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    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 28, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 28, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 28, 2020

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    HIIT for both muscle building and "casual" running?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    hey im just wondering if doing HIIT running would have any effect on normal running, which i like to do with other people from time to time or if it'd be strictly for improving HIIT running

    submitted by /u/KenshiRAW
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    Gym Story Saturday

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Hi! Welcome to your weekly thread where you can(?) share your gym tales!...

    ...despite most of us (except those with a home gym) not having a gym to go to now :( Some people even pm'd me suggesting to change the thread title to (Home)Gym Story Saturday. Anyway feel free to share any story even if it's no entirely gym related.

    submitted by /u/FGC_Valhalla
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    How to keep strength on deadlift without access to a barbell?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    I have been deadlifting consistently for 5 years. There hasn't been a week in the last two and a half where I didn't get a least one rep at 315. Unfortunately, gyms are closed and I don't have access to a barbell.

    My last deadlift set at the gym was 275x8x2, 325x6x3, 345x8, 345x6.

    At home, I have access to a target brand ignite 1" 13lb barbell and 4 35lb plates. The plates are about 12-14", significantly shorter than at the gym. I have been doing sets of 153x12x5 for the two weeks, but am not very fatigued by those sets.

    I have tried going incredibly slowly on the negative, focusing on form. Other than that, I'm out of ideas as to how I can maintain my deadlift strength. It sounds like I'll be out of the weightroom for sometime.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/avgsizedperson
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    Self-Promotion Saturday

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to Self-Promotion Saturday

    This thread will serve as a weekly AutoModerator post, for anyone looking to get exposure for their Instagram, Youtube, blogspot, RedditMade, Kickstarter, TeeSpring, MySpace, AOL, stand-alone website, or stand-alone physical product.

    This post is the one time where people can advertise without repercussions, and the one thread when anything goes. All other advertisements will continue to be removed as per Rule #8.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Getting back into running

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Hello all just have a few questions for you all. I'm trying to get back into running after my dislocated ankle (not asking if I should, I have been cleared by my doctor to start running again). I am having a very hard time with being able to run more than one lap around the track at a time. I have to stop after each lap I run is there anything I can do to make this transition better? While I was out I gained alot of weight was 170 now I'm 215 (5'11) so I know the added pressure isn't helping. Is there anything I can do to get back into long distance running?

    submitted by /u/kafuknboom
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    One arm is stronger...

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Sorry, newbie question. I'm relatively new to lifting and I figured that with the quarantine I might as well start now. However, all I have are dumbbells and I find that my dominant arm is significantly stronger.

    My question: let's say I max out at 6 reps for my weak arm, but I could probably do 8 or 9 with my dominant arm...should I stop at 6 reps to keep the arms even or go until failure?

    submitted by /u/professor_doctor_
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    Is pump somehow linked to our genetic potential?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I know some people experience this more than others, but in my case, for example,pump really makes a night and day difference on how my body looks.

    The question is: if our body can look a certain way when we are pumped, does that mean that genetically we can reach that condition after years of training?

    submitted by /u/NivMahou
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    What are examples of ab exercises that nullifies a dominant rectus abdominus?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    So it turns out I've been doing sit-ups and crunches wrong the entire time; instead of keeping my abs flat as I come up from the crunch/sit-up, my abs "dome" out instead, causing the rectus abdominus (RA) to dominate in the movement.

    However, now that I'm aware of keeping my abs flat by exhaling, keeping my lower back flat to the floor and engaging my tranverse abdominus (TVA) more, I'm still finding it incredibly difficult to prevent the RA from taking over at the top of the crunch. It almost feels like my TVA is so much weaker compared to my RA that I can't complete the movement without the RA taking over.

    Has anyone had this problem before that they managed to fix? What exercises did you do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/drhectapus
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    Am I eating too much or too little?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    So I was pretty chubby about a year ago, but over the summer and fall I got super into working out and I cut down the amount of food I was eating. I lost about 60 pounds and now I'm 178 and 6'3". I workout for about an hour every day with a push/pull/legs split (although it varies and sometimes I do full body). Otherwise I have a sedentary lifestyle. I look way better than I did before, but something isn't right. When I flex my muscles look good, but otherwise I don't look very defined. My physique is good but it's as if there is a thin layer of fat covering everything that just makes me look soft, I can't tell if I should eat less and burn it off, or if I should workout harder and eat more to gain muscle. Is it possible my skin is just loose from losing weight? I don't have a "skinny boy" body type and I have wide shoulders, so I almost look too skinny. I just don't know what the problem is. I'm worried if I eat less my muscles will shrink, but if I eat more I'll get chubby again.

    submitted by /u/Smillay
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    Is Sprinting Six Times a Day Six Times a Week Safe?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    The gym i usually go to closed indefinetly because of the Virus and probably is going to stay closed permanently (friend who worked there said it was barely staying afloat even before the virus hit and that the owners were selling the bulding). So because of this I decided to do this sprinting routine I used to do a few years back. Just want to know if it's safe since I was a lot younger when I made it.

