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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 30, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 30, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 30, 2020

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Workout for 9-5

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    What is a good workout for someone with very little time. Commuting to work, working 10 hours, coming home for dinner it is already nearly 8 o'clock. Anything that is good but takes less time?

    submitted by /u/jackmanorishe
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    Is my workout sufficient? When should I rest?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am male, 28 years old, I work a (mostly) deskjob at a warehouse that sometimes includes physical labour, I weigh 105 kilograms and my height is 1.76 meters, obviously I am quite overweight

    For about a week now I have been doing 30 push ups, 60 squats and 60 crunches in sets of 3(not sure if its sets or reps, so 10 pushups, 20 squats, 20 crunches X3 a day) during my work hours

    I am mainly trying to lose weight and build some muscle mass

    Is the resting time between these sets crucial?

    Is my workout even sufficient for my goal of eventually losing weight and gaining muscles?

    Should I even rest? Cos I havent had a rest day this whole week

    submitted by /u/Reachahighernoon
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    Weighted vest recommendations

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    Hi r/fitness! My GF has asked for a weighted vest for her birthday I'm trying to find a vest that she can add more weights to as she progresses.

    I'm in the UK and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations? I've done a bit of research and the "top 5" all seem to fixed weights. I've seen the Rogue vest which looks cool and about right however I'm concerned that the plates used for that vest will restrict movement.

    Bit of background as to what she does, she does a lot of CrossFit but also has been doing strength training on top of that too.

    Any suggestions will be of great help. I just don't want to get her something shit.

    Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/Wraydio
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    Pain in the lower back while doing crunches

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I think this is very common. Do you feel a little pain in the lower back when you are doing crunches? I don't know if I am doing it wrong, if my lower back needs more training or if it is normal...

    submitted by /u/Mivadeth
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    Help Me Join The 1K Club

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I've really gotten into fitness over the last year. I've lost 70 Lbs, going from 250Lbs to 180Lbs and now I want to focus my efforts on getting stronger. My squat is at 305, deadlift at 345, and bench is at 185 (Im really disappointed with this lift in particular). As of now my total is 835. I think I can squat 315, deadlift 365, and bench 205. That brings my estimated total to 880, 120 Lbs away from my goal. I'm 18 years old, I'm 6'3 with a 6'5 wingspan. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/HesherX
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    Thoughts on this PPL variation?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Stats: M, 20, 6'1, 84kg/185lbs

    I've been doing the reddit PPL for most of the year and have been enjoying it so far -- the only changes I've made is upping the volume of the compounds to all 4x5, 1x5+.

    For my 5x5's I've gone from 50/80/80/40 to 90/115/135/60 (kg) B/S/D/P, and while I'm not "plateau-ing" I've recently been getting extremely exhausted after my squat and deadlift sets, and find it hard to continue with the rest of the session (feeling tired all day sucks as well).

    I've been trying to modify the PPL program that I'm on now and slightly tone down the volume, but also try out variations on the compounds since I am getting a little bored of the 5x5 -> accessories scheme that I've been on for 6 months. I want to learn some variations and new lifts, and to try out sets of triples as well.

    I've left the accessories out, I don't want to bore anyone with a ton of information but it'll pretty much be the same as the reddit PPL:

    Pull 1:

    • Deadlift 2x5, 1x5+
    • Squat variation 3x6-8
    • Accessories

    Push 1:

    • Bench Press 4x5, 1x5+
    • OHP variation 3x6-8
    • Accessories

    Legs 1:

    • Squat 2x5, 1x5+
    • Deadlift variation 3x6-8
    • Accessories

    Pull 2:

    • Deadlift 5x3
    • Accessories

    Push 2:

    • OHP 4x5, 1x5+
    • Bench variation 3x6-8
    • Accessories

    Legs 2:

    • Squat 5x3
    • Accessories

    I'm pretty confident I can keep using AMRAP sets as a mode of progression for now.

    I would really appreciate any sort of feedback. Thanks

    submitted by /u/lnnuendoBot5000
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    Training five days in a row VS Training 2+3 days

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I started to train 5 days a week. This has been a slow process, I started training three days, then jumped to four, went back to three and now it has been two months training five days a week.

    Normally I am training from Monday to Friday, but some weeks I feel more tired and I rest Wednesday or Thursday, and end my training on Saturday.

