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    Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Start Your Handstand Journey | Basics of Handstands For Beginners

    Beginner Fitness: Start Your Handstand Journey | Basics of Handstands For Beginners

    Start Your Handstand Journey | Basics of Handstands For Beginners

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    The Basics of Handstands For Beginners

    Hey guys, made a new video about the first and most important step of learning how to handstand - Learning the right form & Developing endurance.

    Let me know if you want me to create videos about the other 2 stages - learning to disengage from the wall and working on free holds

    submitted by /u/Thegroundedman
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    skinny fat?? tips on how to fix this

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    hi! i am 21 yr old female, and i consider myself skinny fat — i have a normal BMI and appear skinny, my arms are sticks and my legs are fairly thin too but i carry a lot of fat in my stomach area, and by a lot, i mean a lot. i don't do any exercise, pretty sedentary and also don't eat as much as i should (which probably is the reason i am like this). i want to make a lifestyle change and get my stomach flatter, while becoming healthier overall. i have read a lot about eating more protein, doing resistance training and lifting weights but not sure on how to start and what my diet should even look like. should i do a caloric deficit? surplus? since i probably don't meet my daily caloric need, i don't know whether i should start eating properly and avoid any surplus or deficits. i am very new to working out and literally can not even do a push-up. would love to get some tips on how to start and what my workout/diet should look like! thanks!

    submitted by /u/kdjdjrjfjr
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    why doesn’t anyone talk about this?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Idk how long you have to be lifting to get out of 'beginner' fitness, but i'm a little under 1.5 years of heavy weight lifting. I've gone from about ~120lbs to as of an hour ago 197.4lbs since i started. i've had family/friends recognize my ✨transformation✨ yet when i look in the mirror i'm still 120lbs. If i would've known about the awful body dismorphia that came with 'bodybuilding' (used very loosely) idk id i would've started. if you've been dealing with this, or have found a way to combat it, i'll take anything. thanks.

    submitted by /u/toexjam
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    Movement Teacher Answering Fitness Questions All Day Today on YouTube

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    My partner (Bren Veziroglu) is a movement teacher with a biochemistry degree and he's answering fitness, health, and movement questions on Youtube for 10 hours straight today.

    He holds two state powerlifting records and has studied with teachers such as Ido Portal, Caio Terra, Tom Weksler, Yuri Marmerstein, and Shai Faran. His skillsets include a strong background in strength training, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, hand balancing, and improvisation-based contemporary dance. He also uses modern concepts from pain science, anatomy, and motor learning to rehabilitate old injuries while improving strength, mobility, and balance.

    Ask him anything fitness related? Especially if you have any questions about movement, nutrition, body building, and pain science.

    Here's the link.

    submitted by /u/sirisaacmewwwton
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    Running as a warm up/cool down?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. 29M here, been going to the gym for the last month or so with the goal of losing some quarantine weight and gaining some strength and muscle mass. Also have been eating healthier and have noticed some small increases in muscle mass and decreases in belly fat (I'm down a notch on my belt!).

    I'm curious what people's thoughts are on my running at the start/end of my workout. The routine that I've fallen into is:


    -20min on treadmill (walking->jogging->running->jogging->walking)

    -workout on machines (usually 3-4 machines; 3 sets of 8-10 reps per machine; been slowly increasing weight)

    -10-15min on treadmill (walking->jogging->walking)

    My thought was that the treadmill at the beginning/end of the workout was a good way to warm up and cool down. What are yall's thoughts? If it's relevant I am 5'8 185lb- no specific weight goals, just hoping to continue losing weight in my abdomen and increasing my muscle mass. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/fitnessnoobie999
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    How much should a teen eat when weight lifting?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    I'm 16 and I have been wanting to start weight lifting for a couple years now but I do not know how much food I should be eating and what types of food I should be eating. Also do you guys know any sites where that has a lot of good information on weight lifting

    submitted by /u/Impressive__
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    Advice on increasing running stamina?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    I started running a few months ago and I went up from 10 minutes in one go top to 50 if I push myself. However I have noticed that for the last month my stamina hasn't changed at all, I'm stuck at 50. I run 2-3 times a week if that is important. I'd like to know if there is a reason for that lack of progression and if I can do anything to keep improving.

    submitted by /u/CBT7commander
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    How many of you

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Struggle with breathing???? And why.

    As someone that got injured from paradoxical breathing because of my serratus posterior superior

    I am curious if anyone experiences issues with their accessory breathing muscles

    submitted by /u/rwbylov27
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