of articles that it is impossible to combine the two. Is it really impossible?

    submitted by /u/Thibalut
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    Help with figuring out which muscles need stretching

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Is there a video that takes you through stretches for your body so you can get a kinda State of the Union for your body's flexibility and lack thereof?

    I know my glutes and quads are tight, but I suspect calves, too, plus many other parts.

    submitted by /u/garyzxcv
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    What can I do against bruises from deadlifting?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    I started deadlifting 3 weeks ago and after my first workout i got light bruises on my shins. At the next workout I didn't really cared about the small pain. But the bruises get bigger and bigger and the pain gets worse. It is still manageable but I get concentration problems and can't hold the proper form. I don't want to stop deadlifting. Is there anything I can do which helps against or prevents the bruises?

    submitted by /u/Terminat31
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    Running affecting squat progression?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I've been lifting for about three months now, alternating between running days and lifting days. A couple weeks ago I must've pulled something in my lower hamstring, so I took a break from running. At the time I had already deloaded twice unable to get past 5x5 165lbs squats. Since I quit running I've progressed to 190lbs in just two weeks. I probably could have gone to 195lbs after my last workout too - but I held it back to be sure I wasn't moving too quickly. Is my running hurting my squat progression? I would usually run 2-3 miles.

    I am M30 184lbs

    submitted by /u/WVAviator
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    Thoughts on raw egg (yolk) pre-workout as a source of aminos?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    Is this pointless? would the egg yolk digest in 2 hours and provide your body any aminos at all?

    The scenario in mind is for someone that usually trains fasted in the morning but now wants to try having a food source of protein in the system before the workout. Eggs yolks were chosen as they feel well digested.

    Any other discuss/feedback is welcome :)


    submitted by /u/oscarnivore
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    How do I know when to stop training my muscles in a day?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    I've started doing simple knee pushups, because I've tried some fitness routines, and just can't be bothered. But I'd like to actually see some form of progression, maybe that would give me more motivation. I'm doing around 4x4 knee pushups every other day, with 90 second breaks in between each 4. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm very weak, and also around 60lbs over weight, and fail at around 6 knee pushups. Is this enough? Will I actually become stronger this way, or should I do this 4x4 thing multiple times a day? If I could do that a few times a day, would that be better than once a day? Or would I just be straining my muscles, even though they've already been pushed enough?

    submitted by /u/Its_Blazertron
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    Been working out my chest for a few months now and right pec wont grow like my left (serious issue!)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    Ive had this issue since i was young where my left pec was always formed better than my right. Ive been working out off and on throughout the years and my right pec never grew like my left. Its weird because my right arm has always been my dominant arm and stronger than my left yet the opposite pec is bigger. I am now working out again after several years and i do dumbbells from home doing incline, decline, and flies on straight back. Im doing 30 reps for each on my right pec while doing 15 reps for the left (dont worry i do curls for my left biceps afterwards). Doing that to try and focus mainly on my building right pec. Been doing this for about 3 months every other night now and both pecs are growing but still my left pec is bigger for some reason. This is driving me crazy and starting to think that i have a medical condition in my right pec. Every night when im done working out i feel both pecs and my left feels like hard steel while my right is still a little mushy after doing 90 total reps on that side and only doing 45 on my left! I don't understand whats going on at all. If anyone with knowledge and experience in this can please help me ill greatly appreciate it!!

    submitted by /u/Kelhallaq
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    How do you guys program running and powerlifting together

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    I have been told to perform 3 total body sessions and running and between




    or 2 upper sessions with running at the end of workout and two legdays


    But then with both these of these i feel that there is too much volume for the legs so i also thought of




    This also leads to the problem of too little cardio per week

    I am completely lost here please help me

    submitted by /u/thatoneinsecureboy
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    Looking for advice on which types of routines I should follow

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    The past few years my workouts were focused on weight loss after my knee was repaired. But recently I'm at a place where I am athletic enough to start really shaping my body and I was wondering what types of routines would be ideal for my goals.

    I want to be agile to get back into lacrosse as well as maybe learning to dance. But I also want to have the strength to maybe take up a martial art or parkour. Recently, my routine has been pretty simple.

    30-40 pushups

    15-20 pullups

    30-40 single leg squats at 25lbs

    I feel like it worked for a little and I feel more toned and like my muscles are denser but I haven't really improved much after 4ish weeks. I tried eating more protein (my diet is otherwise pretty balanced) and didn't really see much of a change.

