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    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: I have tTried Every Fitness Class/Sport Going. I Hate Execise

    Beginner Fitness: I have tTried Every Fitness Class/Sport Going. I Hate Execise

    I have tTried Every Fitness Class/Sport Going. I Hate Execise

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Hi All. I have always hated physical activity. Even since I was a tot in school I distinctly remember hating it, I was always the person picked last cause I was such a slow runner, even tho I was just as active if not more than kids my age (my parents forced me to do swimming and a very fast paced demanding national sport as well as dancing when I was a kid, I also cycled a lot). I have always hated sports, especially running. I have tried to find my jam throughout the years, dancing (all types; hip hop, tango, waltz, tap, pole, etc), trampoline classes, national sports, rugby, boxing, gym, zumba, etc. I hate it ALL. I think I am just physically unable to do the same sort of exercises people my age can do. I am actually an embarrassment in fitness classes, I am so incapable. I went to a flexibility class once, and by the end the tutor had given up on me and just couldnt help herself from laughing at some of the stupid stuff I did; she advised me not to come back....to a class that didnt require any previous experience.

    I am as I said an embarrassment. I probably have the fitness level of a 70 year old woman, and I don't know why. I don't tend to improve over time, I start way below everyone else for some reason when I take up a new fitness class. I walk quite a lot but obviously that hasnt served as much help. I have tried every class going, and I hate them all, I feel like I am going to die during most of them. Its such a horrid experience it swears me off coming back sometimes (eg I tried beginners weight lifting once,it was awful), I have kept to other classes for long periods of time but I never improve. I black out in every zumba class and nearly faint, there are people who start this class anew every week never having done zumba before who are double my age and weight who don't find it nearly as difficult as I do. I feel like I am out of options to try. I have kept to some but as I said; no improvement overtime. And I hate them. I hate exercise, I don't get an endorphin rush and I just hate the whole experience. Its so uncomfortable and awful, it feels like the worst thing, the pain, being out of breath tightness in the chest, etc

    submitted by /u/_Urethra___Franklin_
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    Advice for being “skinny fat”

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I'm new to reddit here looking for some advice. I'm pretty positive that I'm skinny fat; I'm pretty skinny/normal weight but I have a lot of fat on my stomach that I would like to get rid of. I'm 17F, 5'2", and about 130 pounds. I've been running more (about 3-4 times a week) to get my mile time down because I've been preparing for Army basic training (I haven't enlisted yet but I will soon. I had to wait for my recruiting office to reopen). I've also been doing pushups, sit-ups, and squats. I also don't really have much equipment to exercise with (I have a pull-up bar and a few weights). I've read about bulking up and then cutting weight to fix being "skinny fat" but I'm not exactly sure what would be best for me to do. Does anyone have any advice for me as to what I should do?

    submitted by /u/charityisabel
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    Should I start working out now or later?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I've been losing weight for about 5 months, I'm down about 25-30 pounds, anyway, I have about 20 pounds to go. I want to start weightlifting but i don't know if I should start weightlifting now or later. I assume the obvious answer would be to start now, but I don't know if it would be beneficial to me to lift weights while in a caloric deficit. Any advice to this would be great as I know absolutely nothing about weightlifting.

    submitted by /u/steelman64
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    6 CrossFit workouts you can do at home

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Hey All,

    I have recorded 6 basic crossFit workouts you can do at home. They are mainly bodyweight and need minimal equipment. I started out with these but slowly built more strength over the years. These workouts I have done many times and regardless they still hammer me still.

    Let us know how you go or if you have any questions. Stay safe but active.


    submitted by /u/FibrePerth
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    Push up plateau?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I started doing daily push ups about a month ago, after I was helping move furniture at my office and a co-worker asked me if I was alright. I was apparently breathing pretty hard. It got me thinking that I just don't move much during the day, and I definitely have no strength. So, I've been doing daily excersizes, including push ups, to strengthen my muscles.

    I got up to 20 push ups about a week ago and was really excited at my progress. Now though, I feel like I can hardly get past 10. I haven't been able to hit 20 again. What should I do?? Give my body a rest for a couple of days and then try again? Why am I going backwards?

    submitted by /u/KilgoreWhitefish
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    how to fix back posture and make the muscles stronger?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    these moves for herniated disc, Spondylolisthesis, general back pain, and Sciatica can be great and alleviating.

    submitted by /u/Peachestho
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    Increasing appetite / caloric intake

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    I've always been pretty thin growing up and struggled to gain weight despite being above average height (5'11" and female, not going to be specific but between the ages of 18-20). This was never a problem until I decided about a year ago to start weightlifting. Throughout this time I went from 130-135lbs and I realized I've only been consuming about 1400-1500 calories a day. Since quarantine I have dropped to my lowest weight in about 3 years (almost 10lbs drop in weight.

    I struggle with eating more than I used to as my appetite is not large and it is difficult for me to get in more than 1800 when eating healthy foods. At this point, I don't care what type of weight I'm putting on, if I do not reverse this continued weight loss I am at risk of becoming underweight.

    Does anyone have any advice on increasing overall appetite or have tricks on how to get more (preferably healthy) calories in?

    I'm currently working on increasing protein intake as I haven't been closely tracking macros and I've been trying to eat the moment I start feeling hungry but it's difficult eating more while I can't get more groceries as often as usual

    submitted by /u/stressed_noodle
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    Try out this upper body (at home) bodyweight and band workout!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Don't underestimate the power of a simple workout. You do NOT need to spend hours in the gym or have a bunch of fancy equipment. In fact, this little at home upper body workout has been a go-to for me during this quarantine!

    At Home Band and Bodyweight Upper Body Workout (follow along)

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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    How many calories can your burn by moving couches? (25f)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    So I've made it my mission this year to become more fit, I've been making a point to try and get around 12,000 steps in a day along with some light exercise. I'm a 25(f), mom of three, and I weight currently 130. Yesterday I was helping my sister move, we moved three couches. One was a pullout couch and the other two were regular couches. I like to be able to log my activity so I know about how many calories I'm burning during each day. I have no idea how to log that type of activity and I really want to because I had to walk all three of these couches next door, which is about 300 feet. And then get them moved in and in place in her new home. I felt really good doing that type of activity and I would hate to not be able to log it. Any ideas on how I can figure either how to log it or get an estimate on the amount of calories I would've burned while doing that?

    submitted by /u/ShoddyActuary0
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