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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 22, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 22, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 22, 2020

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    335 lbs to 264 lbs in 4 months.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:36 PM PDT


    I wish i had better past photos but i hated them back in the day.

    Came from a 8 years sedentary lifestyle after suffering a bad shoulder injury in brazilian jiu jitsu.

    I'm 28 years old and 6'1.

    Achieve that thru fasting 24-36 hours, weight lifiting (5-6 times a week) and light cardio. Since i needed the energy to lift weights, 24 hours and no more than that felt right (One Meal a Day Diet), rest days i managed to push it to 30-36 hours. Did 40 hours fasting a couple times but i do not recommend it, after 36 hours was hard to sleep.

    I eat clean most of the days but there is no shame in eat dirty and still end the day at calorie deficit.

    Aiming to be a bulked 220 lbs guy.

    After reach that goal, i'm gonna do at least 2 meals a day. The 16/8 is very convenient to me so will be probably that.


    EDIT: Going to add some info.

    I went to the nutritionist 3 times on the period and measured everything.

    Lost 12% of body fat.

    My muscle didn't drop and stayed still at 39 kilograms.

    So basically all the weight i lost was pure fat, yes sir, 70 pounds of fat.

    submitted by /u/Riptansky
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    Breathing while exercising

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Im a slim and tall body type. I've played a lot of sports throughout my life, but for some reason when I play now (past year) I run out of breath pretty quick. I'm very quick in bursts, but can't sustain much. Even when I'm weight lifting I need to pause to catch my breath, not even for my muscles. Maybe I'm breathing wrong? And advice would be great

    Fuck my inbox

    submitted by /u/MaxXx24
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    Ideas for third graders being home schooled right now?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Hey what's up! I'm a third grade teacher whose school is shut down right now. I am sending my kids their school work via dropbox right now and want to include some cool ideas for physical activities in their own home. Do you guys have any creative, fun ideas for 9 year olds?

    submitted by /u/whatswrongboy
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    30 min 5k everyday or 1 hour 10k with rest days

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Corona cancelled my soccer training and matches and I still wanna exercise while quarantined. The only equipment I have is a treadmill that goes 10km/h max (so 30 min/5k). I ran a 30min 5k today and it wasn't really difficult for me tbh, but I don't really wanna run a 1 hour 10k because running for 1 hour straight is too much of a drag. So should I do 30 min 5ks everyday or 1 hour 10ks with rest days and if it's the 2nd one how many rest days should I take

    submitted by /u/PooPooPPThrowaway
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    Victory Sunday

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Victory Sunday Thread

    It is Sunday, 6:00 am here in the eastern half of Hyder, Alaska. It's time to ask yourself: What was the one, best thing you did on behalf of your fitness this week? What was your Fitness Victory?

    We want to hear about it!

    So let's hear your fitness Victory this week! Don't forget to upvote your favorite Victories!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Help with the summer Bod

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    Right hello guys. Back In September of 2019 I began a weight loss program. I'm 18, 6ft 4 (male) and weight 107KG. As of a week ago I am 85KG. I am proud of what I have done so far but with this whole isolation situation I though, why don't I do a home work out 4 days a week and start to build some muscle. I was probably eating around the 1500cal mark and over the last week I've been eating 2200 and worked out 4 days. Now according to my BMR, I should be eating close to 1900 cal a day to maintain my weight so I thought that if I did a avg 40min work out using around 300cal. Eating 2200-2300 cal should help me gain muscle without gaining to much fat. However in the last week I've gained 0.9KG, which surprised me. I also feel like for someone who's 85-86KG, I look pretty fat.

    Anyway, the question is, how have I gained that much? Is it muscle mass, water or fat mostly? And if fat, how when I have not been eating a shit load over my RMR?

    Should I go back to cutting until around 80KG and get my body fat down before trying to gain the muscle?