    It's basically just 15 mins of jogging followed by 6 sprints at max effort for 40m and a few minutes of light jogging to cool down. I used to add a few more sprints if I felt like it and for a few months I did the sprints with 5kg dumbells on each hand (got injured because of this so i'm not planning on doing it again).

    Just want to know if i can do something like this 6 times a week without injuring myself.

    TL;DR : is sprinting 6×40m 6 days a week safe?

    submitted by /u/someones_watching
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    Are my genetics THAT bad?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I'm 6'8" 203lbs 17 year old and I feel like I have simply terrible genetics. Although I have kinda broad shoulders, I was relatively skinny my whole life, but always had that layer of fat regardless of how skinny I was (especially on lower abs). I play basketball for 11 years now (I was such a prospect but knee injuries and terrible menangment ruined it for me unfortunately), idk if that fat is because it is a long lasting "low" intensity cardio. Moreover, my chest is almost nonexistant in volume. I can't go to gym more than 2× a week while I still train basketball, but when I look around I work with bigger weights than many muscular dudes around me, my meal plan is fantastic I think because both my parents are kinda freaks when it comes to eating healthy. Also there are some buff dudes in my team but I see how much stronger I am than they are but I look so weak. I have also completed Insanity programme like 3 times etc. but I always look the same.

    If needed, I'll add pictures and sorry for my bad english.

    EDIT: I also sweat A LOT, like no one I have ever seen... Idk if that has any meaning or influence on me but I hate that nevertheless

    submitted by /u/kv2408
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    Can you still consider something a workout if done sitting down?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    Okay so this may be a little weird of a post for here, but I'm really new to the whole working out thing, I'm a stereotypical nerd. However, I bought a VR workout game called BoxVR that is supposed to be really good for beginners. It's pretty simple, you punch incoming targets to the beat of music, somewhere between a rhythm game and simulating a punching bag. The intention is definitely to be standing during it, however I don't have enough room in my VR space to do that, I can only do it while sitting down.

    So after 30 minutes of throwing my arms around to some cool hiphop, I am very tired. My arms are sore, I'm swearing, and I honestly feel pretty good. But is this actually worth anything? I can't imagine doing this while sitting down isn't somehow defeating the purpose. Can you lose weight and work out while sitting down? Or am I just making my arms tired while defeating the purpose of the workout?

    submitted by /u/rocksmithpro
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    Warrior Diet Advice?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    I've recently started the warrior diet and HIIT workouts. I need to lose weight fast and found this would fit me best. After researching a bit I've found a few questions. I do a HIIT workout right before the eating window, then eat until I'm full as recommended. Is working out before I eat for the day smart or am I hurting myself? I eat healthy and try to hit my daily calorie amount during the overeating period, but I'm afraid to continue with little knowledge of it what I'm doing is proper.

    submitted by /u/Gun_Daddy
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    Is it possible to get stronger while LOSING muscle?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I initially bulked up to around 180lbs. Then my family when through some economic hardship and I was in a caloric deficit for 3 months, and I've gone down to 163 lbs. however, my diet was not high in protein, as in probably under 100 grams of protein daily. I don't know for sure, but I feel like a good portion of that weight loss was muscle. However, I have been becoming stronger nonetheless, all my exercise have increased in weight and progress. Is it possible to get stronger while losing muscle?

    submitted by /u/seedless_watermelonn
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    Worth it?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Hey Calisthenicians!!

    Just wanted to get some opinions on the Calimoves program? I've just started my bodyweight journey after a lifetime of weights and poor training and I'm never going back. I was thinking of getting the Calimove program levels 1-5, but the price is sorta extreme. Then I thought it might be wiser to start with the basics and go with their mobility program, and whilst I'm doing that, save up for the bodyweight program. Thanks for reading everyone.

    • cheers :)
    submitted by /u/ConnorTheCanuck
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