    Ultimately looking to build a little bit of mass, but more so strength but also improve agility and mobility

    submitted by /u/IrishWhitey
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    How can I grow my legs without growing my ass?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    Basically I've been working out with dumbells for the past few months. I'm a skinny guy whose butt is slightly larger (proportionally) than I'd like it to be. I've started making some gains but the issue is I've grown roughly evenly all-round so the issue is still there. Are there any ways I can target the quads and hamstrings whilst minimizing growth of the glutes?

    Also, I've got slightly anterior pelvic tilt, so need to strengthen my butt muscles. But if there are any ways I can strengthen them whilst minimizing their growth that'd be ideal. The issue seems to be that a lot of the exercises I've seen seem to target both glutes and upper legs together. I know that some growth is obviously inevitable but if there are any ways I can even this growth out I'd be interested to hear them.

    I'm aware this is a faintly ridiculous problem but I hope I can get some wisdom from this thread... thanks.

    submitted by /u/brick_eater
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    Is steady state cardio in a fasted state really catabolic for muscle?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I'm well aware that fasted cardio is entirely inconsequential for burning fat, and doing cardio in a fed state will result in the same amount of fat loss over time as long as the overall caloric deficit is maintained. However, I still run fasted really early in the mornings because if I eat at 5am I will projectile vomit at the mile 3-4 mark without fail. I found a singular paper from a T-Nation article, 'fasted cardio eats muscle' (that was just a plug for some sports drink), which is insanely hyperbolic and bro-sciency about the potential catabolic nature of fasted cardio on muscle proteins, and this worried me somewhat. I cannot really find much literature on it as both Jeff Nippard and Natacha Oceane's videos on fasted cardio focus on the fat loss aspect.

    I don't actually mind breaking the 'fast' in the morning as I don't do fasted cardio for any other reason than it feels better for me, but if it's genuinely catabolic to a noticeable extent would it be worth burning my money on BCAA's to drink before I run? I am hesitant as BCAA's as far as I'm aware are useless in almost all cases in which a caloric deficit is not present.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Caramana
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    19M 5'11" 128 -> 175 -> 152lbs, 2 years of progress

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    This is an updated version of my last post, 6 months ago. I'm keeping everything I had then, and adding what has happened since then.


    Winter 2017 I started to work out. It never really got too serious though, since I had no real drive, and the trainer at my school wasn't good. I stopped once track season started, and I didn't care too much.

    That spring, in April 2018, I had what started the most difficult life experience to date. My first girlfriend, who I had been with for 11 months dumped me. I don't need to go in much detail, but it was shitty as hell, and I ended up dropping a few pounds, going to 125lbs.

    I was filled with sadness, insecurity, and anger. One of my closest friends, who happens to know his stuff about working out, wanted to be my personal trainer. He wants to pursue a future as one, and I trusted him, so I obliged.

    This was in July. I hadn't started eating right at this point, I was really just getting a routine down, and figuring out how to work out. No real progress was made, just figuring out my starting points for various exercises.

    My journey:

    In mid September 2018, I was ready. I started meal prepping and planning my meals. I'll never forget the first day I consumed 3,000 calories. I had never eaten so much in my life, I was constantly about to burst. It was honestly more difficult than working out, and I came incredibly close to throwing up that night.

    Slowly, it became easier. I'd have days where I didn't meet the goal caloric intake, but I'd slowly make it more and more frequently.

    After about a month I started to see some weight gain. I started to take creatine, and protein powder for protein shakes.

    I continued eating as much as I could and consuming protein shakes after every workout, and I was making noticeable progress. I'd record my weight for different dates in a Google spreadsheet, and connect it to a chart and see a general upward trend. I made the goal of reaching 150lbs. Once I reached it, I'd buy myself a shirt and make a cutoff out of it.

    I reached 150 in February 2019. Around late november 2018 to January 2019, I didnt make much progress. I got sick, attended my brother's graduation, got sick again. Really, I just wasn't able to work out for at least 2 weeks consistently during this time.

    From Feb 2019 to June 2019, I went from 150 to 168 pounds. After making little progress from November 2018 -Jan 2019, I buckled down and went for it again. Made some good progress.

