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    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Neck pain whilst doing ab exercises is one of the most common things I hear, here is a core workout with no crunches and neck friendly.

    Beginner Fitness: Neck pain whilst doing ab exercises is one of the most common things I hear, here is a core workout with no crunches and neck friendly.

    Neck pain whilst doing ab exercises is one of the most common things I hear, here is a core workout with no crunches and neck friendly.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Super Beginner Workout Resources for an Exercise Hater

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I'm starting to try to learn to exercise for the first time in my adult life and am hoping to get some resources or ideas for extremely easy beginner workout activities that I can incorporate into my week. I've never found an exercise routine I could really get into and I'm thinking there has to be something out there that I would find fun and engaging. I'm not looking to get ripped in 30 days or anything, just make some manageable sustainable changes to my life to introduce more physical activity. Current level is 0, so anything would be a step up.

    In the past, I've always really hated any type of exercise. I've never been particularly strong or athletic and am really bad at pretty much all sports. I'm also not a big fan of walking or running and can't reliably do anything high impact because I have joint problems.

    When I was a kid I was able to stay fit doing ballet and gymnastics as hobbies, but since I had to quit those things in middle school (due to the joint problems) I haven't ever found anything else that didn't feel like a lot of work. I do sometimes enjoy yoga now but find I get frustrated by my lack of strength/ability kind of quickly and don't feel like I can make it through the whole session.


    submitted by /u/CompetitiveBarnacle8
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    Questions from someone who just started doing fitness not too long ago

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    So i'm pretty new to the whole fitness routine, and i've got a few questions to ask, sorry if this is kind of long but i'd appreciate it if anyone would be willing to help. Also, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if i made some mistakes.

    For context, i'm a pretty slim guy, and it's kind of difficult for me to gain any weight, which might be why i'm almost underweight. Since i don't have much to do during quarantine, i thought i might as well try and gain some weight and also build some muscle while i'm at it. I'm a student, and currently living with my parents, so it's somewhat difficult for me to pick what i eat since i can only make do with what's available. I also don't have any independent income so i can't exactly afford any expensive workout equipments.

    For now, in terms of gaining weight, i've been told i need to work on my diet. I've been using the MyFitnessPal app to track my daily calorie and protein consumption, and i've also checked my TDEE calculation but the calorie per day i need is pretty much the same as the one in the MyFitnessPal app so i just followed the app for now. I know there's a lot more to take in on the TDEE calculation like maximum muscular potential and other things, but for now i'm only concerned with gaining weight up to what's ideal, and getting enough calorie each day.

    In terms of muscle building, while i did read up on The Fitness Wiki about muscle building, aside from working on my diet, i've been having a bit of trouble with the resistance training part, since most of the routines i could find there requires at least some sort of equipment. So what i did, and also what some people told me to, is that i looked up a fitness routine on YouTube specifically for muscle building at home without any equipments. It was really just me picking randomly, but i ended up watching and started doing the routine from ATHLEAN-X (here's the link to the routine: vc1E5CfRfos (just copy and paste it to the end of a YouTube url)). At the time the video was pretty new and quite relevant with the current situation, so i thought why not.

    Anyway, now that we got all that out of the way, my questions are: - i've only been keeping watch of my calorie intake each day, and i pretty much neglected other macronutrients like carbs and fat (i kept watch of my protein intake as well, but i wasn't as strict about it as i was with calories). So should i keep track of carbs and fat as well? (or any other nutrients, idk please tell me if there's more i need to keep track of). Or is calorie and protein enough? I don't have the luxury of being able to pick what i eat every day so i can only cook up so much with the ingredients available.

    • i did say i keep track of what i eat, but since i don't have a food scale, pretty much every measurement i put in the MyFitnessPal app comes down to what i see, or at best what i did was i would measure my foods with tools like cups or bowls and then look up how much is that. I know there's bound to be some mismeasurements, but is it fine if i continue on like this? Or is proper measurements of what i eat via food scale a must-do?

    • are supplements a must? Cause i read up that i should take supplements like Omega-3 Fish Oil and Vitamin D. I haven't been taking any supplements at all so i'm kind of worried. Also are there alternatives to taking these supplements, like maybe any food i could eat that's practically the same as taking that supplement?

    • about workouts, since i'm handicapped by not having any tools (aside from dumbbells, and a metal pole i've been using for seated chinups or other similar things) i know there isn't much option, but is the routine i'm currently following good enough? Or is it bad? Cause i don't want to continue on with that routine if it's not as good as it sounds. I should also say since i'm pretty new to all this, i can't actually do 2-3 rounds like what the video told me to. I usually only do 1 round, followed by a rest, and then another round later on that day. I know that means i'll get less results, but i'm taking baby steps for now, and i'll increase the intensity bit by bit.

    • I've also been doing nothing during rest days cause my body feels kind of sore after doing that routine, at most i'll do a light jog, some light cycling, or other cardios, but nothing too much. But is that good or bad? Should i just use rest days to, well, rest, or is it okay to do light exercises like what i've been doing?

    I've only been doing this for a little over a month, and i have gained a little weight, though no major physical changes (understandable since a month is like, nothing). Tbh, i'm not aiming to get super swole or buff since i'm pretty happy with my slim physique, but i definitely need to gain a bit more mass still, and i'm not aiming to have super defined muscles either, but i still want some muscles that i could at least see and be proud of. So before i continue this on, i thought i might as well ask what i'm doing wrong so i'd be able to do this more efficiently.

    Thanks! (also sorry if my questions are really stupid, i'm more or less clueless about fitness lol, so if anyone has any tips or pointers or whatnot, i'd greatly appreciate it)

    submitted by /u/Arcturus06
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    I don't know the proper form for these exercises can someone help me out.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:20 AM PDT

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