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    Tuesday, August 3, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: How do I know what to start with?

    Beginner Fitness: How do I know what to start with?

    How do I know what to start with?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    So this is gonna sound possibly like a stupid question cause it kinda is but, when you start lifting weights. What weight is it recommended to start at? Are you supposed to lift as heavy as you can stand from the start, or are you supposed to start with weights that are almost nothing to you and then slowly add on and build from there?

    submitted by /u/Due-Ice-761
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    Looking to nip weight gain in the bud before it gets bad.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    I (19M) have always been skinny and lanky with an extremely fast metabolism. I've generally been underweight for my whole life (125lbs at 5'10") and so I have pretty much eaten a pretty terrible diet all my life. Lots of processed foods, empty calories and sugary drinks.

    In the past couple months I have gained weight around my stomach and have a slightly noticeable bulge there, as well as some excess skin along my torso. It's not horrible but it's definitely something I do not want. Last time I weighed in at around 140lbs (still 5'10").

    I don't really "exercise", but I do ride my bike a mile to and from work 5 days a week, and I have been making an effort to drink more water, less soda and eat healthier things like like natural meats. I'm looking for any sort of advice that could help me get more fit in this way.

    submitted by /u/SMBXxer
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    Super sets and drop sets for a beginner

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Hey I'm a 16yo beginner lifter,started a month ago and now I'm following this split :

    Day 1 Push, Day 2 Pull, Day 3 Legs, Day 4 Rest, Day 5 Upper, Day 6 Lower, Day 7 Rest,

    I usually do a bi and tri superset on my upper body day(day 5) to increase the volume while saving time I also like to incorporate drop sets when I feel like doing them.

    Here's my set distribution (in sets/week)

    Back : 17 (+3 trap specific), Shoulders,Pecs : 14 each, Biceps, Triceps :10 each, Legs : 38

    Is this optimal for maximum gainzzzzz?

    submitted by /u/TheDopeKidUHate
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