    June to July 2019, I started a cut. I wasn't really fat, but I figured I'd cut a bit off so I can have a good starting place for my next bulk. I did it for 4 weeks, and ended up taking a break from working out because I mentally exhausted myself. I decreased my volume with my caloric intake, but for some reason going to the gym really stressed me out. During my week long break, I concluded that I should go back to bulking up, because I wasn't really fat to start anyway. I wanted to just go all in and bulk until I was legitimately getting fat. Although, I will say I lost 4-5 lbs while I was cutting and a few lifts actually improved, so I'll consider it a minor success.

    July to December 2019, I started my new bulking routine, and switched to my college gym (first semester). Went from 163 to 175 (current). July to late august, I worked out as frequently as I should have. Once I started college, however, it took a while until I started going consistently. I had to figure out how my daily schedule would work, how to get the calories in, etc. Mid October I started going consistently.

    I returned home for christmas break, and used my local college's gym from early December to early January. Lifts progressed a bit slower than usual, and I had trouble gaining weight. This didn't distress me much since my lifts were still going up.

    Then, I came back to college for 2 months until coronavirus ruined everything. Same story for those 2 months; trouble gaining weight, but lifts still went up. I planned on cutting once I came home either in the summer, or spring due to coronavirus.

    Once I came home in mid march, I started a cut, and setup a small home gym, consisting of a chair, a blanket for padding, two 15lb dumbbells, and some cheap resistance bands I didn't get until early May.

    It was definitely a lot harder to motivate myself since my new "gym" was complete trash. No bench, no squat (no fun). However, I still always went 5 days a week, even when I had online schoolwork, taking a week off in May

    I'm still continuing my cut and my same routine. I plan on continuing until I get to 140lbs, or I go back to school in late august.




    Fall 2018 to Summer 2019, caloric goal: 2300-2800, TDEE: 2000-2500 (adjusted as I gained weight). I'd wake up and eat a bowl of quaker banana nut oatmeal, cup of milk, banana, and package of belvita. I'd then get 3 lunches at school (none if I was meal prepping chicken and rice). After my workout, Id make a protein shake at home, then eat dinner (varied). Through the evening I'd drink more whole milk and eat belvita

    Summer 2019 - Fall 2019, caloric goal: 2800. TDEE: 2500. (For my bulk. I attempted a cut for about 2 weeks).

    I'd still have the belvita oatmeal, banana and milk breakfast. Lunch would usually be a lean cuisine frozen meal, milk, belvita, and a banana. I'd workout around noon and go to work right after, where I'd have dinner (varied) and several cups of chocolate milk. When I got home at night, Id put some goya flavored rice in my rice cooker (great investment, highly recommend) and have a small protein shake.

    Fall 2019 - December 2019, Daily caloric goal: 3300 calories, TDEE: 3000.

    I'd eat approx 1200 calories at breakfast lunch and dinner at my college dining hall. I'd have 3 cups of while milk at every meal. Breakfast was usually 250 cal in eggs, 200 cal in yogurt, 450 cal in whole milk (It was rare for me to get 1200 cal for breakfast). Lunch and dinner varied a lot, but every friday I'd get a 32oz strawberry hulk with 2 servings of almond butter and 1 serving of protein at smoothie king. I'd also get this if there was nothing good at the dining hall.

    Jan 2020 - March 2020 - Same as above

    March 2020 - July 2020 (present), Daily caloric goal: 2000 calories. TDEE: 2350. Once I got to 155, I adjusted my caloric intake to about 1800

    I'd have 2 cups of milk and a scoop of gold standard whey with either a clif bar or special k cinnamon protein cereal for breakfast. Lunch was either a bowl of soup + clif bar, frozen meal, or a frozen meal + clif bar. Dinner was usually a homemade meal that my mom would make, or more cereal or something. My diet isn't very consistent in terms of what exactly I eat; I just make sure I'm getting a few hundred calorie deficit while aiming for 125+ g of protein per day.

    Lift progress:

    (no belts)

    Bench - 8x65lb -> 8x150lb

    Squat - 8x80lbs -> 8x235lb

    Chin ups - 5x127lb -> 6x175lb

    Progress Pictures:


    Results as of now:

    Right now, I'm very happy with my progress, and I think I'm doing well for 2 years of consistent training and dieting. I'm not done, and I don't think I ever will be. The more I work out, the more I realize the journey is more important than the destination. The feeling of putting your all into something, non-stop, is the reward. The gains are merely evidence of that work.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/turkishjedi21
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