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    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Losing fitness after two weeks?

    Beginner Fitness: Losing fitness after two weeks?

    Losing fitness after two weeks?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    I've been running for about 3-4 months and ran through the couch to 5k program, 5k to 10K and I'm now on the 21K program. I did all of this training on the treadmill. I took two weeks off for a vacation, and now I'm back home I've decided to run outside because the weather is better and I ultimately want to compete in races. However I've noticed that my fitness level is obliterated. I can barley run 10 minutes outside whereas I was able to run 60 mins at a 12 min/mile on the treadmill and 30 mins at 11 min/mile.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on rectifying this? I feel like I've lost at least 3 months of training and I feel like shit because of it. Is it normal to experience such a drastic drop in fitness after taking a 2 week break or moving from the treadmill to outdoors?

    Edit: wow thank you all for the kind and helpful responses! I appreciate everything you guys have said. I think I'll go back a few weeks into my program to try and get back into it and focus on running outdoors more.

    submitted by /u/manbun22
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    How is everyone planning to keep strength/size with gym closures?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Surely there is no way to prevent it if you were squatting/benching relatively heavy? It looks like it could be for a few months as well

    submitted by /u/InbetweenerLad
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    Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    Get your dunce hats out, Fittit, it's time for your weekly Stupid Questions Thread.

    Post your question - stupid or otherwise - here to get an answer. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. Many questions get submitted late each week that don't get a lot of action, so if your question didn't get answered before, feel free to post it again.

    As always, be sure to read the FAQ first.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness".

    Be sure to check back often as questions get posted throughout the day. Lastly, it may be a good idea to sort comments by "new" to be sure the newer questions get some love as well. Click here to sort by new in this thread only.

    So, what's rattling around in your brain this week, Fittit?

    As per this thread, the community has asked that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Moronic Monday thread. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.

    submitted by /u/cdingo
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    I’ve got a police test tomorrow and I’m doing a 2.4 km run.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    What are some good foods to eat prior to my run and how long should I eat before the test?

    Is oats good?

    submitted by /u/BabyfaceNZ
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    What are some good Resistance bands?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:25 AM PDT


    With everything going on right now I'm looking to get myself some resistance bands. But honestly, I'm kind off overwhelmed with all the different kinds. I'm looking to keep as much muscle mass as possible so I would like to do some general full body exercises with it.

    Do you guys have any recommendations? Would be the best from either Amazon.de or any dutch shop. I would like to order them asap.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/pklokgieters
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    Home Fitness

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Due to the recent shut down of gyms where I live I have been searching for a total fitness solution. I live in a 3rd floor 700 sq ft apartment with 2 dogs and my girlfriend. It doesn't look like any gyms will be opening up here as late as April 13th and if we are being honest that could last much longer as data begins to accumulate. In order to keep progressing I have devised what I think is the cheapest (yet still somewhat costly) way to keep getting stronger. My set up allows for full body training with loads up 184lb for single leg movements and 82lbs for single arm movements (not including possibility to add band tension). With the use of kettlebells, chain, a weighted vest, ab wheel, and a set of bands anyone should be able to progress of a very long time. Is it the same as barbell squatting or deadlifting? no. But with some imagination and less mainstream exercises you can get brutally strong and athletic.

    This is what I am using...

    Kettlebells: 4kg (x2), 12kg, 18kg, 24kg, 28kg, and 32kg

    Chains: 3 foot length of 3/8 chain from home depot (about 4lbs each) with carabiners to hook up to kettlebells to add weight or increase difficult of the movement

    40lb Weighted Vest

    1 Cheap ass ab wheel

    1 Broomstick for stretching

    Full set of bands (I like elitefts).

    The customizable weight vest, chains, and kettlebell increments allow for very adjustable loading. This set could cost less than 800 dollars and you will have a full functional home gym.

    I hope this helps and if you're worried about losing all your gains and not being able to get very much done with just your bodyweight this is a viable solution that allows the people with small spaces to train. I will attach a link to a 4 week program that I have written and may help give people ideas.


    submitted by /u/w2bsc
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    CUTTING: Chicken Breast Macros + Calories (Raw vs. Cooked)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:02 PM PDT


    Long time lurker, first time poster.

    So I am aware that the consensus for tracking macros for chicken breasts (lets just say skinless and boneless) is to weigh them raw. However, according to the National Chicken Council database, the macros are quite different for raw vs cooked.

    Assuming I only use a bit of olive oil and some peppers to cook my chicken breasts in the oven, can I just use the raw macros then add in a tbsp of olive oil on an app like My Fitness Pal?

    This has had me pretty stressed out re: cutting and watching my calories, macros.

    I was hoping to get some feedback on what others do.


    submitted by /u/throwawayfaraway420
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    how do i get myself healthy physically when Im not stabile mentally?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Ive been trying go get healthy for about a year now. Working on my relationstips whit food, my body and exercise in general. I have this problem where it takes me weeks to get myself to follow a simple workout, but then I get really depressed and stop after just a day or two.