    I know this is a matter of preference, but what do you think is the most OPTIMAL way to train? To train five days in a row, or to train two/three days, rest one, then finish the week? Sometimes I tried going five days in a row, even when I was tired, and the result was that my trainings were worst ( less energy, less weights ), but I like having all the weekend free to do my stuff.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Mivadeth
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    How do I strengthen my chest with no weights?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    I've been doing some at home workouts with my arms/abs/back and been noticing progress however I don't know how to tackle my chest, which has always been extremely weak.

    For context I am 6'2 and 145 pounds. I am unable to do a single push up :/ I really wan't to have a sizable chest because my frame is pretty big, and I feel like I have a lot of potential. What should I do? Should I wait for my arms to get stronger? Should I try doing other push up forms? Any answer will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/frozyflakes
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    Why do I feel and look skinny and fat at the same time?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    I workout at least 3 times a week and there are times when I look in the mirror and feel happy that I've gotten a lot skinnier. I have a 27 inch waist but I don't have hard abs, they're kinda visible in the morning though when I haven't eaten. However, I still see myself as fat sometimes because I don't have a thigh gap (I have narrow hips), and my body type is not exactly curvy so I just look like a rectangle. I have a small chest and butt and most of my fat just gets stored in the lower belly area. I look okay when I'm wearing clothes that compliment my body but without it, I don't think I'm happy with my body. I don't know if I should eat less or eat more. I eat clean. Not a lot of carbs, mostly just oats, veggies, and fruits, and sometimes chocolate. And a lil bit of protein like eggs. Any tips or advice would be appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/elizahmendoza
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    Whats the lastest 5/3/1 BBB

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    So i started 5/3/1 and i dont want to waste time doing something wrong.

    I did search but that just confuses me more then Helping. Also some posts is pretty old and things changes.

    Ok first main main set. Should I do AMRAP on my last main set or not?

    Then for the BBB it seems like there is a couple of options. Right now i do 50% first Cycle. And maybe 60% Cycle 2 and 70% for the Third. But when im supposed to reset and go back to 50%?

    But with this i use the same weights for BBB sets for 1 cycle only the main set get bigger load. Is that correct?

    I know it also exists a challange that increases the weights more often.

    Third option seems to be to use FSL weights for BBB sets.

    Well can anyone point me in the right direction whats the most effective method. This is the first time with BBB.

    submitted by /u/Jimmiq
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    P90X3 and keto (Can I split/exchange carbs for fat/protein?)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    So im not in shape. I am not overweight just skinny fat; 6'4 186.

    I am going to try P90X3 since I want some muscle. I did insanity half way through a couple years ago was about the same then. Only stopped cause got busy.

    My question is, I am looking at the nutrition guide and it has a protein/fat shredding phase for the first few weeks. I was wondering if for the start and all the way through if I could supplement carbs with fat. All this talk about keto and the lack of need for carbs. I was just curious if I could reduce the carb % since the nutrition plan eventually raises carb intake from 30-65% by the end of it.

    When I say supplement I would say cut carbs in half and split that half between fat and protein. Or just dump the half all into fat. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SlySychoGamer
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    Can you be healthy and underweight?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    I'm a very tall (6 ft 6) naturally lean male (10 stone 6) on average. BMI of around 17.4. I know that probably sounds horrifying but I basically look skinny-healthy if that makes sense, I have very narrow bones, pretty much textbook ectomorph. I go running a lot, eat a lot (egg/sausage sandwiches, lean meat and potatoes, rice, pasta w/ olive oil, yogurt bowls with mixed fruits and nuts), cheese, milk yet my body seems to be determined to be around 10 1/2 stone (probably all the running I do). The only time I successfully gained weight was when I ate literal garbage for a year (subways, many dense sugar snacks like flapjacks etc). But I lost that really quickly when i stopped eating like that, again back to 10 1/2 stone. Unless I eat like that again, I dont seem to be able to consume the volume of food required with healthy food, and to be honest I find it miserable to count calories and eat like I'm a literal black hole. Should I be concerned with a BMI of 17.5 if I feel really good generally speaking? I've read that there are health problems with being underweight but I feel really good and the only reason I would ever want to gain is aesthetic which I'm not too concerned about. I might try to bring it up to 18.5 if I can stomach all the food if not or find a way to cheat more cals.

    submitted by /u/ultimate_kumquat
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