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    Wednesday, July 14, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Hi. does lifting weights help me lose belly fat?

    Beginner Fitness: Hi. does lifting weights help me lose belly fat?

    Hi. does lifting weights help me lose belly fat?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm sorry if this question sounds stupid. I've started to workout at home from a few days. I'm not that overweight, i just have little fat over my waist and hips. (love handles as they say). I've started to workout using those apps that has exercises. I've done it before without lifting any weights, didn't help much. so I'm using two 5kg dumbbells now. I've noticed it helps to gain muscles around my arms etc. but does that help me lose belly fat? if not, what kind of exercise should i follow for that?

    thank you.

    edit: I'm 5 '9 and 90kg. 21M.

    submitted by /u/KingsmanVishnu
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    How do I make a workout plan?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Hello, apologies if my question is basic or annoying, but id like to know how it is I would make a plan for the gym I've recently started attending. If you'd need any details, feel free to ask in the comments.

    submitted by /u/RepulsiveMarketing10
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    How to view calories in/out and exercising.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Sports nutritionist said 1950 calories is my maintenance. So if I want to lose weight I need to drop that by 500 cal. I am currently doing between 1250-1500 cal/day. Should I eat more being that I workout everyday? Most likely burn about 500 per workout. Or stick with the 1250-1500?

    submitted by /u/PizzaboySteve
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    does my workout have too many exercises?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Hi, I've been doing a PPL workout for the last 10 days with around 9 exercises with 3 sets each for each day, is that too much? here are my push and pull workouts:

    Push day 1:

    CHEST: - Weighted decline PU (4x10) - Cross-body upper chest fly (3x10) - Lower chest Cavalier crossover (3x10)

    TRICEPS: - Dips (lateral head) - 3x11 - One-arm tricep extension (long head) - 3x11 - Reverse-grip Pushdown (medial head) - 3x11

    SHOULDERS: - Stretch front raise (Front delt) - 3x11 - Face pull (Rear delt) - 3x11 - Long lateral raises (Mid delt) - 3x11

    PULL DAY 1:

    BICEPS: - No-money curl (shorthead) - 3x11 - Close grip supination curl (Longhead) - 3x11 - Hammer curl (Brachialis) - 3x11

    BACK: Lats: - Band bell rows (3x12) - High to low kneeling row (3x12)

    Midback - romboids, midtraps - Zeus rows (3x12) - Wrap around row (3x12)

    Upper back - upper traps - Banded shrug (3x12)

    Lower back - superman press out (3x11)

    submitted by /u/M_Grimes
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    I don't know if I'm ready for strength training yet...

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    So basically, I heard that you need to lose weight before starting strength training. I don't think I'm overweight, but I do have chubby thighs and a bit of fat on my stomach. I've been doing HIIT for the past month, but I don't see much of a difference. Do y'all think I should just start strength training? Will it work?

    Dunno if this is relevant, but I'm 16F, 5'7 and I think somewhere between 115-125 pounds (my scale's broken).

    submitted by /u/CrypticWeirdo9105
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    Current weights dont make me feel like im progressing, larger ones feel like they're injuring me

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys so i am a large guy, currently working hard at the gym 3-4 times a week to get some muscle and lose some fat.

    I have been using the non-free weight machines targeting loads of different parts of my body, the issue is even doing 5-8 sets of 20 with each i no longer ache the next day or feel like im pushing my body at all. I cant do more as my muscles are emptied out of their energy but also heavier weights tend to make my knees hurt (leg press, extensions) or make my shoulders hurt almost immediately. How can i overcome this ?

    submitted by /u/samuelma
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