    I don't really know what to do, sorry if this isn't allowed I just don't know where to start

    submitted by /u/iblandHillevi
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    How do I find affordable and fun fitness?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    I've come from a small-ish town and have recently moved to an urban setting where everything is so expensive. Before I did ballet, hiking, and yoga, but they're too expensive or inaccessible where I live now.

    I'm interested in getting a new hobby that will also keep me physically fit for under $50-100/mo in the Bay Area, California. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/TijuanaTacoSundays
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    Is it safe to run around a park during this time?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    I'm in California (where there's a lockdown) and I want to run around my local park to stay fit and active. The park is usually empty so there's no issue of crowds forming. Would this be a good idea or should I consider staying inside?

    submitted by /u/Zwarrior98
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    does it matter how fast you move the weight?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    So I just realised that I've developed a habit of moving the weights noticeably slower than most people. not only when i'm pushing or pulling, but during the opposite part of the movement to. like when i squat, i go down slowly and then slowly go up. idk why i do that really

    anyway, does it matter how fast you move the weights?

    ive heard that moving faster (being more explosive) makes you stronger and recruits more fast-twitch muscles. is this true?

    submitted by /u/TheBarbellBear
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    Combining sprint intervals and weight training

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    How could one combine weight training with sprint interval training (as detailed here) on opposite days?

    Would Weights(W)-Sprints(S)-W-S-W be too taxing for a five day routine? The weight training would be full body days.

    submitted by /u/walters-walk
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    Elyptical bike question: resistance vs. speed

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Should I train with more resistance and less speed, or more speed and less resistance? Which one is better for cardio? Which one is better for increasing stregth?

    submitted by /u/ru_be_nez
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    What about older people ?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Hi guys ! I'm in Spain going through this quarentine. Doing good exercising everyday, all is fine. My problem is with my parents, they are both > 67 and enclosured home .

    They used to do walks everyday but since 2 weeks more or less they are not exercising. They are conscious about the importance of keeping active so they asked me about some YouTube classes with light exercises that they can go through everyday but I'm completely lost here.

    Can you guys suggest something ?

    Big thanks !!

    submitted by /u/antiformio
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    Do Squats Hit Hamstrings?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    So due to 2 herniated disc. L4/L5 and L5/S1 Iv come to realize my deadlifting days are over. IV delt with this injury for 8 years now. I'm now 40 years old. A few times a year I move a certain way and aggravate it. I'm a cripple for about 72 hours, out of the gym a week, and not fully recovered for 2-3 weeks. But although I can pop it doing anything from tying my shoes to shoulder shrugs, there is a pattern where the deadlift happens more often. I have no problem squatting, never once had a flare up squatting actually. But I always feel like the deadlift is the balancing excersize with squat.

    If I continue to squat and not deadlift will I become severly imbalanced? Quad dominate? How much do you think squat hits hamstrings? Or unrelated even calves...

    submitted by /u/insomniac07067
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    Building mass but areas of torso still feel weak

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    So I've been bulking up significantly since about December, I've gone from 124lb to around 137lbs in that time frame (I'm 5'6) gaining a lot of strength and a little bit of fat. I've noticed a lot of gain in my back, chest legs, and my abs have gotten stronger. However, when I feel my abs, obliques and rib cage it still feels mostly like fat and skin on bone. I don't feel anything firm around where my love handles are; my abs are more visible but still feel soft. My lower abs and the area around my hips is also very skinny.

    I'm doing leg lifts, Russian twists, planks, side planks, and progressively increasing all of them. I'm not sure why my midsection feels so soft in comparison to my chest, shoulders and back which feel firm and muscular. I don't have a ton of body fat either just a small layer.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/MisterOkeyDokey
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    Recomp - cardio or no cardio?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    I've done lots of research on Google, the Wiki, and YouTube to start going from skinnyfat to fit, and I've come to this conclusion - Recomp. The only thing is that some say you need to include cardio into your routine and some don't mention it.

    I understand that I basically just need to get on a lifting program while eating at a deficit and maintaining high protein but does cardio/no cardio depend on the specifics of my goals? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/standardissuegerbil
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    Work out tips for a 6 year old?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Long story short...my six year old son loves military stuff because I'm in the military. He is as much of a stereo typical boy as you can get. Lots of energy, very little patience. We have been struggling to find ways to burn off all his energy until I decided to give him "an army workout" I thought he was gonna do it once and be done but he has been asking to do it again every single day.

    Now, I've been working out most of my life so I kinda just came up with stuff on the fly but since its becoming more regular I was wondering for tips/advice on things to do and things to avoid.

    As an idea for what we did his first workout: walked to the top of our hill with 20lbs weights in his back pack. (About a 10 min walk) 10 push ups, forward lateral raises with 10lbs, bicep curl 10 lbs (usually 10 reps 2 sets) about 50 jumping Jack's and some sprints about 75 feet, 4 times.

