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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: How do I know what to do at the gym?

    Beginner Fitness: How do I know what to do at the gym?

    How do I know what to do at the gym?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    I've never really been on a consistent workout routine but I want to start going to the gym regularly. I'm going to try and get some cardio in every day but in terms of lifting what's the best way to learn what machines work what muscles, how much weight should I do, how many reps, etc. I really want to start but don't know how or where.

    submitted by /u/braedenlittle224
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    Best exercises for a beginner with just dumbells and a bench

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    so ive just started to look into working out and bought myself a bench and pair of adjustable dumbells of my friend, im just not really sure what exercises i should be doing for each respective area. Im only really looking to workout my upper body cause currently my legs are way bigger than the rest of my body due to cycling being my main sport. Just general names of the exercises i should be doing would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Reynoldsssssz
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    Stair Climber vs. Treadmill

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Hello! I have just started going to the gym after a month and a half of home workouts, and I have been going to the gym for roughly a week and a half. My routine includes a 25 minute incline treadmill workout. I was wondering which would be more effective for building glute muscle. Should I stick with the treadmill or switch to a stair climber routine? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/saltypotato115
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    Having a bit of a struggle coming up with a good exercise routine to fit my equipment and schedule

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm sure you get a ton of these questions, sorry for adding another. I'm just trying to find some consistency with my workouts as I'm currently overwhelmed by all the information, programs, terminology and methods that are out there

    So I'm a 38 year old guy, 6'1" tall weighing about 177 pounds. I'm not in terrible shape but I'm starting to notice some chunk in areas I don't really want it and I'm getting winded doing some fairly basic physical stuff.

    Over the winter I bought some gym equipment for my garage and attempted to follow some of the advice on the various subreddits and forums and quickly found myself overwhelmed by all the programs that are out there and all the variables and parameters and things to have to keep track of and adjust on a day to day basis and eventually just found myself going to the garage, doing whatever various workouts I felt would be good for the day and called it quits.

    I just had a baby and typically workout when she's napping which leaves me between 30 minutes to an hour to get a workout in depending on how bitchy she's being!

    After a month or two I found myself not making any progress with my fitness and very de-motivated and let myself go for a bit too long.

    Here's an example of my more recent workouts in trying to get back in to it:

    The other day I went in, did 3x8 bench, 3x8 curls, 3x8 squats then did some overhead press until I felt tired then took the next day off, so today I planning on doing pretty much the same thing but maybe switch curls with... something else, not sure what yet.

    Here's the equipment I have in my garage, I feel like it's plenty enough to get some good workouts in!

    • Squat rack w/ 35 pound bar, 2x25lb plates and 2x10lb plates
    • Squat rack has a pullup bar, but I can't do a pullup :|
    • 2x5lb barbells, 2x10lb barbells
    • Flat bench
    • I also don't mind going for runs, some days I'll run a couple miles as my work out but I'm not sure if I should run AND work out on the same day...

    Using the equipment above I'm wondering if anyone could help me create a plan that works with my gear and isn't so overwhelming for me to follow, something that'll get me in to the gym, get a good workout and done before my kid wakes up.

    Thanks for any help guys

    submitted by /u/ZeppelinJ0
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