• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 17, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Out of total body dumbbell exercises, here I'm sharing with you An Ultimate Guide To The Dumbbell Leg Exercises that you can do at home. These exercises strengthen and tone your lower body muscles such as the quad, hamstring, glutes, and calves. Try these at home, I hope they'll be useful for you.

    Beginner Fitness: Out of total body dumbbell exercises, here I'm sharing with you An Ultimate Guide To The Dumbbell Leg Exercises that you can do at home. These exercises strengthen and tone your lower body muscles such as the quad, hamstring, glutes, and calves. Try these at home, I hope they'll be useful for you.

    Out of total body dumbbell exercises, here I'm sharing with you An Ultimate Guide To The Dumbbell Leg Exercises that you can do at home. These exercises strengthen and tone your lower body muscles such as the quad, hamstring, glutes, and calves. Try these at home, I hope they'll be useful for you.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    It's a start

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    It definitely is not anything to brag about, but I am proud. I was doing 3 miles a day on the elliptical about 2 months ago, until life happened and I fell off the wagon. I got on the scale the other day, weighed in at 305.5, and again was reminded I need to make a change. I got back on the elliptical today and did 2 miles. Hoping to remain consistent.

    My question is this. For weight loss is it best to work towards distance? Or is it better to do a higher intensity for a shorter period of time like 15 minutes, and add some dumbbell exercises?

    The tools that I have available to me are elliptical, resistance bands, and dumbbells.

    submitted by /u/hakesjos
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    How do I meet my protein needs if I am a vegetarian nd whey protein is way too expensive?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    The title says it. I am tired of eating soya chunks and tofu and even chickpeas everyday.Plus they have high carbs. Whey protein is really really expensive where I live cause they are all imported. I am 20F and I have been going to the gym for three months now. Should I just focus on calories instead of protein until I get to a better place?

    submitted by /u/_drinksomewater
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    Workout apps

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    Hello my people! Any suggestions for a free workout app that shows me what the heck to do without injuring myself?

    submitted by /u/itsme303_
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    Bodyweight Workout || No Equipment

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Anyone else slowly go from athletic to total slob

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Anyone else go from athlete to total slob sitting around all day too lazy to do anything once you got into that career you always wanted to be in? How do we get back to doing things. I'm getting unfit. I even got a gym membership but I don't even go because it's too packed when I can and the mornings I can't even wake up smh. Also corona cancelled my usual sports. An endless pit I can't climb out of.

    submitted by /u/LousyEngineer
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