    For a six year old he is really solid, and really strong. Open to any and all suggestions. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/that_other_guy_
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    Pain in bones when flexing muscle

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    I asked my friends and none of them understood me. Is it normal, when flexing as hard as you can, that your bones hurt. Like in the forearm or shoulder, when you flex your arms? Or in my legs, if I flex hard my shins or femur feel achey?

    submitted by /u/DemonOfHabit
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    Critique and help please!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I've recently been looking to make some changes to my physique. I've been in the gym for a few years, and have been really looking for that extra little "oomf". I've been really wanting to shred that last bit of body fat but I can't seem to do so. Over 2 years my body has seemed to plateau.
    I eat much cleaner than the average, and my diet is consistent and clean. I'm in the gym 6 days per week and train cardio as well as strength. Usually I do 3 HIIT workouts and 3 weights. On weight days I do 20-30 minutes of cardio (usually a 5-8km run). I would really love to shred out the last bit of my bottom abs and lose that lower back fat and have some more defined obliques. I'm not sure what I'm missing, and have only recently begun creatine loading (I'm using Kre-alkalyn efx.. was told it wouldn't bloat me as much as a traditional monohydrate?).

    Open to any suggestions you all might have. physique

    submitted by /u/bseibz
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    Do you infinitely increase reps/weight when lifting?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:20 PM PDT


    I have been lifting weights for about 15 years, usually on and off, more on than not for the past 3-4 years. I've gotten to a pretty great physique, but my issue is always peaking and exhausting. For example, let's say I do leg raises as my abs workout. I'll start with 10x5 a couple days, then increase to 11x15, then 12x15 and so on until im at 30 and it's physically daunting and beyond boring that it takes me 30 minutes to do one of my many workouts that day. What do you do to keep it difficult but not an hour long per muscle group?

    For weight lifting, same idea, let's say I'm lifting 40lb dumbbells, same start ya 10x5, etc but at a certain point should I increase weight vs reps? Do I reset my reps if increase weight? What happens when you get To a weight that is unrealistic to lift? Im confused how one gets to keep building their body without their workouts taking 4 fffffking hours due to the sheer increase in reps? This is always what throws me Off and makes me take two months off, lose EVERYTHING and start over, only to land in the same Spot time and time again. Idk what to do!

    Also thank you for reading my question I think this is the most appropriate place to ask my question. The weightlifting and bodybuilding subs always say my weightlifting related questions are not to be asked on those subs, so fitness is my best guess.


    submitted by /u/xoxoxo19
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    Losing weight/toning up without a gym/weights?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:35 PM PDT


    I'm 20F 5'3 and on a weight loss/fitness journey. At the end of January I weighed about 187lbs, now I weigh 176lbs (I would have lost more however I am a university student so the alcohol definitely added some calories each week). I would go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and do a mixture of strength training and cardio. I would do a full body work out each time, and tend to do this routine: warm up squats, tricep cable (12x5 at 20kg, pulling up and then down), chest press (8x4 at 17.5kg), leg press (12x5 at 61kg), abductor and adductor (12x5 at 45kg on both), Russian twists (30x5 with a 5kg ball) and then about 15-20 mins on the treadmill.

    Because of the virus, I cannot use the gym, and the only weights I have at home are 0.5kg, 1kg, and 2kg dumbbells. A lot of gym equipment is sold out, and we also don't have a lot of room in my house (also I am broke haha). I tried to go for a run the other day, I am normally very bad at running and can usually run for 1km without stopping, but the other day outside I could only manage 200m before I ached and had to stop, very weird.

    I've been looking at Pop Sugar Fitness on YouTube and they seem to be pretty good. They tend to incorporate cardio with body weight workouts, some of them require small dumbbells but most don't. I tried the 30 minute abs and glutes one today and it kicked my ass, I was sweating after 5 minutes haha, which isn't normal.

    Essentially, everything I've been told about weight loss/toning up is cardio isn't enough, you need to include weights to sustain and build muscle. My question is, even though it's not ideal, is body weight training still good for toning up?

    submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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    Is 70kg good for a 14 year old male ?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    I looked it up but it seems I way over the top however I don't really look like that


    I'm just wondering is there something I'm doing wrong or ?

    submitted by /u/Tenno_agent
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    used to be able to run a mile in six minutes now i can run a mile in like 8:50

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    how do i get this down to where it used to be or even lower? a year and a half ago i could run a mile in six minutes, then i got hurt and it hasn't been the same since i started running again(like 2 months ago) I've only been running consistently for like a month tho

    submitted by /u/mackdaddyrulz
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    Any experience with Upper Lower Split?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Hey, so currently im going to the gym 4 Times a week, while Training Chest+ triceps Back+ biceps Legs+ abs Shoulder+ Arms

    Been using that for a while now and also got amazing Results in strength But i would like to have a Bit more Results when it comes to the Body itself

    Thats where i Heard that Upper lower splits are really Good for, does any Body have any Experience in with that? Would you recommend it for someone that Jaa Been going to the gym since 2 years?

    submitted by /u/Venersis3302
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