    I can link pictures if needed

    Edit: pictures

    submitted by /u/Mad_Matt15
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    Training Split when I have Dumbbells and a deadlift bar

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Training Split in quarantine when I have barbells and a deadlift bar (no squats or bench)

    Hallo! Im Training To figure out how to train the next weeks. I'm usually a power lifter so not benching and squatting is weird to me but I'll survive. I have a barbell for deadlifts/rows and weights. And i have Dumbbells. Also a pull-up bar. What's a good split for me?

    submitted by /u/Closeted_desk
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    Breathing during various types of arm raises

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    How do you breathe during arm raises? My natural tendency is to reverse the general pattern of my breathing: in on the negative, out on the positive. I've seen sources and received in-person advice both to maintain that general pattern and to reverse it.

    So I'm wondering if anyone has investigated this in any way, maybe had the same question and took the time to research online. I'm not ideological about such things; I'm assuming there are pros and cons. My off-the-cuff thinking is that the natural tendency is to reverse breathing because the diaphragm is able to assist the lift, if by no other means than by expanding the ribs to aid in abducting the arms. But I'm stuck on whether that's desirable or not. Maybe I don't want to make such a habit of coordinating my diaphragm into those lifts.

    What do you do? Do you do it consistently? And how do you justify it, if you justify it at all?

    Edit: I seem to be catching some shade for posting a 'tree' question and not a 'forest' question. I realize this isn't exactly 80:20 stuff. I'm familiar with all the 80:20 stuff and this, to me, is an interesting question. If it's not interesting to some people, or it's causing your eyes to strain when they roll into the back of your head, then...you're welcome for the eye workout...jk, sorry for the shit post then ;)

    submitted by /u/hOprah_Winfree-carr
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    Gym equipment for home?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Hey all

    Since my gym is closed and I still want to work out. I was wondering in buying some equipment to train at home.

    I was thinking about things like a yoga mat, dumbbells and those stretch bands.

    However, I honestly have no clue. I live in dorms, so my room isn't that big. (Which mostly means that I do not have a lot of space to store big equipment)

    Do you guys have any tips which equipment would be the most useful?

    Thank you all in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Zmulburr
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    Feeling only one side while doing bench press

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    I don't know if it's the right sub to ask. I'm only feeling my right pectoral when I'm doing bench press. I have a picc line on my left arm, can this be the reason why I don't feel my left pectoral ? I know it's weird. I haven't done bench press in a while because, you know, cancer, but I never had this problem before

    submitted by /u/girlscloutcookie
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    Oblique exercises

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    I've got strong abs, but I have a hard time targeting my obliques. I feel like bicycle kicks and mountain climbers aren't hitting my obliques as hard as I want them to, and instead I feel them more in my abdominals. Any suggestions on how I can target my obliques better?

    submitted by /u/ampwoolson
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    Standard 1" Barbell : Going above max weight capacity?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    So in short, after losing all hope that gyms will re-open in the near future, I went on a hunt for some emergency equipement. Was able to find rack and a bench on classifieds. All fitness stores are being emptied and very few items are left. Was only able to grab a standard barbell rated 250 lbs. Can I safely go above that number, lets say around 300?

    True story, I never thought I would do a line up to go shop in a freaking fitness store, which I did today. I also went to 4 different stores, and all the plates were gone. Gym rats sure are thirsty right now LOL

    submitted by /u/Taiga666
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    Does Running Maintain Muscle Mass

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I am pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but I was curious as to whether or not running 6 times a week (10 to 12.5k) would help maintain any of my leg muscle mass? I am still lifting weights at home (zercher squats, split squats and RDLs) to help out, but I am just curious if the running is helping at all (a bit like with cycling).

    submitted by /u/fugdkn
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    How to make a (safe) bench out of household items?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I bought a 13 pound barbell, 140 pounds of plates. It's not much, but I can overhead press, row, deadlift, squat, and floor press. However, I'm trying to make myself a bench press set up. How would you guys go about trying to make one while keeping safe.

    submitted by /u/avgsizedperson
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