• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: How’s your back? Do you need an easy quick stretch for 10 minutes that will help your posture, open your chest and generally alleviate tension in the body.

    Beginner Fitness: How’s your back? Do you need an easy quick stretch for 10 minutes that will help your posture, open your chest and generally alleviate tension in the body.

    How’s your back? Do you need an easy quick stretch for 10 minutes that will help your posture, open your chest and generally alleviate tension in the body.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Help with starting

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Alright, I've finally decided to do something about my shameful body situation. I'm 17, and used to be a naturally fast sprinter, but that decayed very quickly after a lack of care. I'm skinny fat, with absolutely no muscle, and I can't even touch my toes. My diet is atrocious, along with my sleeping patterns, and I spend pretty much the entire day either in bed or sitting in the same spot. Since we're in quarantine, I don't even walk to school, and even before that I rarely did anything strenuous.

    I really want to change, but my lack of motivation prevents me from doing anything. I'd appreciate it if someone could reccomend an app or website that helps me get into the habit of working out. Bear in mind, I'm a 60KG teen with no equipment.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/DuckRosen
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    Max bench problems !!

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I am a 17 year old boy and I have been lifting for quite a long time and today was supposed to be a very hype day for my max bench to be tested out. I was very confident in myself as I can usually bench 185lbs for 8 reps with not a large struggle. Today I warmed up with no weight then 135lbs then did 185lbs for 5 as a warm up. I then went into trying my max of 225lbs and was kinda close but couldn't fully get it up I then tried again and same result then dropped to 215lbs and couldn't get it ethier it felt like the 225lbs I couldn't get it up fully then went to 205lbs and couldn't even get that!!! I don't understand. My upper body is always pretty tight and yesterday I did a decently good back day and the day before I did shoulders. Does anyone know my problem I don't understand how I can do 185lbs for 8 and not even get 205!!

    submitted by /u/ANDREPCOSTA
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